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The partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus ♉️ of October 28, 2023

A Lunar Eclipse always takes place at the Full Moon, when the Sun (the Ego, the Conscious) and the Moon (the Feeling) are exactly opposite each other, with the Earth in between.
During a Lunar Eclipse, the shadow of the Earth falls completely or partially over the surface of the Moon, bringing unconscious feelings to the surface.

Eclipses are harbingers of great universal shifts in our personal and collective consciousness.

Lunar eclipses are culminations of emotional cycles and are universal references to major shifts and transformative changes that will occur in the short term and that will determine the development of worldly events for years to come.

They are collective turning points of purification, shaking us up to the core and intertwined with something that occurred about three months prior to the Eclipse.

The last Eclipse of 2023 is the partial Lunar Eclipse of October 28, 2023 at 5º09 in the Earth sign Taurus.

This partial but very powerful Lunar Eclipse can be seen in Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, United States of America, South America, the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Oceans, the Arctic and Antarctica.

The third and final Lunar Eclipse in Taurus concludes a cycle that began with the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on November 19, 2021 and the Solar Eclipse in Taurus on April 30, 2022.
The Venus-ruled earth sign Taurus is about money, financial markets, basic needs, security of existence, material security, stability, structure and what we value, emotional attachment and self-esteem.

This Eclipse cycle in Taurus has radically changed the global economy and our personal financial position over the past two years through economic turbulence, recession and scarcity.

Things that have always been familiar and provided stability can suddenly disappear and that can lead to emotional tension.

This partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus is supported by retrograde Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus and is sextile retrograde Saturn in Pisces.
However, the opposition with Mercury and Mars in Scorpio is an ‘all from nothing’ aspect that requires us to take into account important breakthroughs and economic changes in the next 3 to 6 months.

Change is a constant factor in life.
But the reality is that change is uncomfortable and can create a lot of fear of the unknown. We hold on to things that are familiar even when they do not benefit us and even harm us emotionally. Real change requires us to become aware of our emotions and feelings.

Trust everything that is unfolding in your life as a natural process of transformation.

If something needs to end, an Eclipse can help us to materialize the intention of completion in the outer world in connection with the cycles of nature, the seasons and life all around us, on the path of the soul.

Influence of this partial Lunar Eclipse on all zodiac signs (ascendant or Sun)

ARIES ♈️ (March 20 – April 19)
(Aries ascendant or Sun in Aries)
The Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus of October 28, 2023 falls in your House of Finance, personal resources, possessions and material attachments. The financial situation can lead to uncertainty about your income and your self-esteem, how you handle money and possessions or the fear of losing everything. This Lunar Eclipse shows how strong the influence of the material world is on you. It is a wake-up call to reevaluate and examine your relationship with money and can be the cause of choice stress or an inner battle between holding on or letting go. What do you really need? Clear away the unnecessary, but keep what is essential.
Remember that as a person you are worth so much more than what your bank balance indicates.

TAURUS ♉️ (April 20 – May 20)
(Taurus ascendant or Sun in Taurus)
The Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus of October 28, 2023 falls in your House of Personality and focuses on the relationship with others and that you have with yourself.
Every Taurus is strongly influenced by this lunar force. It is possible that you feel different, a completely different person. Inner problems such as unresolved feelings or irrational thoughts can be taken out on others, without Taurus being aware of the cause of projection. Give and take can be an issue due to the influence of the Moon’s Nodes.
The theme is about creating personal space and what you need to be happy. Let go of what costs energy, keep only what is nourishing and supportive for you.
Let this Lunar Eclipse encourage you to stand in your own power once and for all and be proud of who you are.

GEMINI ♊️ (May 21 – June 20)
(Gemini ascendant or Sun in Gemini)
The Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus of October 28, 2023 falls in your House of Cosmic Consciousness and Letting Go and will reveal unconscious emotional pain and desires in the coming six months. The opposition of your planet Mercury makes it more difficult to connect and makes you keep more distance from others. Gemini tends to be concerned with the realities of life, such as what you can perceive, see, hear and touch. The emotional then takes a back seat and you lose touch with yourself. Your energy is like precious gold and you need it for yourself now. Don’t give away or burden yourself to make others feel good. This is a spiritual wake-up call that gives you the insight that you are part of universal consciousness. Take advantage of this introspective period of reflection, form of therapy, creativity or retreat to gain inner peace and (re)find yourself.

CANCER ♋️ (June 21 – July 21)
(Cancer ascendant or Sun in Cancer)
The Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus of October 28, 2023 falls in your House of Friendships, Group Participation and Social Processes. Cancer needs to examine social contacts and friendships. Which of your friends and social contacts adds something to your life? Who sees you as property or who or what do you think you own?
Who offers you a listening ear or who makes you run into a wall? Who is actually not worthy of your friendship? Don’t jump to conclusions too quickly, because you shouldn’t underestimate your own contribution.
Clinging to the past hinders progress.
In the coming six months there will be changes in Cancer’s social network, for example friends may leave or betray you, but in addition to insecurity or saying goodbye, your social circle will also be expanded with valuable and nourishing contacts on the way to the future.

LEO ♌️ (July 22 – August 21)
(Leo ascendant or Sun in Leo)
The Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus of October 28, 2023 falls in your House of Career and Destiny and is the cosmic gateway to changes in your career. This cosmic event shows the possibility of progress and success, but only if you put your heart and soul into it. This Lunar Eclipse shows that projects are coming to completion or being moved forward. Profound career changes such as a reorganization or change in company policy, other government regulations or management changes are possible. The Lunar Eclipse also indicates that balance needs to be restored between career or public life and the needs of your family and private life.
It is also possible that you will take a completely different course in the next six months.
The universe offers Leo opportunities, but you must ensure that the pillars under your foundation are strong enough to support your success, so your family, your family or those who are like family to you.

VIRGO ♍ (August 22 – September 21)
(Virgo ascendant or Sun in Virgo)
The Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus of October 28, 2023 falls in the 9th House of Higher Consciousness, Foreign Affairs, Philosophy, Study and Travel.
This Partial Lunar Eclipse makes you think about the bigger picture of life and provides insights from your higher consciousness about what truth and justice are. Trusting your own feelings and supporting them with your thoughts gives a feeling of unprecedented strength.
This cosmic event asks you to distance yourself from too many emotional stimuli through TV, Social Media and following current affairs. You don’t know what to believe anymore. Do you believe in your own truth or in the truth of someone else? When you believe in something, you set energy in motion and you attract it to you, which can be both positive and negative.
This partial Lunar Eclipse invites you to spread your wings, take a beautiful spiritual journey or follow an education. Leave your doubts for what they are and embrace the moment.

LIBRA ♎️ (September 22 – October 22)
(Libra ascendant or Sun in Libra)
The Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus of October 28, 2023 falls in the 8th House of Intimacy and Shared Finances. This Lunar Eclipse brings a wave of emotional intensity and leads to developments that put the focus on trust issues and joint finances such as taxes, mortgages and inheritances.
This cosmic event is about how you connect with others on a deeper, more intimate level. Painful experiences from the past can resurface to be acknowledged, felt, healed and processed. Close the door of the past and make room for emotional healing. This Partial Lunar Eclipse makes you aware of physical and emotional responsibilities to others. An event will confirm what you have suspected for a while. Less money may come in and that makes you feel uncomfortable. Financial developments from and by third parties make it necessary to implement a different financial policy.

SCORPIO ♏ (October 23 – November 21)
(Scorpio ascendant or Sun in Scorpio)
The Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus of October 28, 2023 falls in the 7th House of Relationships, both private and business. This Partial Lunar Eclipse is the gateway to a period of personal development and change. Over the next six months there may be significant emotional changes in the personal relationship with a close friend, lover or business partner. A relationship can (still) end or a new relationship can begin. Whatever or who comes or goes in the coming months will be here to stay.
A secret may come to light or you may want to take a step that you are not sure about.
Single Scorpio can meet someone who will play a major role in your life during this Lunar Eclipse.
Emotionally, this is the best time to enter into a new relationship, marriage, business contract or serious commitment, to make a compromise, to make a partnership official or to end a deadlocked relationship when you feel misunderstood or not getting the attention you deserve. you so long for.

SAGITTARIUS ♐ (November 22 – December 20)
(Sagittarius ascendant or Sun in Sagittarius)
The Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus of October 28, 2023 falls in the 6th House of Daily Routine and Health and can prompt major changes at work, such as a reorganization, leaving your current job and a new job.
You can see this partial Lunar Eclipse as a wake-up call, a cosmic boost for your mental or emotional well-being through a new daily routine or lifestyle.
A diet, healthy food, exercise, less stress at work and in your daily life is necessary to stay physically and mentally balanced.
This Partial Lunar Eclipse therefore indicates changes in your daily routine to stay healthy where awareness is the key.

CAPRICORN ♑️ (December 21 – January 18)
(Capricorn ascendant or Sun in Capricorn)
The Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus of October 28, 2023 falls in the 5th House of Love, Self-Expression and Creativity.
This cosmic event brings a new love or friendship or a love relationship or friendship comes to an end when it no longer feels good. It’s about individual creative expression versus group participation. Maybe you worry about what others think of you and ignore what really makes you happy.
The Partial Lunar Eclipse therefore opens the cosmic gate to new love, inspiration or deepening in the permanent relationship, but will also affect existing friendships and social contacts in the next six months when you feel that your individual freedom is at stake. This spiritual process has a natural course. Friends come and friends go naturally.
Embrace who you are and let go of expectations and obligations you have placed for yourself or others. Don’t wait any longer, but open the door wide to love and happiness.

AQUARIUS ♒ (January 19 – February 17)
(Aquarius ascendant or Sun in Aquarius)
The Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus of October 28, 2023 falls in the 4th House of Family and Private Life and directly affects your home and family. This Lunar Eclipse brings out unexpressed anger and negative aspects in the family sphere. Emotional reactions are inevitable, but they do help find a solution to a lingering issue. This Lunar Eclipse is the gateway to healing and growth for your home, family and emotional well-being. In the next six months you may go on a trip with your family or there may be a joyful event to celebrate in the family.
Something that has remained hidden and that has to do with parents, elders or family members, even from previous generations, is now coming out. You also have to take into account damage to the house or there may be a career move in the next six months that makes it necessary to move. Releasing past hurts will pave the way for a loving retreat that truly feels like home.

PISCES ♓ (February 18 – March 19)
(Pisces ascendant or Sun in Pisces)
The Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus of October 28, 2023 falls in the 3rd House of Communication, Education and Immediate Living Environment, your relationship with the outside world.
Everything you have taken for granted needs to be reevaluated to make you more aware of how you communicate with yourself and with others.
Over the next three to six months there will be intriguing conversations and interactions that will make you think differently. Use your intuition to assess situations and don’t rely on facts and logic. Be careful what you say, how you say or don’t say something. So pay attention to your choice of words, also to your thoughts. With this Lunar Eclipse you decide to let go of negative thoughts as much as possible and focus on what really matters.
Keeping a diary provides clarity about what is going on in your head and heart and about how you see the world.

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