Monday, August 24, 2020
Monday, August 24, 2020
The Moon in Scorpio brings depth, intensifies emotions and brings out feelings that we prefer to hide from ourselves and the outside world. The Great Trine in Water between the Moon in Scorpio, Venus in Cancer and retrograde Neptune in Pisces inspires, however is foggy.
The Moon in Scorpio is opposite Uranus in Taurus, which makes the atmosphere restless. Troubled dreams, irritations and emotional moods and not knowing what exactly is going on. The ambitious Mars in Aries is square to retrograde Saturn in Capricorn and sets the bar too high or underestimates a situation. Mars square Saturn is a true slave driver, wants to continue, even if it is actually not possible.
Mercury in Virgo and retrograde Jupiter in Capricorn help regain control of health, finances, and everything that gives you a feeling of security.