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The Full Moon in Scorpio April 30, 2018

The Full Moon, the magic moment when the Sun and Moon are exactly opposite each other is a moment of completion.

Through the Sun in Taurus and the Moon in Scorpio we become aware of our deepest desires and inner struggle to fulfill these desires.

This complex Full Moon of April 30, 2018 falls at 9º in the intense waters of Scorpio.
A stormy Full Moon of extremes. “All or nothing”.

This Full Moon in Scorpio also marks an important turning point in the current eclipse cycle.
Three months ago, on 31 January 2018, we had the Blue Lunar Eclipse in proud Leo conjunct the asteroid Ceres.
This Full Moon in Scorpio is now square on the position of this Lunar Eclipse of January 31, 2018, so also square on the asteroid Ceres.
The Moon symbolizes the traditional role of women and motherhood, while Ceres symbolizes the independent working woman and modern parenthood.
Sharing and delegation of responsibilities is the pure essence of Ceres.
Raising is not a solo thing. Parenthood has always been a common responsibility, but unfortunately that is not always the case.
Love can be suffocating. The Moon square Ceres makes this clear.
Love becomes surviving.
Narcissism is an expression of this, both in the love relationship and in parenting.
An educator can overwhelm the child with love, so that love is distorted into overruling and abuse.
The confronting and transforming power of this Full Moon in Scorpio leads to profound insights into yourself, the family and the relationships in your life.
The transformative Scorpio brings anger, sorrow and powerlessness which manifest as blockades, physical pain and tiredness.
Due to the nature of Scorpio, the theme of child abuse is also addressed in the public debate and
raising, custodial rights, maternity leave, childcare and equal pay as well.

This Full Moon is in a protective sextile with retrograde Saturn in Capricorn.
It indicates involvement and loyalty within the family. Sharing emotions, but also showing respect for tradition and shared responsibilities.
Bring a tribute to the elderly and to those who have preceded us in this life.
Reminisce memories by looking at old photographs, visiting, or lighting a candle in remembrance.

The Full Moon sextile Saturnus makes it easier to process, to clean up and forgive.

The Moon sextile Saturn, the planet of Karma, offers confidence that everything will be alright.

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