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The New Moon in Pisces of March 6, 2019

The New Moon in Pisces of March 6, 2019

The Sun and the Moon in Pisces are merging and with this magical and powerful moment, the Moon begins a new monthly cycle of growth.

The sensitive New Moon of March 6, 2019 falls at 15° in the dreamy waters of Pisces, the kingdom of King Neptune.

This New Moon in Pisces shows a completely new beginning depending on the position where Pisces is in your natal chart.
Especially for Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces with personal planets, ascendant and Lights from about 12 to 20º in Pisces, this New Moon will be of great significance.

The almost exact conjunction with Neptune (16º Pisces), the sextile with Mars in Taurus and Saturn in Capricorn shows a creative and imaginative energy!
This New Moon “triggers” the fruitful and realistic sextile connection between Saturn in Capricorn and Neptune in Pisces! This healing connection is with us all year and strengthens the collective intuitive awareness and awareness of injustice in this world.
A wonderful aspect for music, art and film with a special message.

The last powerful New Moon before the Spring Equinox is a good time to make the decision to embrace positive energy and make changes in our lives.
Change begins with accepting imperfections in ourselves and each other.
Perfection does not exist.
Nobody is perfect or will ever be.
Releasing perfection is the way to the Higher Purpose and spiritual riches.
Spiritual richness is the pure evolution of the Soul.

The almost exact conjunction with Neptune in Pisces with the fixed stars Ankaa and Achernar adds a spiritual and religious dimension.
A dimension of pain, suffering, redemption and resurrection.

The square with Jupiter in Sagittarius (our faith) inspires, motivates and challenges taking the leap.
It looks like this New Moon in Pisces will lead to concrete measures against sexual abuse within the Catholic Church.

Mercury is now retrograde in Pisces and Uranus has started its long journey through Taurus.
This energy can be a challenge, because it makes you feel insecure which makes it more difficult to make decisions to make changes.

From the crystal clear fountain of wisdom (Aquarius) comes the healing water of Pisces.
A New Moon of purification brings hope and chance of healing for everyone who has suffered.
Release that pain.

Purify yourself with the element Water by bathing, swimming and drinking water.
Surround yourself with softness. Listen to beautiful music to balance your energy and keep your body, mind and soul in perfect harmony.

Love and be happy. Radiate in your own inner light.
That is what matters.

Happy New Moon!

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