Sunday, April 29, 2018
The Moon in Libra opposes Uranus in Aries and this energy makes the atmosphere restless. Because of the coming Full Moon it is harder to catch your sleep or you can be overwhelmed by sudden emotions that can cause tensions…
The Moon in Libra opposes Uranus in Aries and this energy makes the atmosphere restless. Because of the coming Full Moon it is harder to catch your sleep or you can be overwhelmed by sudden emotions that can cause tensions…
The crescent Moon in Libra is square Mars and Pluto in Capricorn. The Moon rules the sign of Cancer and Mars and Pluto rule over the intense sign of Scorpio. So this square guarantees tensions and an irritated or emotional atmosphere. We…
Even today Mars is conjunct Pluto in Capricorn, so even today there is a strong dominant energy. The Moon in Libra is opposite Mercury in Aries and square Saturn in retrograde in Capricorn. This T-square aspect can create a conflict…
Mars is conjunct Pluto in Capricorn today and tomorrow. This tough energy is focused on progress. Everything breathes ambition and perseverance. People want to be in charge. We can move mountains when these energies are used in a targeted manner.…
Venus, the planet of Love and Beauty, arrived on her journey through the zodiac in the airy sign of Gemini. With this change of sign our expectations rise and we see new possibilities reveal themselves to us. Venus, the Goddess…
The Full Moon, the magic moment when the Sun and Moon are exactly opposite each other is a moment of completion. Through the Sun in Taurus and the Moon in Scorpio we become aware of our deepest desires and inner…
Today, the Moon in Leo is square Jupiter in retrograde in Scorpio. Today we think big and we do not want to know anything about pettiness. A dynamic day to philosophize, to discuss or to think, alone or with others.…
Today the Moon in the proud Leo is in her First Quarter phase. She asks us to first change old habits and ideas or let go before going any further. In this period when the old one is exchanged for…
Today is the sensitive Moon in Cancer is square Uranus in Aries and opposite Mars and Pluto in Capricorn. This T-aspect is a tough aspect, especially since Pluto is also in retrograde today. All in all, this shows a restless, dynamic, but…
The Sun leaves the sign of Aries on its journey through the zodiac and shines its golden light over the earthly sign Taurus for the next thirty days. I would like to congratulate all people with the Sun in Taurus…