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The Partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces ♓️ on September 18, 2024

Just as a Full Moon symbolizes emotional release, a Lunar Eclipse is a total emotional purification.

The Earth is between the Sun in Virgo and the Moon in Pisces.
The Moon is in the shadow of the Earth and receives no light from the Sun.
The shadow of the Earth then falls partially over the Moon.

The Super Harvest Moon of September 18, 2024 at 25º41 in the water sign Pisces is a partial Lunar Eclipse and is the first in a series of eclipses on the Virgo-Pisces axis.
This cycle will last until February 2027.

The partial lunar eclipse will be visible from Europe, including the Netherlands and Belgium, Asia, Africa, North America, South America, the Arctic and Antarctic regions.

The first eclipse on the Pisces/Virgo polarity will have a major impact on the next 18 months and will give us a taste of what awaits us in 2025, such as major developments in health care, government and the dissolution of traditional structures such as the process of secularization that was initiated in the spring of 2023 with the transit of Saturn through Pisces (from March 8, 2023).

This partial Lunar Eclipse forms a sextile with retrograde Uranus in Taurus and Pluto in Capricorn and is conjunct retrograde Neptune, the ruler of Pisces.
The alignment with the three outer planets amplifies the impact of this cosmic event.

Water, rivers, lakes, seas and oceans are ruled by Pisces, so we will be faced with water supply issues, pollution, marine incidents, floods and leaks. There is also a huge influx of refugees, climate activism, but also physical and mental exhaustion, an increase in confused and depressed people, addictions to alcohol and drugs.

Water sign Pisces and the Earth sign Virgo are strongly affected by this partial Lunar Eclipse, but it especially affects Pisces born on March 10 and later.

If your birthday falls close to September 18 or if you have the ascendant or Midheaven, planets, Sun or Moon or the North Node around 25°-28° in Pisces, Virgo, Gemini or Sagittarius, this partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces will have a profound effect.

Pisces is the very last sign of the zodiac, so the theme of ending is strongly emphasized with this Lunar Eclipse.

There can be some kind of emotional release such as a climax or a farewell or letting go of pain or negativity that has been burdening you emotionally and needs to be released.

Influence of this partial Lunar Eclipse for all signs:

ARIES ♈️ March 21 – April 19
The partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on September 18, 2024 in the 12th House of Letting Go and Cosmic Consciousness can be a sea of ​​emotions for Aries.
This partial Lunar Eclipse is a cosmic gateway to inner healing, liberation from old karma, spiritual growth and letting go of subconscious patterns. This partial Lunar Eclipse shows you through introspection how far you have come or makes you aware of everything you still need to work on in the next six months. A form of therapy can be helpful.

TAURUS ♉️ April 20 – May 20
The partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on September 18, 2024 is the gateway to changes in your social circle. Perhaps your social expectations are too high or you’re having trouble letting go of friends and relationships that have held you back from following your heart. This partial Lunar Eclipse forms a sextile with Taurus, and it makes that very clear to you. Take time to evaluate your social life. Who can you collaborate with? Who do you feel connected to? Who makes you feel heard, secure, and safe? Listen to your intuition, Taurus.

GEMINI ♊️ May 21 – June 20
The September 18, 2024 Partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces in your House of Career and Destiny is the cosmic gateway to major career changes. This Lunar Eclipse squares Gemini, and that shows the need for projects to be completed or pulled together. This Lunar Eclipse coincides with Mars transiting Cancer in your House of Finance, and that can lead to great results. Deep career changes bring recognition and fuel your self-confidence.

CANCER ♋️ June 21 – July 22
The Partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on September 18, 2024 forms a trine with Cancer and asks you in the House of Beliefs, higher education, travel or legal affairs to explore new philosophies, push your boundaries, broaden your horizons, believe in yourself and trust your own truth.
When you believe in something, you set energy in motion and you attract that to you, which can be both positive and negative. Trusting your own feelings and supporting this with your thoughts gives a feeling of unprecedented power.

LEO ♌️ July 23 – August 22
The partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on September 18, 2024, strengthens your desire for more intimacy with your loved one. The partial lunar eclipse shows creative opportunities that will allow you to earn more money to invest in the coming six months, which gives you a good feeling. Mercury in Virgo from September 10 to 26, 2024 is about details and numbers, makes you efficient and lets you approach things practically and rationally. Investments in shares and real estate can yield a good return in September 2024. Careful financial planning and thrift remain essential to ensure a stable financial position.

VIRGO ♍️ August 23 – September 22
On September 18, 2024, there is a partial lunar eclipse in Pisces (House of Relationships). This partial lunar eclipse in Pisces is the gateway to shifts in business partnerships and close relationships. A relationship can (still) end or a new relationship can begin. Whoever or whatever comes or goes in the coming months, it will be permanent. Emotionally, this is the best time for a new relationship, marriage, business contract or serious commitment, to make a partnership official or to end a deadlocked relationship.

LIBRA ♎️ September 23 – October 22
The partial lunar eclipse in Pisces on September 18, 2024 falls in the 6th House of Daily Routine and Health and can be the reason for major changes at work, such as a reorganization, leaving your current job and starting a new job.
This Partial Lunar Eclipse therefore indicates physical and spiritual health, mindset and lifestyle. The focus is on healthy eating, exercise, less stress at work.

SCORPIO ♏️ October 23 – November 21
On September 18, 2024, there is a partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces (5th House of Love, Self-Expression and Creativity). This cosmic event brings a new love, friendship or creative project. Step into your playful and creative power, Scorpio.
This Lunar Eclipse is also a time to re-evaluate love. A love relationship or friendship comes to an end when it no longer feels good. This spiritual process of going and coming is a natural process.

SAGITTARIUS ♐️ November 22 – December 21
On September 18, 2024, there is a partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces and this directly relates to your home, living situation or family dynamics.
This partial Lunar Eclipse brings out unspoken anger and negative aspects in the family atmosphere. Emotional reactions are inevitable, but they do help to find a solution to repair a lingering issue. Something that has been hidden and that has to do with parents, elders or family members, even from previous generations, is now coming out.
It is of the utmost importance that the balance between private life and career is restored.

CAPRICORN ♑️ December 22 – January 19
The partial Lunar Eclipse of September 18, 2024 is a favorable moment to repair a disturbed relationship with siblings or neighbors. It is time to act and not to wait. Better to solve everything at once now than to let problems pile up until they are no longer manageable. New information may come to light.
There are changes in the coming six months with the focus being on abroad and you may have to move for work.

AQUARIUS ♒️ January 20 – February 18
On September 18, 2024, there is a partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces (House of Finance).
This cosmic event leads to developments that will focus on valuation and how you deal with money and possessions in the coming six months.
This partial Lunar Eclipse is an eye-opener and a good time to evaluate and reassess what is of real value to you and what your relationship with money is like. Tune in to your intuition and your spiritual needs to determine the best next step. What do you want to invest (money, time or energy) and in what do you want to invest?

PISCES ♓️ February 19 – March 20
The partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on September 18, 2024 is of great significance especially for Pisces born on March 10 and later. During the partial lunar eclipse in Pisces, the Moon opposes the Sun in the 7th House, which is all about your self-image, self-worth, and one-on-one relationships.
The coming months can be a time for shedding the past and some kind of closure, something you’ve been working on for a while, or clearing or letting go of something that has been weighing you down emotionally, such as old projects, broken relationships, and paying off financial or emotional debt.



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