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The Annular Solar Eclipse in Libra ♎️ of October 2, 2024

Solar Eclipses mark a turning point, heralding a new social, political or cultural phase.

When the Moon is too far from Earth to completely eclipse the Sun, a ring of light will appear around the eclipsed Sun and there is an annular Solar Eclipse.

The Annular Solar Eclipse at 10º04 in Libra is the last Eclipse of 2024 and is therefore the conclusion of what began with the Solar Eclipse in the Cardinal Sign Libra on October 14, 2023.

This Annular Solar Eclipse cannot be seen in Europe.
The path of this Eclipse in Libra is from the Pacific Ocean, the coast of South America, southern Chile and Argentina and southern South America.

Libra is associated with relationships and social structure, justice, dedication, equality, tolerance and cooperation. This Eclipse is conjunct the karmic South Node (past), Mercury, the Black Moon (Lilith) and asteroid Juno (relationships), all in Libra.
Last year, the Eclipse was also conjunct Mercury in Libra.

There is a strong focus on communication, manners, cooperation and relationship dynamics, especially power dynamics in relationships, politics and business and social justice for women.

This annular Eclipse is a true relationship reset to bring unresolved issues to a good end.

This is the second to last Eclipse on the Aries/Libra axis, the relationship axis.

The penultimate Solar Eclipse on the Aries/Libra axis (the relationship axis) forms a tense square with Mars in Cancer, increasing the risk of new conflicts, a wave of violence, divorces, retaliation and the breaking of coalitions.

Public influential figures may fall from their pedestals, die or an irreversible event may take place in the coming six months.

We will not experience an Eclipse like this in Libra for the time being, so it is now or never to bring relational issues to a good end or break with old patterns, guilt, attachment and holding on to unhealthy relationships.

If your birthday falls close to October 2 or if you have planets or ascendant, Midheaven, Moon or Lunar Nodes between 5 and 15° in the Cardinal signs Libra, Aries, Cancer or Capricorn, this Solar Eclipse can make you feel like you are at an important turning point.

Impact of this Libra Solar Eclipse on all zodiac signs: (read: ascendant)

Aries ♈️ (March 20 – April 19)
The annular Libra Solar Eclipse of October 2, 2024 falls in the 7th House of Relationships, partnerships and cooperation. Due to the opposition with Aries, there can be a turning point in the relationship or partnership or the relationship is entering a new phase. Something in the area of ​​a business partnership or relationship has already come to completion or something is coming to completion. Aries wants to review existing relationships to come to a balanced and fair relationship structure. Marriages, business partnerships or close friendships can be formed during this retrograde period. A new friendship, relationship or cooperation can even bring about a positive life change in the long term.

Taurus ♉️ (April 20 – May 20)
The October 2, 2024 annular Solar Eclipse in Libra falls in your 6th House of Work, Daily Routine, and Health. Over the next six months, this Eclipse will have a profound impact on your daily life, work, and health, such as a new job, a new position at work or career direction, or a different daily routine due to work conditions or your health.
The spiritual and the mundane become intertwined and can initiate deep shifts in both body and mind. It’s about restoring precious mental and physical balance by implementing a healthier lifestyle and improvements in your daily life.

Gemini ♊️ (May 21 – June 20)
The October 2, 2024 annular Solar Eclipse in Libra falls in your 5th House of Love, Self-Expression, Creativity, and Romance, trining Gemini! This Eclipse brings your self-expression, love and creativity to life.
Embrace new creative projects and open your heart to love.
Who or what makes you happy? Break off contacts that only cost energy and do not add anything to what you need. Be selective with new contacts. Find the child within yourself. It is about you now. Let your heart and soul sing, Gemini.

Cancer ♋️ (June 21 – July 21)
The annular Solar Eclipse in Libra of October 2, 2024 has a major impact on the home, private life, roots and place of residence, parents and children. This Solar Eclipse in your 4th House of Family and Home, your emotional foundation is squarely on Cancer and that reinforces the need for change and breaking with family karma and unhealthy relationship patterns.
This Solar Eclipse is the gateway to profound changes in your living situation, a renovation, move or new interior, spending more time with your family or with people who are like family to you.

Leo ♌️ (July 22 – August 22)
The annular Solar Eclipse in Libra of October 2, 2024 falls in your third House of Communication and forms a sextile with Leo. In the coming six months, this energy will have a profound impact on communication and interaction in your immediate environment. This Eclipse brings an unprecedented hunger for knowledge, a higher purpose and meaning, about culture, religion, travel, spirituality. Mutual ties are being restored with neighbors, close family or acquaintances or there is distancing from beliefs and family or friends that you have outgrown. More and more familiar things around you are falling away, but that is because you yourself are growing and outgrowing.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
The annular Solar Eclipse in Libra on October 2, 2024 falls in your second House of Finances. In the coming six months, this energy will have a profound effect on Virgo’s financial situation.
Awareness of money, values ​​and possessions can bring about major shifts.
This Eclipse can lead to the repayment of a financial or energetic debt, the approval for a loan or mortgage and new sources of income such as a new job, position or second job in the coming six months. Stay vigilant and don’t spend money on anything you can’t afford or justify.

Libra ♎️ (September 23 – October 22)
The October 2, 2024 Libra Annular Solar Eclipse falls in your first House of Personality, and this cosmic event feels like a turning point for Libra.
Redefine who you are and how you present yourself to the world with this transformative energy. The Libra Solar Eclipse conjunction signals a total makeover and a new lifestyle. Over the next six months, there are special and predestined encounters to guide and teach you to find inner balance.
It feels like your life is starting over, a new beginning, a new you.

Scorpio ♏️ (October 23 – November 21)
The October 2, 2024 Annular Solar Eclipse in Libra falls in the 12th House of Letting Go and Cosmic Consciousness. This powerful energy heralds a period of transformation in seclusion like a snake retreating into the darkness to shed its skin. Seclusion gives you spiritual insights and purifying experiences with those close to you or with someone you have warm feelings for. Something that has remained hidden comes to light. The coming six months are favorable for some form of holistic therapy or a spiritual journey, which can also be in the mind. Everything plays out behind the scenes, deep within you. Let go of old habits that no longer serve you to find inner peace.

Sagittarius ♐️ (November 22 – December 20)
The October 2, 2024 annular Solar Eclipse in Libra falls in the eleventh House of Friendships and Social Processes is the cosmic gateway to meet the love of your life in the social circle in the next six months! With this Solar Eclipse sextile Sagittarius, new friendships will be formed, strengthened or broken if they have faded in the coming six months. With this Solar Eclipse, you can expect the unexpected, also for your career. Expanding your social network has a great influence on the future. Rethink your goals and the people you associate with. You may have to break away from the old group to rediscover your own creative spark.

Capricorn ♑️ (December 21 – January 19)
The October 2, 2024, annular Solar Eclipse in Libra falls in your 10th House of Career, Public Image, and Long-Term Goals. This Solar Eclipse is square on Capricorn and is a true game-changer on your professional path and social position, a period of self-development, ambition, and drive. This cosmic event marks a 6-month period in which social progress is made or not. Progress and success can only be made if you go for it with heart and soul and if the foundation of your success is strong. Career steps you take now will take you further and further towards your intended goal.

Aquarius ♒️ (January 20 – February 17)
The annular Solar Eclipse in Libra on October 2, 2024 falls in the 9th House of Philosophy, Abroad and Study. This Solar Eclipse forms a trine with Aquarius and with this positive influence, projects related to international travel, abroad, publications and higher education are accelerated.
A cosmic gateway to half a year of “growth” as a person, a journey, a sabbatical, retreat, study, a new perception of Life and philosophy of life that can lead to career changes or job opportunities. You learn to integrate philosophical and spiritual insights into your world, new philosophies broaden your horizons.

Pisces ♓️ (February 18 – March 19)
The October 2, 2024 Libra Annular Solar Eclipse falls in your 8th House of Shared Finances, insurance, taxes, business partners, banking, etc.
This Eclipse forms a quincunx with Pisces, forcing you to confront your fears and beliefs around money, trust, intimacy, power, and mortality. Events are forcing you to reevaluate financial responsibilities, including issues related to intimacy, control, sex, passion, and power.
A period of evaluation and adjustment is essential to ensure you are doing the right things, with the right people, for the right reasons.

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