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SAGITTARIUS ♐️ October 2024
(November 22 – December 20)

From professional success to romantic relationships, October 2024 is a beautiful month.
October 2024 is largely about love, your social network, friendships and social involvement.
The Solar Eclipse in Libra on October 2, 2024 encourages Sagittarius to let go of outdated social patterns.
With Venus in Sagittarius from October 18, 2024, nothing will stop you from embracing new experiences and broadening your horizons.

Love and Relationships
On October 2, 2024, there is a Solar Eclipse in the House of Friendships and Social Processes. New friends will change your life in the coming period, both in love and professionally. On October 17, 2024, there is a Full Moon in Aries (House of Love) and that strengthens the desire to let things go and have fun. New relationships bring you into contact with your inner soul and with who you are and with whom you feel a spiritual connection, you let go of everything else.
Mars travels through Cancer (House of Soul Processes and Intimacy) until November 4, 2024 and during this period Sagittarius is looking for relationships with depth and intensity. Mars in Cancer is also favorable to join forces with a partner, both physically, emotionally and financially. October 2024 is a favorable month to go to the notary together to record financial agreements, but it can also be a breaking point such as ending the relationship, a farewell or breaking off a business partnership.
October 2024 can be a month of conflicting situations due to Mars in Cancer. It is important that you avoid direct confrontations as much as possible in social and romantic interactions.

Family and Home
October 2024 generally shows a pleasant month. However, there is an underlying energy that you have to take into account.
Pisces represents the House of Family and Home. The strong influence of the partial lunar eclipse in Pisces on September 18, 2024, also brings unspoken anger and negative aspects in the family atmosphere to the surface in October 2024.
Something that has been hidden and that has to do with parents, elders or family members, even from previous generations, is now coming out.
It is of the utmost importance that the balance between private life and career is restored.

Taurus represents the House of Work and daily routine. Uranus retrograde in Taurus changes your attitude towards work. Uranus in Taurus has changed a lot in your daily life since 2018. Due to your health or working conditions, there is a completely different daily routine.
A job with less stress and more freedom or a daytime activity that brings joy and fulfillment. If you are still lagging behind, you are now being put on the spot to make changes.
October 2024 shows a productive month for the entrepreneur and the student Sagittarius. Don’t get too distracted with Mercury in Scorpio in the second half of October 2024.
With Pluto retrograde in Capricorn, Sagittarius gets the chance to revamp or restart a creative project that hasn’t been fully realized yet.

The transit of Mars through Cancer (8th House of Shared Wealth) is a favorable period to pay off debts, negotiate or arrange a payment plan.
More money can come in with the help of friends and from your social network. October 2024 is also a favorable month with Mars in Cancer to join forces with a partner, such as making financial agreements with the notary.
However, it can also be the month of a breaking point such as ending the relationship, saying goodbye or breaking off a business partnership. During this period, you crave depth and intensity in your relationships above all. Due to the influence of retrograde Saturn in Pisces, there may be financial problems in the family or there may be a delay in the payment of credits.

Autumn has arrived and Sagittarius is only getting more energy!
Your stamina increases, resonating with the natural rhythms of hard work and productivity.
In terms of physical fitness, October 2024 is therefore an ideal month for Sagittarius.
A training plan in the gym or your intention to get to weight, everything is much easier now. October 2024 also shows a beautiful month for sporting achievements.
Uranus retrograde in Taurus shows how important personal freedom is and a job or daily activity that brings joy and fulfillment.
Taking responsibility for your health is and remains a theme.

October 2024 is a beautiful month of personal, professional and romantic fulfillment.
Enjoy the beautiful fall season and seize the abundant opportunities that are waiting for you like fallen leaves.
Sagittarius is gaining more and more insight into the how and why things happen in this life.
It gives you the ultimate chance to free yourself from limiting thought patterns to find your way back to yourself.
Stay open to the changes around you!

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