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Astrological monthly forecast for August 2024

August 2024 calls on our patience and perseverance.

The first half of August 2024 can be considered the calm before the storm.

August 2024 opens strongly with a dynamic New Moon on August 4, 2024 in fiery Leo, in which creativity and connection reign supreme with the power of Mars and Jupiter in Gemini.
More about this New Moon and the influence on all zodiac signs under NEWS on this website.

Jupiter gets innovative wings in mental Gemini.
This uninhibited dynamic is demanding, wants distraction and above all enjoyment under the warm rays of the Sun in Leo.
Jupiter in Gemini is also blind fascination for something or someone and go crazy when reality is lost from sight.

We may close our eyes to what is really going on.

Mercury is retrograde from August 5 to 27, 2024 (from 04°06 Virgo to 21°24 Leo), so we all have to deal with it.
This month, we have to take into account problems in logistics, freight transport, planning, trade, communication, data processing, transport and (air) traffic, computer science, technology companies, employment contracts, disruptions in supply, education and real estate market, bankruptcies and layoffs.
More about this Mercury Retrograde and its influence on all zodiac signs under NEWS on this website.

From mid-August 2024, the dynamic and innovative energy of Jupiter will be further disrupted when optimism and reality collide.

Due to the influence of Jupiter square Saturn from August 17 to 23, 2024, August 2024 may be the start of a challenging economic period that will continue until mid-2025, a long-term global financial restructuring.

This square between Jupiter and Saturn represents an important turning point within the larger cycle that started in 2020 with the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn (Corona crisis).

This is the first of three exact squares of Jupiter and Saturn. The second square will occur on December 24, 2024 and the third square on June 15, 2025.

Saturn is the opposite force of Jupiter, causing plans to be reconsidered. Saturn retrograde in Pisces is a period of evaluation when outdated and outdated ways and beliefs are challenged and the progress of innovative projects is slowed.

Jupiter square Saturn is a geopolitical tension of growth and limitation, struggle, crisis of faith, dissatisfaction, disillusionment or confusion about the economy, politics, moral values, good and evil. Financial markets worldwide are in disarray, there is social unrest and an increase in natural disasters. Europe faces political instability and job losses.

During this Mercury retrograde, Mars is close to Jupiter in Gemini.
The volatile Mars/Jupiter conjunction wants nothing more than progress, but there are frustrations due to Mercury retrograde. Public opinion can change from one moment to the next.

From August 15 to 17, 2024 Mars’ exact conjunction with Jupiter in Gemini square retrograde Saturn in Pisces can be considered a cosmic blockage, a cosmic stop sign.
Saturn retrograde slows down and constricts, but Mars/Jupiter wants to push through!

The exact square Jupiter square Saturn (August 19 and 20, 2024) coincides with the Democratic National Convention in Chicago from August 19 to 22, 2024.

The influence of this first square of Jupiter and Saturn lasts until mid-September 2024.
Retrograde Pluto has returned to 29º Capricorn.
Frustrations, obstacles and delays can then arise regarding infrastructure, traffic, employment, immigration, housing, healthcare and welfare.
A tension aspect of turmoil and upheaval, pushing and pulling, muscle flexing and bold statements.

We will face disappointing economic results and negative stock market sentiment until the end of December 2024, as well as a major decline in currency flows such as crypto currencies and Bitcoin.
Now that Ceres is going retrograde in Capricorn, in addition to an economic recession wave, we also have to take food scarcity into account.

Polarization and contradictions will then become even more pronounced and this could be the prelude to a global economic crisis that will have a major influence on political decision-making in the next five years.
More about this Jupiter square Saturn and its influence on all zodiac sings under NEWS on this website.

The Full Super Moon of August 19, 2024 in freedom-loving Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus, indicating a tense, rebellious energy that is intertwined with personal freedom. The Sun is conjunct retrograde Mercury in Leo, so we can expect revealing news about something that happened in the past.
Due to the influence of the Super Moon, there may be spring tides or high tides, landslides or floods in the coastal areas of the US, Japan, Sri Lanka, Indonesia and the coastal areas of India.
More about this Full Moon and the influence on all zodiac signs under NEWS on this website.

With the entry of the Sun into the earth sign Virgo from August 23, 2024, an energy is generated that can be described as: “let’s do it together”.

The end of August 2024 has a planetary surprise in store for us:
a planetary parade of six planets Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune!
The previous planetary parade was on June 3, 2024. This planetary parade underlines the special and transformative times in which we live.

From August 28, 2024, Mercury will go direct again in Leo, but we are not yet out of the retrograde shadow, which will last until September 14, 2024.

Venus in Libra can positively influence relationships, partnerships and collaborations from August 30 to September 23, 2024. The energy of Venus in Libra looks for the common denominator and goes for fair solutions in business and economic partnerships.

Uranus in Taurus will takes over from Mercury and goes retrograde from September 1, 2024.
This retrograde period is a kind of ‘breathing space’ in this rapidly changing world.
On a collective level, retrograde Uranus’ partnership with Neptune and Pluto will bring about positive collective change.
In the coming months we will increasingly see the influence of climate activism and young politicians.

The need to adjust our expectations and take responsibility is a natural part of the current cosmic climate we currently find ourselves in. An individual and collective turning point.

Over the next two years, the outer planets are shifting from slow Earth and Water to fast Air and Fire, so we are entering a maelstrom of change.
Linear time is shifting and accelerating on our evolutionary path.

Wishing everyone a safe August 2024.
Marlies Goovers

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