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The New Moon of May 15, 2018.

The New Moon in Taurus faces the retrograde Jupiter in Scorpio, the giant planet of expansion and growth and forms a harmonious trine with Mars and Pluto in Capricorn and a friendly sextile to Neptune in Pisces.

The harmonious Bridge in Water between Neptune in Pisces and Jupiter in Scorpio reveals how we see ourselves reflected someone else. It increases the cosmic flow of universal love and compassion, but brings also external influences such as addiction, confusion and becoming involved by the suffering of others.

Taurus is connected to Venus.
Venus is about inner peace, commitments, relationships, partnerships, contracts and diplomacy, beauty, art and our shared values.
Taurus is also connected to the world economy, security, possessions and money.
The solid ground under our feet.

Mercury and Uranus in Aries are joining forces with this New Moon, so there can be startling news or a sudden innovative breakthrough in the fields of economics, science and art.

However, the New Moon in Taurus of May 15, 2018 is under the influence of the notorious solid stars Algol and Capulus in the Constellation of Perseus.
And Mars in Capricorn forms a square with Uranus in Aries during the New Moon.
This planetary aspect at 29º, the very last degree of Capricorn and Aries, increases the chance of violence, economic and social disturbances, volcanic activity or extreme weather conditions.
The influence of the masculine Algol and Capulus can also lead to originality and breakthroughs.
Much can be achieved.
However, only an honest intention, philosophy, ideal or set target has a fair chance of success with this New Moon.
Impulsive actions, negligence, dissatisfaction and unnecessary risks can only lead to accidents in traffic, electrical or technological disruptions.

What does all this mean?
This New Moon asks us to rebuild ourselves first before we make a new connection, both business and private. Do not force anything.
Come clean emotionally.
The inner is reflected in the outer.
If you do not love yourself, you can not love someone else.

The effect of the New Moon of May 15, 2018 lasts four weeks until the next New Moon of June 13, 2018.
The best time for a new start and new projects is during the first two weeks of this New Moon cycle, the crescent phase of the Moon.
That is from May 15, 2018 until May 29, 2018, the Full Moon in Sagittarius.

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