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The Full Moon in Virgo of March 2, 2018

The Full Moon falls at 11º in the earth sign of Virgo.
This Full Moon symbolizes the pure germination of nature that is so invisibly present under her breathtaking cloak of cold.

The Full Moon of March 2, 2018, however, is very close to the fixed star Zosma and forms an almost exact opposition with Neptune in Pisces.
Due to this influence of the Moon with the fixed star Zosma and Neptune, instincts and psychic impressions are negatively influenced by subconscious fears and emotional sensitivity.

This means an increase of confused people, but it can also lead to self-deception, disorientation, over-sensitivity and confusion, as a result of which we can not or do not want to understand each other or ourselves or get or make a false impression.
Negative moods such as discouragement and anxiety can lead to depression, melancholy, deception or all kinds of addiction.

This emotionally charged Full Moon in Virgo clears the way for Jupiter in retrograde.
Jupiter in retrograde in Scorpio carries the process of detoxification and inner purification.

The reality of Saturn in Capricorn offers this sensitive Full Moon a helping hand.
This Earth connection frees us from confusion and allows us to take responsibility for health and well-being.
The influence of Saturn offers patience and determination to shake off negative behavior patterns to change everything for the better.
Emotional support comes from family, loved ones or a form of therapy.
You can also make the decision with the help of Jupiter in retrograde in Scorpio to start detoxifying your body and mind with a healthy diet and new lifestyle.

Look for the company of older friends and relatives and listen to good advice.
Share lovely memories together.
Read a beautiful book, have a warm bath, listen to beautiful music.

The eternal plan of the Universe is in perfect harmony with all that lives and the same is true in all of us! Everything comes as it is intended.

Trust your own inner clock.
Trust yourself, on your own judgment.

Release the negative and clear the way for love.

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