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♌ March 2025
(July 23 – August 22)
March 2025 asks Leo to make your dreams come true.
On March 29, 2025, your astrological Ruler, the Sun, is partially eclipsed by the Moon in the
spiritual 9th House of Philosophy, Abroad and Study and is the cosmic boundary-pushing
gateway to a “growth” through travel, study or new perception of Life and philosophy of life
known and to unknown boundaries.
Love and Relationships
With the energy of the New Moon in Pisces on February 28, 2025, together with the influence of
asteroid Ceres in Pisces, the first half of March 2025 is a favorable period to strengthen emotional
bonds. With Mercury in Aries until March 14, 2025, you understand the art of persuasion, so that
is the best period for a proposal, a romantic decision or to talk out something that is bothering
Single Leo can find love in March 2025 while traveling, at a party with friends, during networking,
a seminar or event.
Venus retrograde in Pisces from March 27 to April 12 and Mercury retrograde in Pisces from
March 29 to April 7, 2025 makes Leo aware of unresolved issues regarding intimacy that are still
standing in the way of making real contact.
During this period, an ex can cross your path and the spark can ignite again.

Family and Home
Pluto in Aquarius is opposite Leo, so keep in mind that even with the best intentions, there can be
power struggles and conflict in your home and family from time to time.
It is important that there is peace and stability. Make sure everyone has a fixed and achievable
task in the house, so that there is no hassle about household chores.
The partial Solar Eclipse in Aries on March 29, 2025 falls in the 9th House of Philosophy, Abroad
and Study and this influence shows a joint trip or a project abroad. A cosmic gateway to a half
year, a ‘growth’ as a person, a course or study, a search for your roots, a return to a place you
once visited or a subject you have always been fascinated by and want to know more about, can
now become reality.

Venus retrograde in Aries from March 2 to 27, 2025 and Mercury retrograde in Aries from March
15 to 29, 2025 can be the cause of a professional delay, blockage in the study or writer’s block.
March 2025 gives Leo a cosmic time-out through these retrogrades to think, consider and revise.
Be patient this month and be creative!
Due to the partial Solar Eclipse in Aries on March 29, 2025, there will be progress in the areas of
international trade, study, travel, abroad, publications and spiritual projects. This Solar Eclipse is
about your relationship with the world. A cosmic gateway to half a year of “growth” as a person,
the beginning of a journey, a sabbatical, retreat, study, a new perception of Life and philosophy of
life that can lead to career changes or job opportunities. This Solar Eclipse in the 9th House
focuses on the bigger picture of life. How do you want to grow and develop yourself?

Due to the power of the New Moon in Pisces on February 28, 2025, the first half of March 2025 is
favorable for making financial agreements with the notary, opening a savings account or for a financial plan that offers you and your loved one more stability for the future.
Virgo represents the 2nd House of Finances.
The total lunar eclipse in Virgo on March 14, 2025, will lead to developments for Leo that will
focus on valuation and how you deal with money and possessions. Changes will make it
necessary to implement a different financial policy. More caution is required with financial projects
in the coming six months, such as being careful with expenses and cutting back where possible in
your business and household to ensure financial security. Sufficient money will come in March
2025, but expect delays. Be cautious about making large investments in your business or taking
out a loan.
Pisces represents the 8th House of Shared Wealth. Due to the shift of the North Node into Pisces,
Leo experiences deep emotional growth, where letting go of control over joint financial matters
will be key.
Neptune will remain in Pisces until March 30, 2025, which means that agreements will be made
about possible repayment arrangements with friends, unfinished business or debts of any kind.

Mars in Cancer in direct motion through the 12th House of Cosmic Consciousness, Psyche and
Letting Go, almost feels like an awakening!
March 2025 is a month of spiritual growth and letting go of hidden fears and emotional blockages.
Yoga, meditation or mindfulness is also advisable in March 2025 to stay grounded and calm and
to reduce tension. Make sure you relax, do something creative and enjoy yourself as much as
possible. It is also advisable to avoid overload.
The energy of Mars in Cancer can be treacherous and can exhaust you.
Consider Mars in Cancer in the 12th House as recharging your battery. That takes a while, so take
your time to recharge yourself and build momentum. From April 19, 2025, Mars is in Leo and that
gives you inner power!

With Pluto in Aquarius (7th House of Relationships), profound shifts in relationships and
collaborations will occur. Influential people will naturally come your way.
March 2025 can be a crucial month for Leo, so follow the path ahead, reach for the stars and
seize your opportunities both in your career and in your personal life.
Anything is possible, as long as you don’t doubt your own abilities.

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