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The total Lunar Eclipse in Leo of 21 January 2019

The first Lunar Eclipse of 2019 is a total Lunar Eclipse.

It is the first Super Bloodmoon in a series of three Supermoons in 2019.
This total Lunar Eclipse can be observed in Western Europe, Asia, West Africa, most of North America, South America, Eastern Pacific Ocean, Western Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean and the Arctic Ocean.

The Moon is relatively “close” to Earth and is therefore larger and brighter than usual.
This total Lunar Eclipse on the first degree of the Leo/Aquarius axis can lead to unexpected and significant events in Europe, but especially in Great Britain.

The Lunar Eclipse faces Mercury in Capricorn and forms a square with Uranus in Aries.
The challenging T-square with Mercury in Capricorn and Uranus in Aries brings change, but also opportunities.
There will be unexpected events and shocking news that will have a major impact on us in the coming months such as computer failures or a worldwide cyber attack.
Travel plans can be frustrated.

Be careful what you say and especially with how you phrase things.
Expect the unexpected with this Lunar Eclipse!

A total Lunar Eclipse has a strong influence on our private lives.
The influence of Uranus in Aries causes anxiety, hypersensitivity, tension, mood swings and emotional reactions. Everything is experienced more intense and emotional.
However, due to the influence of Mercury square Uranus, we are able to view things from a different perspective. The reason why there’s imbalance.
Many makes a clean break with the past or are confronted with drastic private circumstances, so there is nothing else to do than to do this.

Venus in Sagittarius is square on Neptune in Pisces during this total Lunar Eclipse and Mars in Aries is square on Saturn in Capricorn.
We want things so bad, however it seems impossible to do.
The harder we try, the more resistance we get.

The Sun in Aquarius is cosmically supported by the fixed star Altair during this Lunar Eclipse.

Altair brings patience, confidence and courage during this erratic and unpredictable energy.

The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.

This total Lunar Eclipse of January 21, 2019 is a sequel to the Solar Eclipse of January 6, 2019 and is part of an Eclipse phase that will end with the total Solar Eclipse in Cancer on July 2, 2019.

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