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♋ March 2025
(June 22 – July 22)

March 2025 feels like a whirlwind for Cancer. Many rapid changes require your focus, dedication,
action and vigilance.
With almost all planets at the top of the Cancer chart and the partial Solar Eclipse in Aries on
March 29, 2025, the focus this month is on career and professional advancement.
March 2025 can be a bit chaotic, but eventually the dust settles and Cancer sees a constructive
landscape emerge.

Love and Relationships
The power of the New Moon in Pisces on February 28, 2025 is still strongly felt in March 2025.
March 2025 is the month of reconciliation and love.
Your heart is overflowing with love and you want nothing more than to show and share that love
with your partner. For the single Cancer, it is advisable not to adopt a wait-and-see attitude.
Adopt an open attitude. Talk about yourself, but also offer a listening ear.
A crush can grow into a close love bond. March 2025 is a favorable month for networking and
sharing ideas and feelings with others. However, it is essential to be vigilant, because there can
also be challenges this month when you least expect them.
Love is a verb and that is especially true during Mercury retrograde in Aries from March 15, 2025
and the intense Solar Eclipse in Aries from March 29, 2025.

Family and Home
During the month of March 2025, tensions can arise in your family or disharmony with family
members. Cancer then takes on the mediating and empathetic role after which peace will return.
Cancer only wants peace and harmony at home and cannot stand arguments. There are
developments in your career or in your public life that require you to step out. You find it exciting
in some ways, but you also know that success in your career has consequences for your private
The total lunar eclipse in the month of March 14, 2025 affects your immediate living environment,
your way of communicating, neighbors, acquaintances, transportation, education and school.
If you think you know everything or believe you have said everything about a certain situation,
think again, because there is something you have overlooked about a neighborhood project,
school, transportation, neighbors, acquaintances or siblings. In the coming six months, peace and
quiet will come and disputes will be resolved.

Aries represents the House of Career and Destiny for Cancer.
Mercury and Venus are retrograde in Aries this month. This month asks you to complete projects
in your career or in your studies and to tackle problems in order to clear the way for future
professional success. With perseverance and the help of social connections, progress can be
made in your career.
The partial Solar Eclipse in Aries on March 29, 2025 will have a profound impact on Cancer’s
career, status and reputation over the next six months. This Solar Eclipse in Aries is a true game
changer for your career this year, a period of self-development, ambition and drive. This cosmic
event marks a period of 6 months in which social progress is made or not.
With Neptune in Aries, provisionally from March 31, 2025 to October 22, 2025 (until March 2039),
spirituality or creativity will play a role in your career choice, study direction and social

March 2025 does not really show major financial shifts, but there will be a solution to financial
problems or sufficient money will come in to meet your payment obligations. Cancer does not
have to count on large flows of money this month.
However, March 2025 is a favorable month to focus on a financial plan, such as budget
management, applying for a subsidy or drawing up a savings plan.
Due to the influence of Pluto in Aquarius in the 8th House of Shared Wealth, you are more on your
guard and only want financial advice from people you can trust and who have a good feeling.
Trust your intuitive abilities.

Gemini represents the 12th House of the Cosmic Subconscious and Letting Go.
Jupiter in Gemini brings opportunities for inner growth and self-reflection and focuses on your
mental and spiritual well-being. Jupiter in Gemini is a favorable period for a spiritual retreat, for
example. Jupiter in Gemini (until June 9, 2025) is an opportunity to heal old wounds and let go of
emotional baggage. Beware of exaggeration, especially now with Neptune at the last degree in
Pisces, Cancer can be prone to escapism, addiction or spending a lot of money on luxury items to
make yourself feel good.

March 2025 is an exciting but also restless month.
If you are considering changing jobs or taking a new career path, a well-considered decision is a
prerequisite. Make sure that all agreements and conditions are recorded in writing in advance.
Take the time to carefully analyze the pros and cons before starting a new project this month.
Do not immediately accept an attractive financial or professional offer, but first take the time to
make a choice that feels right for you.

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