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Most personal planets will be at the underside of the Gemini horoscope in August 2022.
The Night. The Night is about inner processing, evaluation, recovery and preparation. August 2022 focuses on personal life, career and finances. Your health and relationships both professionally and personally require extra attention this month. August 2022 is a demanding month with average results.

Love and Relationships
In the committed relationship, there may be a widening gap or less commitment, but at the end of the month, you want nothing more than to be together and share. The triple conjunction between Uranus, Mars and the North Node in Taurus on August 1 and 2, 2022 may indicate some resistance, and that has to do with confidence. There is criticism or people get knocked up and tempers may flare. It would be wise to avoid conflict, as there is no real chance of a solution or compromise. With retrograde Jupiter in Aries in the 11th House of Group Processes and Social Involvement, the process of cooperation is slowed down and Gemini faces fear or restlessness. Collaboration is not self-evident. Love is a verb. That means you always have to work to keep a relationship strong. In a relationship you have to be able to give and take. No one is perfect, not you, and neither is your partner. It’s about being willing to admit mistakes and recognize that no one is perfect. August 2022 is favorable for traveling together.

Family and Home
Due to the influence of the New Moon in Leo of July 28, 2022, there will be developments in your private life in the first half of August 2022, such as changes at school or the search for the right education or field of study for yourself or your children. Children demand a lot of attention and they do it to feel safe and loved. Brothers and sisters, close friends or others in your immediate environment also require extra attention. The triple conjunction of Mars, Uranus and the North Node in Taurus on August 1 and 2, 2022 can be the source of conflict when these individuals feel left out. Keep talking to each other, but pay attention to what you say and how you get the message across. The New Moon in Virgo of August 27, 2022 falls in your House of Family and Home and that means: action! In the next two weeks there are building plans or there may be a move, repair or renovation to the house, major cleaning, buying or selling a house. There can be a conflict between career and problems at home. You have to find the right balance between both fields of attention.

Asteroid Ceres will also pass through Leo in August 2022, a period of great mental energy and drive to pursue ideas, plans and take action. However, August 2022 will also be marked by a triple conjunction between Uranus, Mars and the North Node in Taurus in your 12th House. This transit on August 1 and 2, 2022 may indicate some resistance. You cannot rely on others, there is criticism or people fail. It would be wise to avoid conflict, as there is no real chance of a solution or compromise. With retrograde Jupiter in Aries in the 11th House of Group Processes and Social Involvement, the process of cooperation is slowed down and Gemini faces fear or restlessness. Networking and teamwork will not run as smoothly, but luckily you will receive support from the positive energy of Venus in Leo from August 12, 2022. The Full Moon of August 12, 2022 falls into your House of Travel and Higher Education and it shows good results for students and the legal world. Sales and marketing techniques, a study trip or business trip can lead to great results.

Venus travels through Cancer until August 11, 2022, which is the 2nd House of Finance for Gemini. The month of August 2022 shows a favorable picture financially. The financial position may improve in the first half of August 2022 due to the presence of Venus in Cancer in the second House of Finance. Money can be released or outstanding payments can be made or Gemini gets financial support from the parents, a promotion at work or more sales in the company. With the collaboration of retrograde Jupiter in Aries, there can be gains through collaboration or participation in long-term projects. Keep in mind that delay and ego conflicts can occur.

At the beginning of August 2022, there will be a triple conjunction between Mars, Uranus and the North Node in Taurus in the House of Cosmic Consciousness and Letting Go. This influence causes unrest, makes you hyperactive which can lead to anger. The evolutionary influence of Uranus in Taurus in the House of Cosmic Consciousness and Letting Go will force you to let go of old patterns of behavior and emotional baggage. More and more things are coming to light. Things from the past, but you also discover things about yourself. You finally learn who you really are. For your personal growth, you must learn to let go of past and destructive habits that hold you back in your development. It is important that you use your energies well in August 2022. You have to take action yourself. Get moving and don’t be discouraged. You demand a lot from yourself. Your body thinks differently about that. Your body sets its own limits, so avoid mental overload. Take your rest and go to bed on time! Regular training is good and your efforts will pay off at the end of this month. From August 21, 2022, you can suffer from fever, irritations, respiratory infection or swelling of hands and fingers due to Mars in Gemini.

Mars will travel through Gemini from August 21, 2022 to mid-January 2023. During that six-month dynamic period from Mars in the first House of Personality, Gemini is hyperactive causing you to do everything at once, including making hasty decisions or making judgments without thinking carefully. More haste less speed. Don’t go from one extreme to the other, but try to find the balance. August 2022 marks a psychologically challenging period, but by taking more care of your mental and physical health, everything can turn around for the better. Take better care of yourself, worry less about others or worry about your career or other things. What is more important than your health and well-being?

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