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Days February 2024

Thursday, February 1, 2024
On the first day of February 2024, we celebrate Imbolc, the first celebration before the Spring Equinox of March 21, 2024! The festival of purification and cleansing for the start of a new growth phase.
The Transition from Winter to Spring!
The Waning Gibbous Moon in Libra squares Mercury and Mars in Capricorn. Mercury will remain in Capricorn until next Sunday and just like Mercury, the Moon is in its final phase. Mars still wants to see results and therefore irritations in relationships and forms of cooperation can arise today when desired results are not achieved. Not everything goes as you would like today.

Friday, February 2, 2024
Today we celebrate Candlemas.
The Moon in Scorpio is in its Third Quarter Phase.
In the run-up to the New Moon of February 9, 2024, this intense Moon asks you to analyze the past four weeks and understand the personal process.
The Moon in Scorpio wants to clear and let go to get to the essence and the square with Pluto in Aquarius intensifies that process.
Mercury in Capricorn is sextile Neptune in Pisces today. This aspect gives us the insight that true freedom comes from choices made from the heart.

Saturday, February 3, 2024
The Waning Crescent Moon in Scorpio sextiles Mercury in Capricorn and opposes Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus. With this aspect pattern we are asked to set boundaries in your personal life to protect yourself and your emotional security. The Moon gets along well with Neptune in Pisces and that connection inspires and solves obstacles.
Do what you have to do and finish what can’t wait.
Today we will receive information that will allow new plans to be made.

Sunday, February 4, 2024
The Waning Crescent Moon in Scorpio is a source of inspiration and deepening, mentally, physically and spiritually. Financial security is an important part of this.
The Moon is currently between the Last Quarter and New Moon.
This is a period of redeeming Karma and time to let go of the past.
This Moon in Scorpio shows its ‘dark’ side during this phase, so you have to be careful! The Sun in Aquarius is looking for connection, but with this moon phase it can be complicated when it comes to freedom and the extent to which you feel free within social situations, groups and relationships.

Monday, February 5, 2024
Due to the Waning Crescent Moon in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces, expectations are high, but it is not easy to meet those expectations.
It’s better not to force anything and give yourself some time. Setting boundaries and distancing helps to focus.
Stay the course and be open to possibilities. Favorable day for study and research!
Mercury is in Capricorn for the last time today and because of this we try to gain control over our thoughts. Mercury will be in Aquarius from tomorrow and will then form a conjunction with Pluto and that is already strongly felt today. This energy brings about changes in the way we think, communicate and process information, it makes us focused and driven.

Tuesday, February 6, 2024
Today the fast planet Mercury of communication and traffic enters the sky kingdom of Aquarius. Mercury in Aquarius brings out sudden insights and unconventional ideas and helps you think outside the box.
Mercury in Aquarius is conjunct Pluto in Aquarius and with that drive you think ahead and work on plans for change or for your future. Pay attention to intuitive flashes and premonitions. Friday is the New Moon in Aquarius, so set your intentions on this special day! Great day to delve into complex and interesting topics. Talk with friends about ideas and work on plans for change.

Wednesday, February 7, 2024
The Waning Crescent Moon in Capricorn forms a trine to Jupiter in Taurus and a sextile to Saturn in Pisces. With this serious and decisive energy, goals can be achieved step by step.
Mercury in Aquarius gives us insights to make necessary decisions when necessary. All in all, a favorable day to think of new options, make practical adjustments and work on intentions for the New Moon in Aquarius on February 9, 2024.

Thursday, February 8, 2024
Venus in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus today can lead to unexpected developments, such as a new love or business opportunity. In the social circle there may be unexpected changes and finding new ways to connect.
The Waning Crescent Moon is conjunct Mars in Capricorn and forms a rising sextile with Neptune in Pisces. This connection invites you to turn dreams into action, so it is a favorable day for making valuable contacts. Mars would not be Mars to separate the wheat from the chaff, exposing dishonest intentions.
No matter how moving a change in your life may be, much depends on how you deal with it.

Friday, February 9, 2024
Today begins the Year of the Dragon, the year of greatness and progress!
Today is also the New Moon at 20º41 in independent and freedom-loving Aquarius.
This innovative energy is future-oriented and wants collaboration! Great time to set intentions and plant the seeds for positive change in your life.
With this energy we prefer to go our own way, so nothing should stand in the way.
This New Moon in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus, which can cause impatience to gain the upper hand. A wake-up call in financial and value terms, that’s for sure. The square of the New Moon with Uranus in Taurus makes it an unpredictable day, everything is possible.
Read more about this New Moon and its influence on all zodiac signs in our NEWS.

Saturday, February 10, 2024
Today Mercury in Aquarius squares Jupiter in Taurus and it is about making choices. New facts come to light, calling other facts into question.
Just after the New Moon in Aquarius, it is good to take some time for yourself, to become aware of who you are and where you stand in the big picture. In the past six years, the world around you has changed so much, but you have also changed with it.
Even though life is far from ideal, there is always a way to make your life better in ways you never imagined.

Sunday, February 11, 2024
The Waxing Crescent Moon in the waters of Pisces is conjunct Saturn, forming a sextile with Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus. This inspired and positive Moon energy increases intuition and that contributes to good communication. A nice day to surround yourself with spirituality and gentleness. A day of cleaning up and letting go. Relax and don’t do more than one thing at a time.
Truly a day to take time for yourself. Just in your own bubble to do the things you like to do.

Monday, February 12, 2024
The Waxing Crescent Moon in Pisces is conjunct Neptune in Pisces, forming a sextile with Venus and Mars in Capricorn. This soft and connecting flow brings compassion and empathy.
With this energy you can bring more balance to your life and show that even the most difficult moments can be learned and growth is possible.

Tuesday, February 13, 2024
The Waxing Crescent Moon in Aries sparkles in the sky and brings us renewed energy!
With this growing Moon in Aries sextile Mercury in Aquarius, the initiative can be taken to take the first steps! The emotional is taken over by the rational.
Our intuition is strengthened and we are supported to better understand previous actions and see the reasons for them.
Generally seeing a pleasant atmosphere without too much conflict with anything.

Wednesday, February 14, 2024
Today is Valentine’s Day. Mars, the planet of energy and drive, travels from today until March 22, 2024 through the freedom-loving air sign Aquarius. Mars forms a direct conjunction with Pluto at 0º Aquarius and that is a powerful primal energy with which we want to prove ourselves and no one should stand in the way.
The serene Venus in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces softens this masculine Mars energy, so there is also room for love!
The Waxing Crescent Moon in Aries (ruler Mars) forms a square with Venus in Capricorn and makes the atmosphere ultra sensitive, so take tensions into account.

Thursday, February 15, 2024
On the western horizon you can see a beautiful conjunction of the Waxing Crescent Moon with Jupiter in Taurus. Due to the square of the Moon conjunct Jupiter and Taurus with Mercury, Mars and Pluto in Aquarius, everything is happening at the same time today and we have to be flexible.
It feels as if we are faced with a choice between one or the other, choosing freedom or security.
Today, communication difficulties can arise at work, on the road or in relationships. Feelings and emotions are made even greater by the influence of Jupiter. People are blowing things all out of proportion. People do not understand each other, react objectively and talk past each other. Today we discuss difficult items, there will be criticism or we agree to disagree.

Friday, February 16, 2024
The Moon in Taurus is in its First Quarter Phase.
The right side of the Moon is now visible. The Moon is ‘growing’ and so is the energy on Earth!
The Moon conjunct Uranus in Taurus makes us aware and attuned to what we need and that is financial security. However, today there may be unexpected events related to values, money and possessions. With the sextile of the Moon with Neptune in Pisces, everything is put into perspective. This can be a time for change, big and small. Work on what you want to change, why you want to change it, and how you can make it happen.

Saturday, February 17, 2024
Venus enters Aquarius today. Venus in Aquarius until March 11, 2024 is a more casual and independent energy of wanting to be free and untethered in all forms of relationships. You also desire more freedom within the relationship or you notice that the other person needs a little more space. Today, everything is a little different and unusual.
Venus in Aquarius conjunct Pluto in Aquarius intensifies this creative energy.
Mercury in Aquarius is exactly square Uranus in Taurus today. Not everything you hear or see is properly understood or something that should not be said is passed on.

Sunday, February 18, 2024
The Waxing Gibbous Moon in Gemini is trine Mercury today.
The mental and restless energy of the Waxing Gibbous Moon in Gemini trine Mercury in Aquarius makes it feel like something is in the air and the square with Neptune in Pisces creates the necessary confusion and uncertainty. There is no concentration today. The energy is going in all directions today, so it also goes from one thing to another in your head.
An unexpected event, accident or change can disrupt your daily schedule, so try to be flexible and seize the opportunities that arise.

Monday, February 19, 2024
The Waxing Gibbous Moon in Cancer puts family and family at the center. With this aspect you are more sensitive and intense emotions arise. You don’t know how to express this or how to deal with it. Self-criticism, self-doubt and an unsafe feeling… You prefer to keep those feelings to yourself for fear of judgment or rejection. The Moon in Cancer creates a need for comfort and what gives a good feeling.
The Moon sextile Jupiter in Taurus and Saturn in Pisces is a stabilizing aspect that keeps things from getting out of hand. This day can still take a positive turn and have a long-term impact and influence long-term projects related to family and ambitions.

Tuesday, February 20, 2024
Today the Sun crosses into Pisces, the kingdom of Neptune. The coming month is all about trust, devotion, charity, spirituality, mysticism and idealism. The Sun in Pisces takes us to the first day of Spring, the Spring Equinox.
The Waxing Gibbous Moon in Cancer shifts the focus on home, family and everything you hold dear. This Moon in Cancer is sextile Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus, so a favorable day for a project at home such as a renovation, moving or moving furniture. This day can be confrontational as well as enlightening for you. The day may not go as you planned.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024
The Waxing Gibbous Moon in Cancer deepens our emotions. Sensitivity and intuition are stronger.
Today the focus is again on home, family and everything that is dear to you.
The planetary handshake of the Moon with Neptune in Pisces makes us feel exactly what we need to take control of a situation related to safety, home or family. If that is not (yet) the case, today you know which direction to take to gain control. Really a day to take it easy. Go to the spa, read a book, listen to music or watch a nice movie, just pamper yourself.

Thursday, February 22, 2024
The Waxing Gibbous Moon in Leo asks you to bring out your best self. Venus and Mars form an exact conjunction today at 6º in Aquarius. This sensual planetary tango unites the masculine and feminine principles.
This day is therefore the ideal day to get things going, for a date or to have a nice time with friends. A perfect day for the art world, creative activities or a party. The proud and flammable Moon in Leo opposes Venus and Mars in Aquarius. It’s about give and take to get something done. However, this day turns out different than expected.

Friday, February 23, 2024
Also today, Venus and Mars are next to each other in Aquarius, so today is also a perfect time for romance and creative projects and ventures.
The almost Full Moon in Leo squares Uranus in Taurus. Whether you want to or not, a form of power struggle forces you, as it were, to look at a certain situation to assess whether something is working.
Obstacles are not there to make your life more difficult, they are true challenges, encourage you to never give up and make you stronger where necessary.

Saturday, February 24, 2024
Today is the Full Moon at 5º23 in the earth sign Virgo.
The second Full Moon of 2024 is opposite Mercury in Pisces.
This Full Moon symbolizes the pure germination power of nature that is so strong invisible under its breathtaking blanket of cold.
Read more about this Full Moon in Virgo and its influence on the zodiac signs under NEWS on this website.
Mercury will travel through the water sign of Pisces from today until March 10, 2024.
Communication takes on a more sensitive and intuitive tone.
Lots of imagination and sensitivity, but logical interpretation of situations is difficult.
Mercury in Pisces shows us the things behind the things, but does not always want to see or hear the hard logical reality.
Mercury in Pisces is compassionate, also absent and forgetful.
It is therefore good to keep your wits about you, work according to schedule and write things down before you forget them.

Sunday, February 25, 2024
Today, Venus in Aquarius forms an exact square with Jupiter in Taurus and that square challenges you to make decisions when there are situations where personal freedom is at stake. Financial windfalls are possible, but you need to be extra careful with money and taking ill-considered risks today. What is important to you and what you are worth can be a challenge. Today it becomes clear which choices need to be made.
In any case, it will be an unpredictable day with surprising developments.
The Full Moon in Virgo is trine Uranus in Taurus shows that you can move mountains on your own.

Monday, February 26, 2024
The Waning Gibbous earthly Moon in Virgo makes us think clearly and gives us the opportunity to organize things well.
This Moon in Virgo trines Uranus in Taurus, but opposes Neptune in Pisces.
The positive support of the Moon with Uranus in Taurus stimulates the creation of new ideas and opens doors to major changes and breakthroughs and gives you a push in the right direction to make changes.
Neptune’s opposition in Pisces tries to distract us from what really matters. Today, goals can only be achieved with a fixed routine.

Tuesday, February 27, 2024
Mars in Aquarius squares Jupiter in Taurus and that aspect increases the tension. With this impulsive aspect, we are more likely to act rashly and cross boundaries. There is a risk of overestimating yourself or wanting too much at once. We want to continue with this future-oriented aspect, within the new reality of boundaries and structure.
Stay realistic. Guard your boundaries, both physically and mentally.
The Waning Gibbous Moon in Libra is trine Mars and Venus in Aquarius asks to restore balance in our lives. The stressful period we are living in demands a lot from all of us. Set your own boundaries, don’t ignore your own desires and wishes.

Wednesday, February 28, 2024
Today the Sun forms a conjunction with Mercury in the water sign Pisces, making it a busy day dedicated to social interactions. As water flows, ideas flow. A day of phone calls, meetings, reading, writing, mediating and negotiating.
In itself a favorable business day.
Mercury conjunct Saturn in Aquarius invites a serious conversation, so a favorable aspect for a job interview or consultation where the focus is on new goals and long-term plans that require a practical approach.

Thursday, February 29, 2024
On the last day of February 2024, the Sun forms a conjunction with Saturn in Pisces.
With this fluid and ambitious energy, we are rolling up our sleeves!
If nevertheless things do not work out with your house or career, for example, this is a signal to change course and set new goals.
With Mercury in Pisces sextile Jupiter in Taurus there are big ideas, but we remain clear, focused on the future and with both feet on the ground.
The Waning Gibbous Moon in the deeper waters of Scorpio brings, in addition to the magic of transformation, depth and surrender, an intensification of emotions. This Moon brings out repressed feelings that we prefer to keep hidden from ourselves and the outside world.

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