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Days July 2024

Days July 2024

Monday, July 1, 2024
On the first day of July 2024, the Waning Crescent Moon in terrestrial Taurus forms a conjunction with Mars. The Moon is about what you perceive emotionally. The conjunction of the Moon with Mars in Taurus feels good and provides focused energy to tackle matters and that is wholeheartedly supported by a sextile with Venus and retrograde Saturn in Pisces.
All in all, a good start to the week to focus on something that needs to be done or discussed.
Let’s work!

Tuesday, July 2, 2024
Today, Neptune goes retrograde at 29º55 in Pisces. Until December 6, 2024, retrograde Neptune can lead to wishful thinking and unrealistic expectations. Especially today and in the very last degree of Pisces, this can play tricks on us.
Read more about Neptune retrograde and its influence on the signs under NEWS on this website.
Mercury in Cancer forms a trine today with retrograde Neptune in Pisces and this inspiring and imaginative connection gives hope and confidence. A beautiful day for a creative project, a good book, a film, an emotional poem or listening to music.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024
From today until July 25, 2024, swift planetary messenger Mercury travels through Leo.
Mercury in Leo is enthusiastic, inspires and stimulates creativity and self-expression, but can also bluff and present things as better than they actually are. Mercury in Leo immediately seeks confrontation with retrograde Pluto in Aquarius, so with this combative energy it is a day of confrontation and misunderstandings. The Sun in Cancer squares the North Node in Aries, a karmic crossroads, so we are challenged to resolve an old issue to clear the way to the future. Fortunately, Venus comes to the rescue with a beautiful trine to retrograde Saturn in Pisces and this flowing energy can give a positive twist to this day. Progress can be made with ambition and drive. Beneficial for creativity, commerce and finance.

Thursday, July 4, 2024
The disappearing Moon in Gemini forms a square with retrograde Saturn and Neptune in Pisces. Not everything that is said or shown is believed today. Patience is hard to find. It’s not easy to focus. You may find yourself daydreaming or wanting to escape into fantasies.
Tomorrow is the New Moon, so give yourself time to write down your intentions for the next four weeks.

Friday, July 5, 2024
Today is the New Moon in the water sign Cancer. 🌑
The New Moon at 14º23 in Cancer opens the door to renewal, which in the Water sphere focuses mainly on the areas of home, safety, living situation, family and career and strengthening the foundations of our lives and our goals.
Today, Mars in Taurus forms a favorable sextile with retrograde Saturn in Pisces, making this New Moon a perfect time to put things right, arrange something for your family and make improvements in and around the house. Focus on something that will help you make quick progress and what you need to feel safe and comfortable.
Read more about the New Moon and its influence on all zodiac signs under NEWS on this website!

Saturday, July 6, 2024
The Waxing Crescent Moon in Cancer is conjunct Venus in Cancer, forming a sextile with Mars and Uranus in Taurus. The trine with retrograde Saturn in Pisces makes it a day in which working with others is the key to success. So teamwork can be to your advantage. Venus in Cancer squares Wounded Healer Chiron in Aries, so it’s about pain related to relationships or self-esteem. Feelings of being unloved, unworthy and unsafe come to the surface. It is good to make yourself vulnerable and discuss it. Today is also a great day to come clean and talk out things that are bothering you.

Sunday, July 7, 2024
In the morning, the Waxing Crescent Moon in Cancer forms another trine with retrograde Neptune in Pisces.
Changes are taking place in various areas within ourselves and around us. This Moon energy makes us think about everything carefully in these times of unrest, it is a time of silence in which we listen to the messages that come to us from the universe. Beautiful energy to dream in or to connect with your heart.
In the afternoon the Moon shifts to the fire sign Leo and then it is time to do something fun.
With the spontaneous Moon in Leo conjunct Mercury, it is nice to enjoy what life has to offer.

Monday, July 8, 2024
Mercury in Leo sextile Jupiter in Gemini keeps us clear, focused on the future and down to earth. This connection brings great ideas and big plans!
Great day to travel, study, research or start a new project. The Waxing Crescent Moon in Leo square Mars in Taurus and sextile with Jupiter in Gemini keeps the energy going, but don’t get ahead of yourself!
Venus in Cancer forms a rising sextile with Uranus in Taurus, so expect the unexpected!
Enjoy this day, all the beauty and beauty of life.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024
There is an indefinable and restless tension in the air. Venus in Cancer today forms an exact sextile with Uranus in Taurus and the rising Moon in Leo is square to Uranus in Taurus. Venus in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus longs for something new. A new friendship or just falling in love, it’s all possible! Mercury in Aries and Jupiter in Gemini are well placed on the North Node in Aries and that makes it a wonderful day to embark on an adventure! Also beneficial for a meeting, presentation or a good conversation.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024
Today, the energy of the Waxing Crescent Moon in Virgo makes you feel the need to declutter and restructure things and be better organized.
Make a list of everything you need to do so you don’t miss anything.
The sextile between Jupiter in Gemini and the North Node in Aries invites you to embrace the path where spiritual and material blessings are harmoniously intertwined.
Aligning with the expansive energy of Jupiter in Gemini stimulates profound transformations and a richer life experience.

Thursday, July 11, 2024
The Sun in Cancer today forms an exact trine with retrograde Saturn in Pisces and that is a focused energy to concentrate on everything that still needs to be solved or supported. It can confirm our feelings about something. However, this protective flow of energy also requires us to take responsibility for ourselves.
The Racing Crescent Moon in Virgo opposite retrograde Saturn in Pisces and trine Mars in Taurus shows that it is a day to work for yourself, because everyone is busy with themselves and their own activities. Venus is on the very last degree of Cancer and forms a trine retrograde Neptune in Pisces. Nice to dream, but stay within your limits.

Friday, July 12, 2024
Today Venus enters the fiery realm of King Leo and will remain there until August 5, 2024.
In proud Leo, Venus wants a stage to warm herself in the rays of the Sun.
Venus in Leo is playful, warm, romantic and creative, but above all wants admiration. With this energy we dare to express who we are and what we are.
Venus in Leo is in increasing opposition to retrograde Pluto in Aquarius.
In relationships there can be tension, jealousy, compulsive behavior and feelings of guilt.
A rash action can have major consequences. Not a good day to start a new relationship.

Saturday, July 13, 2024
Today is the exact opposition of Venus in Leo and retrograde Pluto in Aquarius.
Things need to be faced that involve responsibility, intense emotional reactions, compulsive behavior, power struggles, and setting boundaries.
The Waxing Crescent Moon in Libra is sextile Mercury in Leo, making it easier to express yourself openly. The trine of the growing Moon with Jupiter in Gemini gives you strength and the space to stand aside when others fight for power and control.

Sunday, July 14, 2024 🌓
The Moon in Libra is in its First Quarter Phase. The right side of the Moon is now visible.
The Moon is ‘growing’ and so is the energy on Earth! During this phase, the Moon asks us to change or let go of old habits and ideas so that we can move forward with our plans. During the period when the old is exchanged for the new, we may encounter some resistance, as if the Moon is testing us.
The coming week is the best time to make adjustments in relationships and get help to make those changes.

Monday, July 15, 2024
Mars conjunct Uranus in Taurus brings insights and unexpected encounters! This erratic combination wants radical change and freedom and wants to do everything differently.
The Waxing Moon in Scorpio squares Venus in Leo and retrograde Pluto in Aquarius.
The motivation to make changes can be strong with this T-Square. However, Mercury in Leo conjunct retrograde Saturn in Pisces makes it difficult to realize what you have in mind. It is as if things are impossible to realize or unattainable or that you just do not receive the necessary information to achieve a goal. The Sun in Cancer square Chiron in Aries is really such a ‘why me’ aspect… Focus on the core of something today and make sure you don’t get lost in the dark.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024
The intense Waxing Gibbous Moon in Scorpio brings focus and intensity and supports us to integrate all experiences gained on our path. There may be something that needs to be explored to the core and that is possible with the trine retrograde Saturn in Pisces.
Because the Moon is square Mercury in Leo, communication difficulties may arise in your immediate environment. Feelings and emotions get the upper hand. A day of criticism or even unpleasant news. The Moon’s opposition to Uranus and Mars in Taurus can cause financial disruptions or test your patience.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024
With the Waxing Moon in Sagittarius we want to push our boundaries. The Sagittarius Moon is conjunct the Fixed Star Antares and that strong masculine energy can be quite combative. Through the sextile with retrograde Pluto in Aquarius and the trine with Venus in Leo, we are inspired to go deeper and prepared to take a stand in search of solutions or the deeper meaning of life or relationship(s).
The Moon’s opposition to Jupiter in Gemini sets everything in motion, but this energy can also be hyped and exaggerated. This day requires clear and creative choices that respect each other’s opinions.

Thursday, July 18, 2024
The Waxing Gibbous Moon in Sagittarius is trine Mercury in Leo. This is a favorable day to go away for a day, for study, consultation, discussion groups and making long-term plans. The square with retrograde Saturn in Pisces can dampen the mood somewhat. Mutual understanding is not guaranteed. Contact with women cannot be that easy today. Also be careful when purchasing clothing, jewelry or cosmetics. It is advisable to go into nature today and not overeat or snack or drink to get rid of an unpleasant feeling.

Friday, July 19, 2024
The Sun in Cancer forms a sextile with Uranus in Taurus today, making this an interesting day with exciting innovative developments. Venus trines the North Node in Aries and that is favorable to conclude an agreement. There is an air of tension and excitement in the air. With this energy you want to do things your own way, just something different!
The Waxing Gibbous Moon in adventurous Sagittarius encourages you to push boundaries, grow, learn, travel and think ahead.
The Moon in Sagittarius is square to retrograde Neptune in Pisces and that makes you more sensitive than normal. It is difficult to keep your mind on something or to concentrate.
Be clear in word and deed and do your best to distinguish between what is true and what is not.

Saturday, July 20, 2024
The almost Full Moon in Capricorn brings a serious energy of attention, details, thinking and focus in approaching things, working out plans and gathering information.
Today, Mars in Taurus forms a sextile with retrograde Neptune in Pisces, making it a beautiful inspiring day for spiritual pursuits, creative projects, dance, drama, music or fighting for a just cause. Follow your intuition in everything you do!
Dreams can become reality, but you have to do something for it.
Everything that happens today affects the coming month.

Sunday, July 21, 2024
Today is the Full Moon in Capricorn 🌕
This is the second Full Moon in a row in Capricorn, as the previous one fell on June 22, 2024.
This Full Moon in Capricorn calls us to let go of things that are holding us back from realizing our true potential. With this Full Moon in Capricorn there is progress to be made!
Read more about the Full Moon under NEWS on this website!
Today also begins the transit of red warrior Mars through Gemini (lasts until September 4, 2024!) With the drive of Mars in Gemini, all stops are opened!
Mars in Gemini forms a direct trine with retrograde Pluto in Aquarius and with that energetic energy you are determined to make the project a success.
Venus in Leo sextile Jupiter in Gemini shows that something is really worth fighting for. Today, luck can come your way or things are working in your favor. Of course that depends on the choices that are made!

Monday, July 22, 2024
The Sun in Cancer today forms a beautiful trine with retrograde Neptune in Pisces and Venus is sextile Jupiter in Gemini. It is possible that today you only want to see the beautiful in everything and everyone, but beware of disappointment and clearly indicate your boundaries. Unexpected events can upset you, because Mercury in Leo squares Uranus in Taurus. With this energy dynamic there is less focus and communication problems can arise. Feelings and emotions get in the way of common sense. Emotional freedom or the desire to take a breather after an emotionally difficult situation is quite possible.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024
Today the Sun, the Light of consciousness, enters the fiery and creative realm of King Leo!
Leo is the sign connected to the Sun.
The Sun in Leo forms a direct opposition to retrograde Pluto in Aquarius. This opposition of the Sun and Pluto occurs once a year and offers us the opportunity to shed light on our shadow sides. The Sun gets support from Mars in Gemini and that gives us a feeling of being invincible, like we can do anything. A great day for taking an initiative to get started on a project or to be active. With the Waning Gibbous Moon in Aquarius opposing Mercury in Leo, you want to win and fight for something, and it may seem like the most important thing in the world, but it may not be. Take a step back and try to see the bigger picture.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024
The Waning Gibbous Moon in Pisces makes you super sensitive, but also makes it difficult to distinguish whether something is real or not, whether something has been played or whether there is more going on.
This Moon makes you see situations from a different perspective and provides clarity on the steps you need to take to create more peace and harmony in life. Be aware that you are much more sensitive to atmospheres with this Moon. The Moon is in its final phase, so make adjustments to improve plans and make them more realistic. Due to the increasing square of Mars and Jupiter in Gemini, irritations in relationships and forms of cooperation can arise when desired results are not achieved. Not everything goes as you would like today.

Thursday, July 25, 2024
The Sun in Leo forms a sextile with Mars in Gemini today.
Today is about action and above all action with word and deed!
With this high energy it is good to be physically active and focus on what you are most enthusiastic about.
Mercury in Leo forms a conjunction with the Moon and retrograde Neptune in Pisces at the very last degree in Leo. With this energy we are attuned to everything that is happening around us, but it also makes it difficult to distinguish whether something is real or whether you are imagining it, whether something has been played or whether there is more going on. As a result, all logic may be missing, which proves once again that a good plan is required to achieve goals today!

Friday, July 26, 2024
Today too, the Sun in Leo forms a sextile with Mars in Gemini and then we want to be active.
As of today, Mercury travels through its own sign Virgo. Thinking becomes analytical, practical and critical, productive and focused. With this astute energy we start making to-do lists and pay more attention to detail.
The Waning Gibbous Moon in Aries is sextile Mars and Jupiter in Gemini and trine Venus in Leo shows a great day to go to the hairdresser, go shopping or decorate your interior. Meetings and meetings proceed harmoniously and pleasantly. It is a day to recall beautiful memories and share love with your loved one. The social aspect of this transit may mean the beginning of a beautiful friendship or at a gathering you may meet someone who can be helpful to you.

Saturday, July 27, 2024
The Waning Gibbous Moon in Aries is trine Venus in the fire sign Leo wants so much, but is unable to do so.
Venus in Leo is quincunx retrograde Saturn in Pisces and Mercury in Leo is quincunx retrograde Pluto in Aquarius. These are difficult, but educational aspects, they can be judgmental, towards ourselves, others or circumstances.
Different things require your attention, but in all likelihood not all projects will go as desired.
The Moon is in its Waning Gibbous phase and it is better to stick to a fixed routine and not force anything. This is the time to let things go.

Sunday, July 28, 2024
The Moon in Taurus is in the Last Quarter Phase 🌗
This phase is intended to analyze the two weeks behind us and see what they have brought us. Taurus is about money, love, relationships, possessions, art and music.
With the Last Quarter Moon in Taurus you can slowly but surely finish something or close something in the coming week. Grounding yourself can help you let go.
Under the Delta Aquarid meteor shower, the Moon sextile retrograde Saturn in Pisces invites you to pay attention to long-term plans. Continue to build on what is valuable, but let go of what you no longer need. Stay in the moment, connect to the present and relax.

Monday, July 29, 2024
The Waning Crescent Moon in Taurus is conjunct Uranus in Taurus and square Venus in Leo.
The period of the Waning Crescent Moon is intended to repel certain things and negative energies and with this planetary support it looks like it will work.
There may be something that needs to be changed and the conjunction of Uranus in Taurus encourages you to try a different approach. A frank conversation can lead to clarity and insight!
There doesn’t seem to be a problem, but you still have to be careful.
The atmosphere can suddenly change, a minor irritation or a decision made in haste can lead to undesirable results.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024
The Waning Crescent Moon in Gemini conjunct Mars and the fixed star Aldebaran trine retrograde Pluto in Aquarius and square ruler Mercury in Virgo is a restless aspect pattern.
It feels like there is something in the air.
An unexpected event, accident or change can disrupt your daily schedule, so try to be flexible and seize the opportunities that arise. This aspect is beneficial for completing short-term projects and getting the information you need to create new opportunities.
Venus in Leo trine Chiron in Aries gives the courage to talk openly and without judgment about a painful situation in love or cooperation.

Wednesday, July 31, 2024
On the last day of July 2024, the Waning Crescent Moon in Gemini forms a conjunction with Jupiter, a sextile with Venus in Leo, but is square to retrograde Saturn in Pisces. Much can be achieved in a friendly atmosphere, but we are encouraged to get things done or work on ourselves. A lot is happening that requires a lot of adjustment, but our patience is still being called upon.
The Sun in Leo forms a trine to the North Node in Aries, so progress can be made. It is advisable to focus today on substantive issues and personal issues. Work for yourself, clean up and be patient. There’s no point in forcing things!

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