Tuesday, May 2, 2023
The Sun forms a conjunction with retrograde Mercury in Taurus today. With this conjunction, a fusion of mind and action, we want to get to the heart of a matter. It is important to be in the here and now…
The Sun forms a conjunction with retrograde Mercury in Taurus today. With this conjunction, a fusion of mind and action, we want to get to the heart of a matter. It is important to be in the here and now…
Labour Day On the first day of May 2023, Pluto will station retrograde in Aquarius…. Until October 10, 2023, the transformative energy is focused on the individual, your intentions. The retrograde Pluto in Aquarius asks you: what is your contribution…
The Full Moon of May 5th, 2023 is a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse. The Sun, Earth and Moon are not completely aligned, putting the Moon in what is known as the Penumbra or Penunbra of the Earth. Eclipses are harbingers of…
The Waxing Gibbous Moon in the proud fire sign of Leo is sextile Venus in Gemini. This pleasant connection makes it easier to connect, find the right words, attract the good and find love! The Moon in Leo brings creativity,…
King’s Day The Moon in royal Leo is in its First Quarter Phase today. A turning point. This Moon asks us to first change or let go of old habits and ideas before moving on. In this time in which…
Dwarf planet Pluto, the last planet in our solar system, will go retrograde from May 1, 2023 at 0º Aquarius and will descend back into Capricorn on October 2023 at 27º Capricorn… Pluto retrograde is a period of purification of…
The Sun in earthly Taurus wants to get things off the ground! The Waxing Crescent Moon in Cancer is conjunct red warrior Mars sextile retrograde Mercury. Uranus in Taurus trine Neptune in Pisces replenishes that energy, making this Wednesday a…
The Waxing Crescent Moon in Cancer forms a trine with Saturn in Pisces. With this harmonic aspect we know how to deal with situations and cope with difficulties in a sober and realistic way. The Sun in Taurus is sextile…
Retrograde Mercury in Taurus sextile Mars in Cancer makes this Monday a busy and productive day. There is a lot of talking! Interesting news comes today. The Waxing Crescent Moon in Gemini is sextile Jupiter in Aries amplifies this energy,…
The Waxing Crescent Moon in Gemini is conjunct Venus in Gemini, forming a trine with .Pluto in Aquarius and square Saturn in Pisces. This planetary connection could lead to interesting conversations today. This Sunday is a real family day, it's…