Tuesday, April 3, 2018
The waning Moon is conjunct Jupiter in retrograde in Scorpio and forms beautiful aspects with Neptune in Pisces and Pluto in Capricorn. This day feels good! In itself an inspiring day to enjoy. A day to receive and to give.…
The waning Moon is conjunct Jupiter in retrograde in Scorpio and forms beautiful aspects with Neptune in Pisces and Pluto in Capricorn. This day feels good! In itself an inspiring day to enjoy. A day to receive and to give.…
Easter Monday The Moon has entered the deeper waters of Scorpio on her journey through the zodiac. Scorpio brings depth, intensifies emotions and brings out feelings that we prefer to hide from ourselves and the outside world. This Moon is sextile Mars…
Easter Sunday Today Venus enters her own earth sign of Taurus. The sensual energy of Venus in Taurus makes us long to enjoy life and have a good time. The Moon in Libra directs its silvery light on your relationships…
The Full Moon after the Spring equinox radiates in the sign Libra, the sign of Relationships, Balance, Love and Harmony. This fragile Full Moon is square on Mars and Saturn in Capricorn and is opposed to Mercury in retrograde in…
The almost Full Moon in Virgo is trine Pluto in Capricorn. A day of deep and exciting emotions. Unlike yesterday, we feel everything and everyone flawlessly thanks to this intense aspect. Clear observations and insights and a deep connection with your partner.…
The Crescent Moon in the earthly sign Virgo is trine Mars and Saturn in Capricorn and this energy shows positive and constructive energy. There are, however, contradictions today, so that this day may turn out to be the other way round. The…
The Moon in proud Leo is trine Venus and Uranus in Aries. This fiery innovative and social connection shows a very good day to make a decision and let your heart speak. Today a nice friendship can begin or you meet someone…
Today there is a completely different energy. The Moon in Leo makes enthusiastic, confident and determined. This Moon teaches us that obstacles are not there to make life more difficult, they are true challenges, encourage you to never give up…
Today, the Moon in the sensitive sign of Cancer is opposite Pluto in Capricorn. This tension square to Venus in Aries may lead to manipulation or power games in your relationship. Mistrust, jealousy and emotional downpours of oppressed and intense…
Today, The Moon in Cancer is opposing Saturn in Capricorn and square on Mercury in retrograde. On this hypersensitive day there are communication difficulties or challenges in the area of relationships and with people from your immediate environment. You feel…