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The New Moon in Sagittarius of December 7, 2018

The New Moon in Sagittarius of December 7, 2018

The New Moon is the magical moment in which the Moon begins its new cycle of growth.
With a New Moon, the Moon can not be seen from the Earth.

Every New Moon feels like a moment of awakening.
A powerful time to start something new.
A permanent process of sowing and reaping.

The last New Moon of 2018 falls at 15º in fiery Sagittarius and coincides with the fixed star Ras Algethi in the constellation of Hercules.
This gives a huge power and drive to make progress.

However, the red Warrior Mars is conjunct Neptune at 13º44 in Pisces during this New Moon.

We do not want to wait any longer with this challenging and combative energy.
The New Moon square Mars/Neptune finds the strength to fight for someone or something and keep hope and faith against all odds.
For many it is now or never.

However, the square that is formed with the conjunction Mars /Neptune in Pisces brings an intensely emotional, volatile and passionate energy with this New Moon.
This strong competitive energy can lead to lust for power, obtrusiveness, impatience, ego-conflicts, anger and disappointment when should efforts not yield the desired outcome.

Thus could lead to emotional reactions in relationships or families, but anywhere in the world this could result in provocation, threats, demonstrations, clashes or hostile attempts.
There may be deception, defamation, disillusion, revenge, betrayal, scandal, loss and revelations related to sexual abuse.

Avoid negative environments where violence, crime and drugs prevail.
Follow the path of honesty and integrity.

This fiery energy from the New Moon in Sagittarius takes us to 2019.
The cycle of growth and renewal lasts from December 8, 2018 to December 22, 2018.

To make a new start, space is needed.

Clear the decks in your life.
In your life and in your body.
No better time than to start with a detoxifying diet or new lifestyle.

Get rid of the old, so that there is room for healthy and new energies.

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