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The Full Moon in Leo,  February 9th, 2020

The Full Moon in Leo,  February 9th, 2020

The Full Moon, the magical moment that Sun and Moon are exactly opposite, is a moment of completion, the culmination of the monthly cycle of Mother Moon.

Every New and Full Moon is a cosmic portal.

Three days before and three days after a New or Full Moon are particularly powerful for releasing physical, mental and emotional blockages.

The Full Moon of February 9th, 2020 falls at 20°00 in the fire sign of Leo that symbolizes energy, courage and passion. The Full Moon in theatrical Leo is further enhanced by the ardent help of Eris and the Red Warrior Mars in Sagittarius.

The Full Moon in Leo trine Mars in Sagittarius gives us the power, courage and initiative to make dreams and desires come true, but the urge for independence and equality will be immense.

The fiery Full Moon quincunx Neptune in Pisces also causes restlessness and emotional sensitivity.

Too many or conflicting emotions can lead to confusion and tension in any kind of relationship.

With so much Mars energy, accumulated tensions in unhealthy relationships can escalate.

This Full Moon in Leo is the perfect moment to go on an adventure, to fight for yourself, for others and for love, so take that first step or take steps towards your personal freedom!

The Full Moon trine Mars gets extra Mars power from two sturdy Fixed stars!

The Fixed star Merak stimulates pure strength and perseverance and Fixed star Ras Elased Australis gives confidence and courage to fulfill desires, but also lets us find the right balance between bravado and sensitivity.

Finding the right balance in all aspects of life is the key to finding trust.

Have faith in yourself, in others and in the Universe.

The influence of the Full Moon in Leo of February 9th, 2020 lasts two weeks to the New Moon in Pisces of February 23th, 2020.

Blessed Full Moon!

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