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Jupiter 🪐 retrograde in Gemini from October 9 to February 3, 2025

From October 9, 2024 Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system, retrogrades from 21°20’3 to 11º16.9 in Gemini, the sign of Communication ruled by Mercury.
On average, Jupiter goes retrograde every 9 months, sometimes for 4 months in a row.

Jupiter has been in the pre-retrograde shadow since July 15, 2024 (at 11° 17 in Gemini) and
will not leave the post-retrograde period until April 30, 2025, (at 21° 20 in Gemini).

What does that mean, Jupiter retrograde in Gemini?
Jupiter Retrograde is a period of introspection, to reflect and deliberate.
Jupiter’s moon walk generally brings delays, but this cosmic time-out is good to pause for a moment.

Jupiter, the planet of happiness and abundance, has been traveling through mentally focused and dynamic Gemini since May 26, 2024. Jupiter in Gemini is about the diversity of information, exploration, the exchange of ideas, social connection and networking.
Since then, unprecedented innovative progress has been set in motion in the field of knowledge technology, creative design, digital communication, virtual reality, artificial intelligence (AI), news provision, apps and streaming services and transmission methods.

During Jupiter retrograde, doubt and skepticism about the progress and influence of AI in our lives grows.

During Jupiter retrograde, you must seek happiness within yourself. With Jupiter retrograde, insights come from your subconscious. You will notice that your own truth is not in line with that of others and that is why people prefer to keep thoughts and ideas to themselves. During this period of reflection and focus, take the time to redefine strategies and plans.
Look at what feels good for you instead of conforming to the expectations of others.
What feels good for you, does not apply to others!

Introspection, reflection and listening to your own inner voice is the path to spiritual growth and new ways of thinking with Jupiter retrograde.

Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius are particularly affected and anyone with their natal ascendant, Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus or Mars between 11 degrees and 21 degrees in these zodiac signs.

Important dates to keep in mind:

November 4, 2024: Venus in Sagittarius opposes retrograde Jupiter in Gemini.
A former love can come your way to close something or breathe new life into a love.
It is advisable not to embark on an adventure and not to promise too much.

November 18, 2024: Mercury in Sagittarius opposes retrograde Jupiter in Gemini can bring about a crisis of faith today. There may be a completely different way of thinking about a certain subject.

December 4, 2024: Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius opposite retrograde Jupiter in Gemini.
Today is a day of confusion. A previously made decision is questioned and must be reassessed.

December 8, 2024: The Sun in Sagittarius opposite retrograde Jupiter in Sagittarius creates high expectations of yourself and others with the risk of disappointment.
A day of wishful thinking, promises…promises….

December 24/25, 2024: Jupiter retrograde square Saturn in Pisces can be an economic reality check. Only invest in realistic achievable long-term goals. Reassess the path you want to take, both professionally and personally.

Influence of Jupiter retrograde on all zodiac signs: (read from ascendant)

ARIES ♈️ March 21 – April 19
Since May 26, 2024, with Jupiter through the 3rd House of Communication, the emphasis is on your social life, local community, living environment, school, neighbors and siblings and short trips. Jupiter retrograde is favorable for learning, brushing up on skills and refreshing knowledge. A conflict that arose in your immediate environment at the end of May 2024, the neighborhood where you live, can flare up again. It is advisable to keep yourself aloof and not to get involved in the conflict. It is not your fight and think of yourself and for yourself. No matter how well you mean it, it is now being misinterpreted. By keeping yourself aloof, you make it easier for yourself and for others.

TAURUS ♉️ April 20 – May 20
Since May 26, 2024, there has been an upward trend in your financial position and that feels good for Taurus. Yet something is gnawing at you because of Jupiter retrograde. There is more than enough of everything to make you feel happy, but is it enough for you? Retrograde Jupiter gives valuable insights, but also teaches you to be content with what you have. No matter what beautiful things you buy, it does not fill your heart with the golden light of pure inner peace and bliss. Happiness is not for sale anywhere. Happiness is free, but the most precious thing you will ever possess. Think about your talents, your long-term dreams and how you can realize them.

GEMINI ♊️ May 21 – June 20
The beneficial influence of Jupiter in Gemini has given you more confidence and courage since May 26, 2024. Much has changed in your life during this period of spiritual growth. Jupiter retrograde can be an intense period for you. Situations from the past come back during this Jupiter retrograde and then you are inclined to brood and think negatively.
It is possible that your conscience gnaws or that you think that you have fallen short. Jupiter retrograde teaches you to let go of those thoughts and not to look back. Learn from what has been, embrace what is to come. Dare to push your boundaries and do not be afraid to create your own happiness.

CANCER ♋️ June 21 – July 22
Jupiter in Gemini has been on a spiritual journey of healing, transformation and universal protection since May 26, 2024.
Jupiter retrograde can make it more difficult for Cancer to feel connected to spirituality and philosophy. During this period it is good to find out for yourself what suits you best. Perhaps you feel connected to astrology or yoga. It is also possible that a spiritual journey can connect you with other religions and ways of Being. Open your mind and be willing to explore all facets of life. Work on what you believe and why. Be true to what you believe, but also listen to what others want to tell you.

LEO ♌️ July 23 – August 22
Jupiter in Gemini has been making new friends and expanding your social network since May 26, 2024. Now that Jupiter is retrograde in the 11th House, you notice that your social circle is changing. Leo loses sight of friends or you feel the need for a time-out. Putting a friendship on the back burner is not over. Leo longs for depth with people who share the same interests, ideals and goals as you and that time-out of Jupiter retrograde gives you the space to explore that.
During Jupiter retrograde, Leo has also been affected by injustice and unfairness in life before. Jupiter retrograde is a favorable period to take steps to make the world a little more beautiful, such as joining a political party, demonstrating or expressing how things should be done.
Be the change, Leo.

VIRGO ♍️ August 23 – September 22
With the benevolent support of Jupiter in Gemini in the 10th House of Career, Virgo has been making great professional strides since May 26, 2024.
Retrograde Jupiter in Gemini can be intense. A previous professional opportunity comes your way again, giving you the chance to realize your dream. You may feel like you can’t meet the required expectations. Put that idea aside, because this opportunity can help you advance your career.
What exactly do you want to achieve and be recognized for? What is your true calling?
Trust your intuition. Maybe you need to go back to school or earn less.
What matters is spiritual fulfillment, that is where your true happiness lies.

LIBRA ♎️ September 23 – October 22
Libra has been on a spiritual journey through the land of trust, self-development, study, culture, abroad, philosophies and faith since May 26, 2024. Traveling broadens and enriches your worldview and understanding of the world.
The journey does not stop with Jupiter retrograde! This period is a favorable time for a long trip, study or online course on subjects that fascinate you. Gaining knowledge and skills can open the door to a new career move! Stay realistic and first think about whether your idea is feasible. But make good use of Jupiter retrograde to consciously look at the bigger picture. Don’t worry, because the world is waiting for you!

SCORPIO ♏️ October 23 – November 21
Jupiter’s transit in Gemini has made Scorpio more aware of the deeper dynamics and depth of relationships since May 26, 2024.
Jupiter retrograde can be challenging. Scorpio may be faced with a real estate investment or a family member’s last will. However, there may be a delay that may require Scorpio to take legal action. Jupiter retrograde is favorable for making a payment arrangement or requesting a deferral.
Don’t be afraid of emotional intimacy. Open up to your loved one or a trusted friend or ally during this period. Show your fears, show your darkness and trust.
Jupiter retrograde is a favorable period for counseling or therapy to be able to forgive and forget.

SAGITTARIUS ♐️ November 22 – December 21
With Jupiter in Gemini since May 26, 2024, new partnerships and collaborations have emerged for Sagittarius, both personally and professionally. Connections with negative energy have been broken and have made way for a new love or forms of collaboration. Jupiter retrograde can be intense, because this is a time to assess relationships and how to improve them, because retrograde Jupiter teaches you lessons about judging people too soon.
It is possible that you are still looking for the ultimate relationship. Jupiter retrograde brings you into contact with a soulmate or an old love or a connection that you have let go of, but have not forgotten. You see that person with completely different eyes! Keep your eyes and ears wide open and be ready, because encounters can be karmically connected to you.

CAPRICORN ♑️ December 22 – January 19
Jupiter’s transit through Gemini has led to major changes in daily activities, physical well-being and daily routine since May 26, 2024.
Capricorn has gained insights that allow it to make healthier choices. More exercise, healthier food, less stress and more time for relaxation.
Which obligations are worth your precious time and energy? By being selective and delegating, you will have more time to do fun things for yourself.
Not listening to your body would be unwise, because the risk of burnout during this challenging retrograde period is much bigger.
Jupiter retrograde is the ideal time for a healthy diet or exercise schedule, as well as alternative or complementary therapies. Up to a healthier you!

AQUARIUS ♒️ January 20 – February 18
Since May 26, 2024, Jupiter in Gemini in the 5th House of Love and Self-Expression makes your heart sing. It is possible that you have met the love of your life or that you have welcomed a new life or that a creative project has come to full bloom.
Jupiter retrograde in Gemini goes even deeper for Aquarius. Aquarius will explore the deeper layers of the partner and share the deepest feelings at heart level.
Aquarius also gains insights into who does or does not connect with your needs and desires. Spiritual and personal growth comes from what makes your heart sing and avoiding everything and everyone that does not make you happy. Take your time, enjoy, have fun and do not force anything.

PISCES ♓️ February 19 – March 20
Jupiter retrograde is a period of spiritual growth to (re)discover yourself through meditation, hypnosis, regression or writing down your thoughts.
Due to the transit of Jupiter in Gemini since May 26, 2024, Pisces has been given the opportunity to re-establish contact with family. Your house has undergone a makeover through a renovation or you have bought a house or you may have even emigrated. Maybe that nice house is still for sale or you can still qualify for that nice apartment. Jupiter retrograde is a search for yourself, your origins, family, a house or place that offers you spiritual and emotional fulfillment or maybe you come to the conclusion that you don’t want to move at all and that you have actually already found happiness.

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