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The Full Moon in Cancer on January 6, 2023

The first Full Moon after the Winter Equinox, the magical turning point when Light will once again win over Darkness, is the Wolf Moon of January 6, 2023.

This Full Wolf Moon in Cancer is aligned with the brightest star Sirius and shines amid the annual Quadrantid meteor shower.

Cancer is connected to the Moon and represents home, the Mother, the divine feminine.
This Full Moon on the Cancer/Capricorn axis amplifies and triples all emotions, intuition, feelings and need for nurturing.

The Sun is in opposite in earthly Capricorn, the sign of tradition and social obligations.
Repressed emotions and painful feelings related to family, upbringing or lack of parental care, bitterness, conditioning and past come to light with this Full Moon.

The Full Moon in Cancer at 16º22 in the water sign of Cancer is also conjunct fixed Star Wasat square Jupiter in Aries and opposes retrograde Mercury in Capricorn. So we are dealing with a T-Square and this tension field shows a conflict between feeling and reason.
The Full Moon in Cancer is about pure feeling, Mercury is communication, our mind, what we know, what we think and our attitude. You may be overwhelmed by sad news, melancholy, nostalgia for the past or regrets of decisions you made in the past, relatives you have lost or lost contact with, a house you had to leave behind, everything that felt familiar and safe or should have been familiar and safe.

Tears are shed with this Full Moon and, like rain, return into the lap of Mother Earth.

This emotional and influential Full Moon gets support from the North Node and still retrograde Uranus in Taurus, which creates new insights about yourself or your environment, stimulating you to take a new direction, whether in love, career, family life or lifestyle.

Do you embrace your emotions?

Do you let go of the past, do you let go of your sadness, do you let go of oppressive family ties, do you end that unfulfilled relationship or job? Will you let go of those ingrained habits and free yourself?

Do you find inner peace and safety within yourself?

Influence of this Full Moon in Cancer on all zodiac signs (ascendant and Sun)

The Full Moon in Cancer of January 6, 2023 in your 4th House of Family and House forms a square with your zodiac sign Aries. This tension square can be a real challenge in your private life. There may be stumbling blocks in your personal relationships, but you too may need personal space. There may be a change in your living situation, such as a move, makeover or renovation.
A move to another place of residence may be related to your career. Finding a balance between work and private life is very important, because tech’s nothing like peace and harmony at home to be happy and successful.

The Full Moon in Cancer of January 6, 2023 in your 3rd House of Communication, Connections, Education short trips, siblings, close family, acquaintances and neighbors forms a sextile with your zodiac sign Taurus. This Full Moon brings a special message about a creative project or creative freedom in your career that demands your attention. You get that message by listening, by listening honestly to yourself. It’s about something that needs closure, possibly something about yourself, something that needs completion and balance. Differences of opinion can also be resolved differently, with understanding you are on your way. New ideas are for later, first you have to finish something.

The Full Moon in Cancer of January 6, 2023 falls into your 2nd House of Finance. This Full Moon brings financial prosperity and good results in school and in your professional life. In the next two weeks, more money will come in through another job, allowance, benefit or more turnover in your company. Financially, something comes to completion and financial projects are completed. Not a good time to make new investments, but to pay outstanding invoices before starting a new project. With this Full Moon, things are set right, true intentions are revealed, or something needs to be let go. That can be emotional, so differentiate between what is really necessary and what you can spare.

The Full Moon in Cancer of January 6, 2023 falls into your 1st House of Personality and heralds a new cycle in your life in which attention is focused on who you are and where you want to go in this life. It gives your personality a great boost. The focus is on yourself, but also on connecting with others. January 2023 can lead to a great insight so that you know what your personal contribution and destination is in this life. Cancer wants to do everything possible to protect loved ones, but that protection can also be suffocating. Let go of suspiciousness and defensiveness at home and at work, because that can work against you. Take a step back and ask yourself why you’re trying so hard.

The Full Moon in Cancer of January 6, 2023 falls into your 12th House of Cosmic Consciousness and Letting Go. This Full Moon of introspection allows you to connect with your inner self, with your soul. In solitude you will find the wonderful fullness to heal inner pain, so seek the tranquility of retreat or spiritual rest to gain the insights you need about your true feelings about a relationship or yourself. This Full Moon can bring love and passion into your heart and into your life. Rest and relaxation are necessary to get and stay in balance. Massages are beneficial to get in touch with yourself. The way of meditation also brings the connection to yourself, but also to making the connection with others. Listen to what is being said and listen to your inner voice, your soul.

The Full Moon in Cancer of January 6, 2023 in your 11th House of Friendships and Social Involvement forms a sextile with your zodiac sign Virgo. The Full Moon is like a cosmic mirror and in its full silver light you see everything you do and do not want to see. Which friends or social contacts are supportive? Who can you work with, who do you dare to take up the challenge with? Can you rely on your friends? Are you dedicated as a friend when push comes to shove? The Full Moon shows a completion, so a friendship or collaboration may come to an end or a situation will come where you feel what true friendship or social involvement is.

The Full Moon in Cancer of January 6, 2023 in your 10th House of Career forms a square with your zodiac sign Libra. A creative project is developing. A nice challenge to put career plans in motion. It is now mainly about joint responsibilities. Collaboration is now the magic word.
This Full Moon is the prelude to a period when things will change in your career or your attitude towards your work will change. A lot is happening around you, but you also have a lot of influence on everything that happens around you.

The Full Moon in Cancer of January 6, 2023 in your 9th House of Higher Consciousness, Spirituality, Travel and Philosophy of Life forms a flowing trine with your zodiac sign Scorpio. This Full Moon is a game changer for you, Scorpio. You are almost at the top of the mountain and you can see your whole world. You oversee your life, what it has brought you. Puzzle pieces come together, things come to an end like a legal conflict. With a view to your career, you are busy broadening your horizons, a study, a business-oriented course or retraining course. The Full Moon is like comic light that shows you what is or isn’t true and who or what you should or shouldn’t trust. If you’re in doubt about a decision, especially about travel, legal or social media, think twice first, it’s all about details.

The Full Moon in Cancer of January 6, 2023 falls into your 8th House of Shared Finances, death and rebirth. Under the light of the Full Moon, money is released because of a credit, mortgage or insurance, tax, alimony, redemption or loan, estate or salary increase. Entering into financial partnerships and financial agreements, restructuring your expenses, tax advice and financial negotiations are favored by the Full Moon. A good moment for solving old financial problems, but also what is bothering you emotionally. Your expectations maybe too high and that can lead to friction. The key to a deeper emotional connection and emotional stability is compromising.

The Full Moon in Cancer of January 6, 2023 in the 7th House of Relationships forms an opposition to your Capricorn zodiac sign. Capricorn may be at a turning point at the beginning of 2023.
A responsible decision has to be made. Will I follow my career or will I make more time for my family, relationship or myself? The time has come to express your feelings of love and respect, but if you don’t feel loved or respected, you need to speak up! The Full Moon in Cancer also brings clarity to a relationship situation. In any case, the way of compromise is the best way. Talk to each other and cross that bridge. The theme of connection is not only alive in your private life, but new commitments are also made or broken in your circle of friends and business life. The ultimate relationship does not exist, so let go of that illusion.

The Full Moon in Cancer of January 6, 2023 falls into your 6th House of Daily Routine, Work and Health. A busy period in which existing projects at work come to completion. The Full Moon also shows that it is time to resolve any issues with a business partner or customer. However, Aquarius can have trouble expressing their feelings with this Full Moon. Creative energy needs an outlet. You can carry out projects, look for a new job and negotiate. After things are finished, you can look back with satisfaction. Maybe a good time to celebrate? The Full Moon is also a wonderful time to make the decision to move more and eat healthier, move well, organize your time more efficiently, a healthy daily routine, before you know it you will be completely balanced again.

The Full Moon in Cancer of January 6, 2023 falls into the 5th House of Self-Expression, Love and Romance. This Full Moon forms a trine with the constellation of Pisces, promising unforgettable and loving moments of creative, recreational and sporting events. A romance, a winning fate or inner happiness, more self-insight and more dynamics in the permanent relationship. New relationships put you in touch with your inner soul, your inner child, and help you get in touch with who you are. Whatever happens, they will be friends for life! Spontaneity is the magic word here. Don’t wait and see, but go for it, looking for love, passion and fun. Focus on happiness, go into nature and let yourself be carried away on the waves of creation and life energy!




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