Friday, August 26, 2022
Friday, August 26, 2022
Venus is astrologically associated with Friday! The Waning Crescent Moon is conjunct Venus in Leo and trine retrograde Jupiter in Aries. This beautiful planetary meeting increases the social aspect of this transit, making us open to new ideas and innovations!
With this Moon/Venus energy it is mainly about appreciation and beauty. We have the need to connect with the feminine principle and hope to find it in the other as well.
The Moon is about what you perceive emotionally and with that you realize that life is also there to enjoy to the fullest! Yet there is a Moon square with retrograde Uranus in Taurus and an opposition to retrograde Saturn in Aquarius that makes us feel the need to go our own way or do the opposite of what is expected of us. Today we realize that we have to be content with what we have and what is there.