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PISCES ♓️ April 2025
(February 19 – March 20)

April 2025 offers a range of opportunities to fulfill your desires and ambitions!
With your astrological ruler Neptune in Aries comes a reevaluation of your values regarding money and possessions. Neptune in Aries is about finding spiritual fulfillment and generating income that aligns with your spiritual values, such as writing books, poetry and music. Trust the universe, embrace opportunities for growth, and take bold steps towards spiritual fulfillment.

Love and Relationships
Mars remains in Cancer (5th House of Love) until April 18, 2025, bringing a sensual wave of passionate desire for love and togetherness. Love is in full swing with Mars in Cancer!
The single Pisces finds love in April 2025 during creative activities or a cultural excursion.
The Full Moon in Libra on April 13, 2025 is about balance, about give and take, both financially and emotionally. Your expectations may be too high and that can lead to friction.
The ultimate relationship does not exist, so let go of that illusion.
From April 13, 2025, Venus also goes direct in Pisces, and that means a turning point for your love adventures and progress comes where there was previously stagnation.
Emotionally, April 2025 is the best period for a new relationship, marriage, business contract or serious commitment, to make a partnership official or to end a deadlocked relationship.
From April 19, 2025, communication must be done in relationships. There may be doubt. Well-intentioned advice does not always have to be good. Listen, but follow your own golden path.

Family and Home
Gemini represents the 4th House of Family and Home. The Great Benefactor Jupiter in Gemini in the 4th House of Family and Home, place of residence, homeland and your family is a search for emotional security and unity, inner peace and tranquility in your home, family, past and how you think about yourself.
In this turbulent month you are looking for peace and quiet within the safe walls of your home port.
You are not granted much rest, because a lot can change which means you have to take action to prepare for a busy period. So be flexible!
The New Moon in Taurus of April 27, 2025 falls in the 3rd House of Communication, Connection and Education. With this New Moon, Pisces will orient itself about school, courses and training. Pisces gets new friends and neighbors. This New Moon also inspires to set boundaries and look at things from a practical perspective. Pisces gets news about a living situation that has been confusing or distracting.

Mercury remains retrograde in Pisces until April 7, 2025 and Venus remains retrograde in Pisces until April 12, 2025. In the first half of 2025, there may be delays and friction in dealing with others.
Whatever is postponed or delayed: See it as preparation, because in the second half of April 2025 you will get a second chance!
The transit of Mars in Leo from April 18, 2025 (to June 17, 2025) is an energetic and productive period. Pisces is then more motivated to get things done and to bring structure and order into your life. Favorable period to look for work, for study purposes or for a new project.
The second half of April 2025 is favorable for making professional decisions. Make choices that you can confidently support.

The partial Solar Eclipse in Aries on March 29, 2025 fell in your second House of Finances. This Solar Eclipse in the 2nd House will bring Pisces good financial news this month. Pisces is also becoming more aware of material attachments: the things we think we can’t live without.
What was important to you a year ago is no longer important.
The Full Moon in Libra on April 13, 2025 falls in your 8th House of Shared Wealth, Taxes, Insurance, Mortgage, etc. Under the light of the Full Moon, money is released through a credit, mortgage or from an insurance, tax, alimony, repayment or loan, inheritance or salary increase from your partner. Entering into financial partnerships and
agreements, restructuring your expenses, tax advice, speculation and financial negotiations are favored by the Full Moon. Neptune in Aries makes it more difficult to stick to financial plans.
Make sure you always have the right information.

April 2025 is a busy month. Depending on your energy level, busyness can be good or bad for you. Pay attention to your boundaries, because there is a risk of burnout due to the influence of Mars in Leo. The transit of Mars in Leo from April 19, 2025 (6th House of Health) is a favorable transit for physical remedies such as physiotherapy, massages and acupuncture.
The transit of Mars in Leo (until June 6, 2025) affects your immune system. You may be tired more quickly and you may also suffer from headaches, infection, fever or colds.
Due to the transit of Pluto in Aquarius in the twelfth House of Cosmic Consciousness, Pisces is in a psychological and spiritual purification process of processing trauma and guilt from your past or even from previous lives.

Mars remains in Cancer (5th House of Love) until April 18, 2025 and is the perfect time for vacationing, fun activities, dating, hobbies or sports.
Don’t be afraid to ask for advice when you need it.
By staying true to yourself and being flexible, everything will be fine.

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