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CAPRICORN ♑️ October 2024
(December 21 – January 18)

October 2024 is focused on career, social status and long-term goals.
The October 2, 2024 Solar Eclipse in Libra encourages you to let go of outdated professional strategies. With Pluto for the last time in Capricorn, it’s about closing the past and embracing the future. An unprecedented force breaks down the old and makes way for rebirth, a new you.
October 2024 is a journey of discovery, so broaden your horizons by studying, reading, traveling, immersing yourself in foreign languages ​​and cultures, philosophy and science.
The focus in October 2024 is on abroad, study, career, social network and health.

Love and Relationships
Cancer represents the House of Relationships. With Mars in Cancer, you have the drive and energy in October 2024 to invest in relationships by dating or taking further steps in fruitful relationships.
With Mars in Cancer, there can also be some turbulence in the area of ​​personal relationships.
You are then willing to fight for a relationship or you have more courage to acknowledge the reality of a situation.
Mars in Cancer is favorable for expanding your social network or addressing problems in the relationship or in the group and resolving conflicts. Open and honest communication with your partner is the key to love and harmony.
The second half of October 2024 is favorable with Mercury in Scorpio to say what is on your heart and to take a loving, creative or sporting step. Love blossoms during a romantic trip or there are romantic encounters abroad. What could be more beautiful than embarking on an adventure together?

Family and Home
With the influence of the Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on September 18, 2024, October 2024 is a favorable month to restore relationships with siblings or neighbors.
Aries represents the 4th House of Family and Home.
On October 17, 2024, there is a Full Moon in Aries, so time to pay attention to your family or reconnect with relatives.
At home or in the family, something is coming to completion such as a renovation, a new project, moving, a joint vacation, a family gathering, new interior or a move to another place of residence that can be intertwined with career. The Full Moon in Aries shows the need to make a compromise. Be willing to listen to family members. Do not make problems that are not resolved during Mercury retrograde in Aries (April 2024) bigger than they are, but find a solution to bring everything back into balance.

On October 2, 2024, there is a total Solar Eclipse in Libra in the House of Career and Social Status.
This is a real game-changer in your career, because this cosmic event marks a period of 6 months of self-development, ambition and drive in which social progress is made or not. Capricorn can reach a milestone, achieve something important and receive recognition. For example, you go into a deserved retirement or receive public recognition, but you can also fall deeply due to a wrong choice or business connections.
Gemini stands for the 6th House of Work and daily activities. Retrograde Jupiter in Gemini from October 9, 2024 makes you vigilant. Before you make commitments or sign documents, it is advisable to first seek impartial advice.
Career progress is not self-evident, you have to work hard and much depends on the cooperation of your superiors, customers or colleagues.

At the beginning of October 2024, there may be some confusion. Give it your full attention and solve problems. By the end of October 2024, you will notice that the situation has improved.
It is important that you take the initiative in all of your financial undertakings.
The Full Moon in Aries on October 17, 2024 brings clarity and good financial news.
Money is released with which an investment can be made, such as the purchase of real estate. You could also consider investing the money in yourself, such as in a study or a big trip.

On September 18, 2024, there was a partial lunar eclipse in Pisces and through this influence you will let go of fears and fixed patterns and emotional baggage in October 2024.
This is reinforced by the influence of retrograde Saturn and Neptune in Pisces.
It gives Capricorn a feeling of inner peace, harmony and liberation.
The influence of Mars in Cancer can be the cause of fatigue.
Then give in to your fatigue and take moments of rest to fill your internal source.
Retrograde Jupiter in Gemini in the 6th House of Health from October 9, 2024
slows down the pace in your daily routine. Jupiter retrograde asks you: Are you not asking too much of yourself? Change your lifestyle with a healthy diet, more exercise and relaxation.
At the beginning of retrograde Jupiter in Gemini, other people’s problems can become yours.
Retrograde Jupiter provides insight into toxic daily situations and relationships that undermine your health.

Travel is not only leisure and relaxation, but also a journey of discovery of intellectual and emotional development. Pack your bags and go on a journey, Capricorn. It doesn’t have to be far, you can also travel in the mind!
Get in touch with different cultures, customs and people and let yourself be enriched with a deeper understanding of the world around you.
It is an opportunity for personal transformation, broadening horizons and fostering meaningful connections.

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