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Jupiter retrograde in Scorpio 2018 and its influence on the zodiacal signs

From March 9 to July 19, 2018, Jupiter in retrograde dives into the deep, mysterious Plutonian waters of Scorpio.
Jupiter ‘declines’ from 23° to 13° in Scorpio.

Jupiter in retrograde in the waters of Scorpio from March 9 to July 19, 2018 is the golden opportunity to allow inner healing and recovery.

The main theme of this Jupiter in retrograde is detoxification and purification of body and soul.
The Full Moon of March 2 in Virgo also carries the theme of purification and thus paving the way for the beautiful message of “sleeping” Jupiter in Scorpio.

The fruitful collaboration between Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn gives the power and motivation for self-liberation and transformation especially when the physical body has been violated by a form of addiction.

The influence of Jupiter in retrograde in Scorpio for all signs:

Jupiter in retrograde asks you to be honest with yourself and others.
The focus is on money, sexuality, investments and joint resources. Jupiter in retrograde makes Aries sensual, obsessive and temperamental. Aries is willing to go the extra mile to get what he or she wants. However, Jupiter asks you not to act on impulse. Secrets stifle a relationship, both business and private. Come clean with money matters and intimacy.
Have respect for yourself and the other person.

Jupiter in retrograde in the House of Relationships asks you to question your social circle, to look at relationship in another light, both business and private.
People come and people go. New friendships and connections enrich your life and bring joy, love and great opportunities to grow. Be selective. Trust your feelings. I
f something or someone does not feel right to you, that is the case.

Jupiter in retrograde in the House of Work asks you to be honest about your work.
Do you support the work you do and do you agree with the policy at work?
Jupiter in Scorpio shows a busy period at work, but Jupiter in retrograde slows down the pace. Maybe you’re setting the bar too high. Perhaps you have been burning the candle at both ends. Change your lifestyle with a healthy diet and more exercise.
Go easy on yourself and relax.

Jupiter in retrograde in the House of Creativity and Love asks you enjoy yourself.
A wonderful time to do all the things that you never had time for. Do the creative things you like to do. Make the connection with your inner child. Also a period of financial advantages and chance of love. A period to fully enjoy all that feeds the soul.
However, Jupiter in retrograde also asks you an important question.
Do you love yourself?

Jupiter in retrograde in the House of Family, inner self and private life asks you if your house is your safe haven. Is it a true reflection of what you desire?
Do you feel at home or are you still looking for your safe haven?
Jupiter in retrograde is a good time to move or to restore a disturbed family relationship or to look for your roots. To make you feel happy at home, this is a good time for a new interior or to decorate your home with paintings and flowers. You get to know yourself better.
Lower your expectations of yourself and family.
Get to know yourself.

Jupiter in retrograde in the House of Communication asks if your thoughts match with what you should believe.
Jupiter in retrograde shows an interruption in studies or writing a book in order to investigate and find a teacher or publisher to help you.
Use this period to restore contact with close relatives.
Be critical. Don’t take anything at face value.
Do the right thing.

Jupiter in retrograde in the House of Finance asks you if your finances are in order.
What does possession mean to you?
Financial delays during this period are interwoven with this question.
Because of Jupiter in retrograde in Scorpio you have to economize. Many times, “you just have to have something”. What is the added value of possession?
But now you have to say “no” to yourself, even if you think you are worth it.
What is valuable to you?
Learn to hold on to what you have, let go what you do not need.

Jupiter in retrograde in the House of Scorpio asks you what integrity means to you.
Are you honest and sincere towards yourself and others? Do you support your own behavior and the choices you make in your private life and at work? Do you live by them?
The influence of Jupiter makes you demanding and too optimistic.
Don’t go overboard and keep your nose clean.

Jupiter in retrograde in the House of Cosmic Consciousness asks you who you are.
Jupiter in Scorpio brings a deep connection with the spiritual world and asks you to look at all the things that keep you hidden from the world and yourself. You get the chance to free yourself from self-destructive tendencies, deep-rooted fears and feelings of guilt.
What are your spiritual values? Are you pure and honest in everything you do? Why do you keep deluding yourself or others?
Learn to trust and don’t delay the inevitable.

Jupiter in retrograde the House of Friendships and Social Involvement asks you
to be selective in your choice of friends, acquaintances and social activities.
Something or someone has to feel good for you. Jupiter in retrograde also asks to look at yourself. Perhaps you are too demanding or are there any ulterior motives?
Perhaps you invest too much in others or do others expect too much from you?
Give and receive in proportion.

Jupiter in retrograde in the House of Career and Destination asks you if you are satisfied with your career and your social status. Do you find it important how others think about you?
Do you have the power to do what you promise? Jupiter in Scorpio creates great chances for progress in your career, but only when really want it with heart and soul. With integrity and honesty you achieve more and recognition and success come naturally to you.
The stage is yours, but learn how to shine in the background as well.

Jupiter in retrograde in the House of Higher Consciousness and Philosophy asks you to believe in yourself. Jupiter in Scorpio offers Pisces opportunities to experience and discover life. New cultures, travel and study to grow and broaden horizons.
Stay and follow the path that unfolds before you.
Say goodbye to the idea that you are unable, but embrace the idea that you go for it or at least give it a try.
What do you have to lose? Only beautiful opportunities.

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