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The Full Moon in Cancer of December 22, 2018

The Full Moon in Cancer of December 22, 2018

The Full Moon marks the opposing forces or polarities in your life, such as your work versus your private life.
The “Me” versus the “we”. What do I want, what do you want.
Freedom versus sacrifice.

Inner tension and external pressure can lead to personal conflicts in every relationship.

The last Full Moon of 2018 falls at 0º in the water sign of Cancer and is very close to the bright red gigantic star Betelgeuse or Al Mankib in the constellation Orion or Osiris.
Technically, Betelgeuse belongs in the constellation of Gemini, but this can be considered as a conjunction.
The red star Betelgeuse is the archetype of the divine male energy and is associated with power, honor and wealth.
Through the conjunction of the Full Moon with the ambitious Betelgeuse, a volatile energy is released out of power and pride, but also from insincerity and deceitfulness.
Power is exercised to fight for something or someone, but power can also be misused biases from self-interest and the urge to survive.
The right of the strongest.

The nurturing Full Moon in Cancer wants to be together in this time of light and conviviality.
But Betelgeuse is also looking for a scapegoat for personal gain.
The peace of Christmas can be disturbed.

Cancer is about family.
So this Christmas time might end up awakening old wounds like jealousy and martyrdom in families and ancestors.
The volatile energy of Betelgeuse puts all the cards on the table.
The strong emotional and loving Cancer energy is not easily daunted about this and don’t want to spoil the holidays.
Cancer calms, unites and corrects.

Venus in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces brings coziness, relaxation and creativity.
An aspect of forgiveness, romance and tenderness.
All this is supported by retrograde Uranus in Aries, making this volatile Full Moon a wonderful moment of exciting, unexpected encounters and surprising developments in the family, career, finances and love life.

The influence of Uranus in Aries opens the way to change, challenges to clear the decks and to move on to the future.
What is the sense in being angry angry with yourself or others?

This Full Moon is the closing act of the Eclipse phase that started with the Lunar Eclipse at
4° in Aquarius of July 27, 2018 and the Solar Eclipse at 18° Leo of August 11, 2018.

Take a little time to look back on the past five months.
What has changed in your life since then and what steps have been taken?

The influence of this Full Moon can be felt until the partial Solar Eclipse in Capricorn of January 6, 2019.

Blessed Full Moon!

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