Friday, March 22, 2019
Mars forms an exact sextile at 24º in Taurus with the North Node in Cancer and this aspect encourages us to do the right thing. Fighting for an ideal, standing up for someone or something. The Full Moon in Libra is square…
Mars forms an exact sextile at 24º in Taurus with the North Node in Cancer and this aspect encourages us to do the right thing. Fighting for an ideal, standing up for someone or something. The Full Moon in Libra is square…
Today the Sun enters the spring sign of Aries. The astronomical beginning of Spring, the Spring equinox, the feast of Ostara, the goddess of radiant light, growth and creation. Spring has begun! A particularly powerful period in which new energy can…
Today, the earthly connection between Mars in Taurus and Pluto in Capricorn is exact and on the threshold of the Spring Equinox this is a great constructive day for a new beginning! The earthly Moon in Virgo supports this practical…
Mars in Taurus is almost trine Pluto in Capricorn. This earth connection entails targeted and ambitious energy! This energy invites us to use our influence, take the initiative and put our shoulders to the wheel. There is much to be gained through…
Retrograde Mercury in Pisces trine Jupiter in Sagittarius sextile Mars in Taurus. So today, ongoing cases are being handled and discussed. A favorable position to take the lead or convince others of something. The fiery Moon in Leo is opposed to Venus in Aquarius.…
The Moon in Leo brings an enthusiastic, confident and determined energy. The Moon's square with Uranus in Taurus challenges you to face the music and never give up. Today we feel bolder. This proud Moon energy teaches us that obstacles…
The Moon in Cancer is sextile Mars in Taurus and trine retrograde Mercury and Neptune in Pisces. This flowing energy in the element Water stimulates imagination, but also makes us dreamy and very sensitive. The Moon in Cancer opposite Saturn in Capricorn and retrograde…
The Crescent Moon in Cancer deepen our feelings and gives us the opportunity to express what you feel. The Sun is conjunct retrograde Mercury at 24º in Pisces. Sensitivity and intuition are stronger with this gentle water energy. The sextile connection with…
The Sun in Pisces is sextile Pluto in Capricorn. The wisdom of this connection makes us aware that things have to change and gives us the strength and confidence to do so! Obstacles are not meant to make life more difficult. They…
The Moon in Taurus is trine Pluto in Capricorn and this earthly connection intensifies feelings and emotions. Everything is more intense, both your own feelings and those of others. Due to the sextile of the Moon with retrograde Mercury in Pisces, you can express…