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The Full Super Sturgeon Moon in Aquarius ♒️ August 19, 2024

The Full Moon symbolizes the opposing forces or polarities in life.

This Full Super Sturgeon Moon at 27º15 in freedom-loving Aquarius is opposite the Sun in Leo.

The Sun in Leo conjunct retrograde Mercury opposite the Moon in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus (economy).
Retrograde Saturn in Pisces and Venus in Virgo are also diametrically opposed squaring the Jupiter/Mars conjunction in Gemini.

So there are no less than two volatile T-squares with this Full Super Moon.

These tensions can lead to quite a stir in the economy, politics and power relations in the world. We can expect revealing news about something that happened in the recent past.
Political situations can escalate.

The influence of the Super Moon may cause spring tides, floods or landslides in the coastal areas of the US, Japan, Sri Lanka, Indonesia and India.

In this uncertain world of contradictions, things are getting real.
On the one hand, there is an uncontrollable urge for individual freedom and independence and on the other hand, a desire for connection and security.

When fear prevails and people feel cornered, conflict, rebellion and violence arise.

This emotionally charged Full Moon brings the drive and desire to break out.

This Full Super Moon can be a now a moment of now or never!

The influence of the Full Super Sturgeon Moon of August 19, 2024 lasts two weeks until the New Moon in Virgo of September 3, 2024.

The influence of the Full Super Moon on all zodiac signs (ascendant)

Aries ♈️ March 21 – April 19
The Full Super Sturgeon Moon in your House of Friendships, Groups and Organizations forms a sextile with Aries.
Changes are coming to your social circle, Aries. Something is coming to completion.
This Full Sturgeon Moon is a great time to join a local community or volunteer organization.
This allows you to meet new people, work together towards a common goal and thus make a positive social contribution. The Full Super Moon also asks you: Who adds value and who does not? Can I be myself in the group?

Taurus ♉️ April 20 – May 20
This powerful Full Super Sturgeon Moon falls in your House of Career and Social Position.
This Full Super Moon squares Taurus and urges you to step out and show the world who you are and what you can. Work on your resume and portfolio and network, attend trade shows and industry events or take workshops.
However, are you feeling overworked, underpaid and unappreciated? Are you questioning the path you chose six months ago? Are there power struggles and excuses, take some time to reflect before you start the next phase on your way to the top.

Gemini ♊️ May 21 – June 20
This Full Super Sturgeon Moon falls in the ninth House of Philosophy, Foreign Affairs, Travel, Wisdom and Spirituality and trines Gemini. This Full Super Moon asks you to learn, grow as an individual and develop your spiritual and philosophical sides.
Distance yourself from the world of stress, from Social Media and return to yourself.
Your own inner wisdom tells you so much more. Embrace spiritual growth.

Cancer ♋️ June 21 – July 22
The Full Super Sturgeon Moon falls in your House of Shared Finances, Possessions, Trust and Intimacy. This Full Super Moon is about finding balance, about give and take, both financially and emotionally. Consider breaking free from old patterns, Cancer. This Full Sturgeon Moon asks you to have an open and honest conversation with your partner or advisor to address financial concerns or make necessary changes. Good financial planning and cutting unnecessary expenses is advisable.

Leo ♌️ July 23 – August 22
The Full Super Sturgeon Moon in your House of Relationships forms an opposition to Leo. This cosmic event challenges Leo to engage in meaningful dialogue. Talking openly and honestly with each other and making compromises to maintain balance and enable positive transformation. Instead of avoiding problems, it is good to be open to the opinions and feelings of others. Cooperation and trust are the basis of every relationship. If that is no longer possible, the time has come to make a decision!

Virgo ♍️ August 23 – September 22
The Full Super Sturgeon Moon falls in your House of Work, Daily Routine, Nutrition and Health and is a wonderful time to make the decision to quit harmful habits, exercise more and eat healthier. On to a more efficient and organized lifestyle both at work and at home. This Full Sturgeon Moon is a good time to finish existing projects at work or at home and to do some major cleaning in your daily routine.

Libra ♎️ September 23 – October 22
The Full Super Sturgeon Moon falls in your House of Self-Expression, Creativity, Love, Romance, Children and Fun and forms a beautiful harmonious trine with Libra.
With this Full Super Moon, your urge for adventure awakens and urges you to pursue a new passion, hobby or romance. Take the time to connect with your heart’s desire! A creative project, an exciting date? It doesn’t matter what you do, as long as you have fun.

Scorpio ♏️ October 23 – November 21
The Full Super Sturgeon Moon falls in your House of Family and Home, forming a challenging square with Scorpio. The Full Super Moon shows a move or some form of completion in your home. It’s time to pay attention to your family or reconnect with family members. The Full Sturgeon Moon also encourages you to break free from old patterns and embrace new ideas in your family life and living situation. Take on the challenge by starting a DIY project or planning a nice family trip.

Sagittarius ♐️ November 22 – December 21
The Full Super Sturgeon Moon falls in your House of Communication, Connection, Transportation, Education, Short Trips, Siblings, Acquaintances, and Neighbors. This Full Super Moon forms a sextile with Sagittarius. This is an aspect of action. Talk about things that are bothering you with your siblings, neighbors, at school or in your residential environment. Invite people over or plan an outing that makes it easier to say what is on your mind.

Capricorn ♑️ December 22 – January 19
The Full Super Sturgeon Moon falls in your House of Finance, Values ​​and Self-Esteem.
This Full Super Moon shows a completion in the financial area or that something needs to be finished or improved. This is a perfect period for financial planning and strategizing and a rational and logic approach regarding financial matters. Time to consider new investments or take a financial risk.

Aquarius ♒️ January 20 – February 18
This Full Super Sturgeon Moon in the House of Personality is conjunct Aquarius and is the harbinger of a new cycle in your life where the focus is on who you are and where you want to go in this life. This conjunction shows a change in your personality, mindset and style. Overcome emotional blocks to create space for inner growth and free self-expression.

Pisces ♓️ February 19 – March 20
The Full Super Sturgeon Moon falls in your House of Cosmic Consciousness and Detachment and calls for inner reflection, Pisces. Take a time-out to connect with your spiritual side through meditation, yoga or nature walks. Being alone for a while helps you let go of old patterns.
There is room for insights and clarity and a deeper level of peace and self-awareness.

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