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Days May 2024

Days May 2024

Wednesday, May 1, 2024
Last Quarter in Aquarius 🌗
Labour Day
On the first day of May 2024, the Moon is in its Third Quarter Phase in Aquarius.
The (left) half of the Moon is now visible. In the run-up to the New Moon phase, she reminds us of the need to let go in order to allow growth for ourselves, set boundaries and guard them.
The Moon sextile Mercury in Aries is all about fun, networking, making contacts and that is all reinforced by Mars!
Red Warrior Mars returns home to Aries’ own realm. Because of this fiery force we experience more strength, drive, courage and initiative on Earth.
Venus in Taurus is square to Pluto in Aquarius today. Take into account an unexpected event in the relationship, which can cause a lot of unrest.
With this square, Venus wants the truth, nothing more or less.
Suppressed anger and emotions can lead to an ‘outburst’ or feelings of revenge when there is infidelity or betrayal.

Thursday, May 2, 2024
Pluto goes retrograde in Aquarius starting today. Until October 11, 2024, the transforming energy is focused on the individual, your intentions.
During this long period, events will take place that will test our collective soul, our integrity, our loyalty and our sense of worth.
More about the influence of Pluto retrograde in Aquarius and the influence on all zodiac signs under NEWS on this website.
The Waning Crescent Moon in Aquarius squares Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus. This field of tension challenges us to bring out the best of yourself. Think about what you would like to achieve in the future. Try to stay within the limits of your capabilities and stick to them.

Friday, May 3, 2024
The Waning Crescent Moon in Pisces sextile Venus in Taurus is a quiet aspect that involves exploring feelings and discovering the meaning of feelings.
The imagination can be strong, so this is a nice aspect for creative projects and hobbies.
Mars in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius brings an enormous wave of willpower to achieve goals. This intense and purposeful energy gives enthusiasm and stamina to persist until the goal is achieved. So don’t put off annoying lockers any longer because today is the day to do that.
Great passionate energy for a date, to apply for a job or to make a strong impression! This is also a good financial transit!

Saturday, May 4, 2024
Remembrance Day
The Waning Crescent Moon is conjunct Saturn and Neptune in Pisces. With this energy we are more thoughtful, expectant and can react over-sensitively to situations. We take things seriously and worry too much about everything.
The sextile of the Moon in Pisces with Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus makes us stand still, but also gives the energy to make emotional adjustments and change ideas.

Sunday, May 5, 2024
Liberation Day
This Waning Crescent Moon is conjunct Mars and sextile retrograde Pluto in Aquarius.
This connection brings the promise of new beginnings. It also reminds us that nothing can last forever… that things can just take a completely different turn.
With this Aries energy in the waning phase, you feel driven to repel or close off certain things and negative energies, such as quitting an unpleasant habit or an unloving relationship. Everything you want to let go of goes better with the Waning Crescent Moon. Concentrate on your own desires, what you want for yourself. Enjoy this day!

Monday, May 6, 2024
The vanishing Moon in Aries is conjunct Mercury.
Mercury in Aries wants to move forward, negotiate, make plans spontaneously and take steps.
The disappearing Moon wants to finish things emotionally. So this is a favorable day to do your paperwork or finally finish that book that has been waiting for you for so long…
Through the post-shadow period of Mercury, stick to good planning for the desired results.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024
The Vanishing Moon in earthy Taurus is looking for stability and wants to focus on practical matters.
Due to the square of the Moon with retrograde Pluto in Aquarius, something can gnaw at you.
Try to get to the heart of it and see how you can make improvements.
Difficult choices may have to be made today. Mercury is still in its shadow period, so it is advisable not to do anything hasty.
Tomorrow is the New Moon. Slow down and set your intentions.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024
New Moon in Taurus
The conjunction of the Sun and Moon in Taurus presents a wonderful opportunity to bring grounded energy into your life, such as starting a new project, making a decision or getting your finances in order or dedicating yourself to a project that you help to improve stability and security in your life. Great moment for a green project.
The New Moon is conjunct Venus, Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus. Unexpected opportunities are learning moments and moments of growth. Creative solutions are found for the most diverse problems.
Read more about this New Moon in Taurus under NEWS on this website.
The Sun in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces gives strength, perseverance and perseverance to implement and persevere with those good intentions. Let go and trust.

Thursday, May 9, 2024
Ascension Day:
With the Waxing Crescent Moon in Gemini, our intuition is strengthened and we are supported to better understand actions taken previously and see the reasons for them. The emotional is taken over by the rational.
The Moon in Gemini is curious, wants to learn, talk, understand and make connections.
This Moon in Gemini is sextile Mars in Aries and forms a trine with retrograde Pluto in Aquarius. Today is a pleasant, versatile day, great for networking.
A day of unexpected surprises. A wonderful energy that can be used optimally. Ideas can come to you quickly and you can let them flow.

Friday, May 10, 2024
The Waxing Crescent Moon in Gemini forms a sextile with Mercury in Aries, bringing a passionate, enthusiastic atmosphere in which we want to work together. The competitive aspect of Mars is very strong, so it’s about winning and achieving success. Not only at work, but also in relationships, we see the need for independence and wanting to take charge. Truly a day to fight for something or someone. There may be an idea or plan that you want to work on and you can take advantage of its opportunities.
However, this Moon’s square with Saturn and Neptune in Pisces may dampen your enthusiasm. You may think that things won’t work out and that negative mood can in turn be the cause of misunderstandings.

Saturday, May 11, 2024
The Waxing Crescent Moon in Cancer deepens our emotions and gives us the opportunity to express them.
Sensitivity and intuition are stronger with the Moon in Cancer.
This Moon in Cancer squares Mars in Aries and that can be the cause of confrontations or power games. You may be more likely to ‘explode’ when you notice that something or someone is provoking you. Get to the heart of the matter and discover what you can do to remedy the situation.
This planetary tension is meant to persevere and not give up.
Stay true to yourself and focus on what you need to feel more stable and secure.

Sunday, May 12, 2024
Mothers Day
The waxing Crescent Moon in Cancer forms a sextile with Venus and Uranus in Taurus.
This Moon energy is about making improvements at home, seeking comfort in safety and enjoying what you have. This flowing energy brings everything into balance.
This energy gives a good feeling, but also to do things well and make things right.
The trine with Saturn in Pisces brings confidence, we stay focused and on track.
Due to the increasing conjunction of the Sun with Uranus in Taurus, it will be a day full of surprises.

Monday, May 13, 2024
The Sun is conjunct Uranus in Taurus today, the beginning of a new cycle.
Expect the unexpected today! Today we can be somewhat absent-minded and impatient in relationships, less cooperative and more individualistic, focused on the unconventional, unusual and idiosyncratic.
The Sun conjunct Uranus in Taurus wants financial and relational clarity and sees the need to change.
With the Sun and Neptune in Pisces together they form a trine of emotional energy, sensuality and inspiration. This allows us to sense what the other person is feeling. So a great day for the advertising world and the trade. Find peace within yourself today and don’t do anything you would rather not do.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024
The energy of the Waxing Crescent Moon in the proud fire sign Leo makes you creative, optimistic, determined and enthusiastic. With the Moon in Leo we are looking for a platform!
The square with Venus and Uranus in Taurus and the opposition of this Moon with retrograde Pluto in Aquarius can be the cause of relational tensions, emotional conversations and confrontations related to guilt, jealousy or possessiveness.
It’s like a major emotional clean-up is being done.
This day calls for clear choices, the path of compromise and mutual respect.
Saturn in Pisces intervenes by forming a sextile with Venus.
Venus receives support from Saturn and then there is clarity about mutual expectations within a relationship. This is an auspicious day for trade and business affairs.
Have patience and make the best of it.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024
First Quarter Moon in Leo.
This Moon proud Leo creates high expectations!
In its First Quarter Phase, the Moon asks us to first change or let go of old habits and ideas before moving forward. During this Moon phase we face some opposition as if our plans are being tested.
The First Quarter Moon in Leo allows you to make adjustments in the coming week that will allow you to be more creative with your projects and hobbies.
Mercury is in the last degree of Aries, so all in all a day to make an informed decision.

Thursday, May 16, 2024
Today Mercury enters the Earth sign Taurus. Mercury is about thought processes, among other things. With this thoughtful energy it takes longer before a decision is made, but once a decision is made, it remains unchanged and anchored with Mercury in Taurus.
So Mercury in Taurus can slow down mental energy, but it does give you the time and space to think about things and have confidence in the choices you make.
The Waxing Gibbous Moon in Virgo forms a trine with Mercury today and that shows a nice balance between feeling and reason. Today it is easier to put your feelings into words. Focus on one thing at a time for the desired result.
The Waxing Gibbous Moon in earthly Virgo keeps us focused and gives us the opportunity to organize things well.
This Moon in Virgo is always a favorable energy to work on small tasks or chores or things that require special attention and detail.

Friday, May 17, 2024
The Waxing Gibbous Moon in Virgo forms a trine today with Venus and Uranus in Taurus and an opposition with Saturn in Pisces.
Today there may be an unexpected message that touches you emotionally or you may receive news, mail, an email or a phone call that affects you and makes you silent for a moment.
You may receive news about family or someone from the past.
Keep in mind Mercury’s increasing square with retrograde Pluto, so the news can be confronting.

Saturday, May 18, 2024
The Sun forms an exact conjunction with Jupiter in Pisces at 27º, the beginning of a new annual cycle. This auspicious opening of trust, optimism and hope is the perfect time to plan for the future and set intentions for peace and protection.
Venus conjunct Uranus in sensory earthly Taurus is a merger of heaven and earth.
This heavenly merger makes it clear what you want and what you must do to get what you desire. Unexpected developments can occur in relationships.
Of course there are always contradictions, including today.
Mercury in Taurus squares retrograde Pluto in Aquarius.
Mercury is closest to the Sun and Pluto is furthest from the Sun and the square makes us feel uneasy. Pluto puts its finger on the sore spot and the square with Mercury lets us know exactly what that is. Mercury square Pluto can be insufferable, stubborn and stubborn.

Sunday, May 19, 2024
The Waxing Gibbous Moon in Libra is about connections and asks to restore balance in our lives. The stressful period we are living in demands a lot from all of us.
Collaboration is central to Libra, but set your own boundaries and do not ignore your own desires and wishes. Talking is always better than letting a conflict get out of hand.
The sign of Libra is connected to the kidneys, so drink plenty of water and avoid fatty foods and sweets as much as possible. Think about balance…not only emotionally, but your physical body needs balance too.
Due to the opposition of this Moon with Mars in Aries, this day can be both confrontational and enlightening. News may come to our attention and force us to face the truth. Emotions get the upper hand today, but allow them.

Monday, May 20, 2024
Whit Monday
The Sun in Taurus reaches out to Neptune in Pisces and this sextile gives us a source of fantasy and rich daydreams, romantic expectations and dreams of the unattainable. The Sun in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces makes the atmosphere friendly and pleasant, willing and involved.
Due to the Sun in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces, we are more aware of feelings, people and circumstances and can sense people well. A favorable position for trade, but also for traveling, studying, helping others and charity projects.
It’s not really a day to make a big decision.
Make good planning in advance if you want to get something done.
Your intuition can guide you and help you with any challenges you face.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024
Today the Sun enters the air sign Gemini. With this cheerful and light energy, the emphasis until June 20, 2024 is on exchange and communication, which makes it possible to connect the inside and outside world, above and below.
When the Moon is in Scorpio, emotions are more intense than usual, we are afraid of rejection, jealous, resentful, compulsive and more on our guard. We regret past things and are in a dark mood, swinging between extremes.
The Waxing Gibbous Moon in Scorpio squares retrograde Pluto and opposition Mercury in Taurus
Pluto rules Scorpio, has been retrograde since May 2, 2024 and this energy brings up the past, deep old pain that makes itself known through your body, which itself suffers from that old pain.
The almost Full Moon in Scorpio adds an extra dose of focus and intensity, as it opposes Mercury in Taurus. There’s something you need to know. Be careful what you say and how you say something. In short: this energy keeps us alert and can be the reason for sensational news.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024
The Sun in Gemini is trine retrograde Pluto in Aquarius shows a beautiful day to make essential changes and move mountains! Truly a day to get answers to questions that have been bothering you for some time and to regain control.
The almost Full Moon in Scorpio trines Saturn in Pisces encourages anything that requires patience and accuracy or putting new ideas into practice and helps us make the adjustments necessary to make things run better
The opposition with Uranus in Taurus shows that you need more personal space within a relationship.

Thursday, May 23, 2024
Full Moon in Sagittarius
The Full Moon in Sagittarius sextile retrograde Pluto in Aquarius challenges us to look beyond what we can already see, to everything we can. Cosmic energies influence our lives, but this passionate Full Moon reminds us that whatever is happening in your life is a collective universal process, felt by all. Venus conjunct Jupiter in Taurus is a favorable conjunction, a promise of love and money, harmony and happiness. A feeling of happiness…It flows naturally! Today everything feels good, so a nice day for an outing, meeting up with friends, attending an event. Today you can fall in love, receive a financial windfall or make an investment!
The sextile with Neptune in Pisces gives extra imagination, we are more compassionate and helpful and more generous towards others.
Read more about this Full Moon in Sagittarius under NEWS on this website!

Friday, May 24, 2024
From today until June 17, 2024, lovely Venus dances through airy Gemini.
Venus, the Goddess of Love and Beauty in Gemini stimulates our minds and sparks interesting conversations. Beware of gossip! Venus in Gemini had a tendency to do this. With the first day of Venus in Gemini we are a bit restless or experience inner feelings of unrest…as if there is something intangible in the air.
The still Full Moon in Sagittarius forms a trine to Mars in Aries.
This positive Moon energy makes you optimistic, determined and enthusiastic. This mode motivates you to do the things that make you happy and to go for it!

Saturday, May 25, 2024
Today, Venus in Gemini forms a harmonic trine with retrograde Pluto in Aquarius. Love is the theme of this day. The feeling of emotional connection becomes more intense, physically, mentally and emotionally. Today you will learn more about the deeper meaning of a relationship. Not only a good day for love, but also for all forms of art and creativity. Great day to make new friends, a date or a day out with your loved one.
Due to the Waning Gibbous Moon in Sagittarius square Uranus in Taurus, we have to take into account premature conclusions and unexpected developments.

Sunday, May 26, 2024
Today is the big day!
Jupiter enters the air sign of Gemini!
Gemini is like the wind, so the energy is mental, lively, fast, curious. Jupiter is abundance and in Gemini this is the cosmic invitation to try new things and explore new perspectives.
Read more about the influence of Jupiter in Gemini and the influence on all zodiac signs under NEWS on this website!
The Waning Gibbous Moon in Capricorn forms a trine to Mercury in Taurus.
In summary, this is a perfect day for a day out or for study, consultation, discussion groups and making long-term plans.

Monday, May 27, 2024
The Waning Gibbous Moon in Capricorn is sextile Saturn and Neptune in Pisces and trines Uranus in Taurus. In itself this is a calm and pleasant flow and makes it a favorable day for financial negotiations, concluding a business contract, family celebration or making a solemn promise to each other, long-term goals and improving or fine-tuning.
A day of unexpected twists due to the trine of the Moon with Uranus in Taurus, but take into account the square Mars in Aries. With this dynamic square we are determined to succeed and that can be the cause of short temper, defensiveness, frustration, irritation, annoyance and impulsive actions.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024
Mercury in Taurus is sextile Saturn in Pisces and with this mental energy you can better focus and concentrate on details. Today there is a good flow, really a day to gather information and ask advice from older people. When you have all the information, you can make the right decision. Mercury in Taurus wants to face things. Saturn is reality and the content of a conversation or information may be disappointing. An unexpected development or change today can turn out well in the long term.
The Waning Gibbous Moon in Aquarius is conjunct retrograde Pluto, forming a trine with Venus and Jupiter in Gemini. This connection is beneficial for making adjustments to realize plans.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024
The Waning Gibbous Moon in Aquarius is sextile Mars in Taurus and that is a pleasant aspect in which cooperation and solidarity go hand in hand. Great aspect of doing something together
to undertake. Take into account the square of the Moon with Mercury and Uranus in Taurus.
If there is something that makes you feel stuck, you can be rebellious or do something unexpected. The conjunction of red Warrior Mars with Chiron in Aries increases extremely reactive and impulsive behavior when there is unresolved pain, oppression, manipulation or abuse. It is important to channel anger and tackle the cause instead of circumventing or avoiding the problem.
Hasty conclusions or ill-considered decisions can have unpleasant consequences.

Thursday, May 30, 2024
The Waning Gibbous Moon in Pisces is about letting go, trust and gratitude with what is.
Due to the tension square with Venus and Jupiter, you need more time for yourself to rest or just relax, reflect and sit in your own bubble for a while.
Take the time to relax, because it gives you peace of mind so you can concentrate better.

Friday, May 31, 2024
Third Quarter Moon in Pisces.
On the last day of May, the Third Quarter Phase of the Moon conjunct Saturn in Pisces asks you to analyze the past four weeks and understand your personal process. Take time for reflection.
It is good to let go of what you no longer need in the coming week. Today, with this Moon conjunct Saturn and sextile Mercury and Uranus in Taurus, something is being handled, a small project or several small projects and tasks.
Today is also the exact conjunction of Mercury and Uranus in Taurus.
With this conjunction, you are busy finding creative and practical solutions.
A day of deja-vu, insights and unexpected, unconventional ideas.
A dream can be prophetic.
These ideas don’t just come out of the blue, so take them seriously because these ideas will come in handy later.

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