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The New Moon in Virgo of September 3, 2024

The New Moon is a recurring magical moment when Sun and Moon merge and the Light of Mother Moon is temporarily invisible in the sky.
With the birth of the Moon, the power of the unconscious increases.
It is the breeding ground for everything needed for the next cycle, the growth towards the Full Moon.

The New Moon of September 3, 2024 at 11º04 in the earth sign Virgo opens the gate to and the partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces of September 18, 2024 and the Autumn Equinox of September 23, 2024.

This New Moon in Virgo of purification and renewal forms a harmonious earthly trine with retrograde Uranus in Taurus and retrograde Pluto in Capricorn.

This fruitful and productive conjunction calls for a reset, a new opportunity for growth and well-being by organizing, editing, refining and clearing.

Mercury, the ruler of Virgo was retrograde until August 27, 2024 and is still in its shadow period with this New Moon.
We get the chance to catch up or finish projects, revise or put things right in the areas of health, daily routines and service, what has been overlooked, also routine maintenance and regular check-ups.

This New Moon in Virgo is a holistic detox to restore the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual balance in our lives.

Mars in Gemini is square to retrograde Neptune in Pisces during this New Moon.
Pisces is opposite Virgo in the horoscope.
The New Moon in Virgo offers a fresh start, but the tense square of Mars and Neptune in Pisces weaves a web of confusion, deception or disillusionment.
Especially now it is important to stay grounded and clear and avoid the pitfall of escapism or denial.

The healing and purifying energy of Virgo also concerns the digestive system, which processes and assimilates our food, energies and daily events.
Just as our digestion can become stagnant due to poor diet, so too must we process and digest our emotions to prevent energy blockages in the body.

When Virgo connects with pure power, she connects with her full potential.
Even though there is sadness and adversity, know that this earthly New Moon is a step forward in healing.

Step out of the darkness of fear, uncertainty and division and step into the Light of stillness, trust and inner strength.
Even though there is fear and sadness, we are all divine beings connected to an infinite flow of love, light and protection.

This New Moon helps us to remember the divine essence that lives within us all.
Fill your heart with love and unity, not only for your own healing, but for all of us.

Influence of this New Moon in Virgo for all zodiac signs (read from ascendant)

ARIES ♈️ (March 20 – April 19)
This purifying New Moon in Virgo calls for a fresh start in the areas of well-being, work, lifestyle and daily routine. Your planet Mars squares the North Node on September 16, 2024 and the partial Lunar Eclipse of September 18, 2024 calls for clear choices about self-care and your daily responsibilities. There will be changes in the next four weeks that will feel more in line with your life and well-being.
TAURUS ♉️ (April 20 – May 20)
This New Moon in Virgo in the 5th House of Self-Expression, Love and Creativity encourages you to start over with a creative project or open your heart to a new love. With Uranus retrograde in Taurus from September 1, 2024, you will go through an internal change that will bring out your creative self. With the Partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on September 18, 2024, changes will come to your social circle, making room for you and long-term goals, love, creativity, children and financial stability.

GEMINI ♊️ (May 21 – June 20)
This New Moon in Virgo in the 4th House of Family and Home shows new developments in your home or family life. Mercury is back in Virgo from September 10, 2024, which strengthens the power of this New Moon and sharpens your focus on household matters, family and family life.
The Partial Lunar Eclipse of September 18, 2024 brings shifts in your career and shows the need to balance work and private life.

CANCER ♋ (June 21 – July 21)
The New Moon in Virgo in the 3rd House of Communication and Education challenges you to connect with everything that stimulates your mind. Learning, reading, talking, listening, understanding and feeling new things. From September 5, 2024, Mars is in Cancer and that makes you more assertive, but be aware of how you assert yourself, because Mars squares the North Node on September 16, 2024. What you say and how you say it is essential and that comes together with the partial Lunar Eclipse on September 18, 2024.

LEO ♌️ (July 22 – August 21)
This New Moon in Virgo falls in the 2nd House of Finance and Values ​​for Leo and is an ideal time to set new financial goals or reassess your values. Leo gets information that is needed to make well-considered financial decisions. This New Moon shows where money should be invested and where priorities should be set. On September 13, 2024, the Sun in Virgo squares Jupiter in Gemini. Be careful with spending money. The partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on September 18, 2024 brings insight into what you really need.

VIRGO ♍️ (August 22 – September 21)
This New Moon in Virgo falls for Virgo in the 1st House of Personality.
Your personal New Year! A New Moon of good intentions or putting things right.
The New Moon in Virgo is a powerful and spiritual new beginning for every facet of your life.
Your planet Mercury is in Virgo from September 10, 2024, bringing mental clarity and focus.
The partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on September 18, 2024 reveals what still needs to be balanced in relationships.

LIBRA ♎️ (September 22 – October 22)
This New Moon in Virgo falls in the 12th House of the Unconscious and Letting Go for Libra. It is possible that during this period of inner reflection you may regret something from the past, something you have lost. Libra may be making choices about something old or something new at this time. In order to create something new in your life, you need that old piece and that is exactly the message of this New Moon in Virgo. Everything you have been avoiding up until now is released with the Partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on September 18, 2024. Time to address any imbalances.

SCORPIO ♏️ (October 23 – November 21)
This New Moon in Virgo falls in the 11th House of Hopes and Social Processes for Scorpio and is a great time to set goals regarding your social life or long-term aspirations. The Partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on September 18, 2024 reveals hidden truths in friendships. Venus in Scorpio from September 24, 2024 is the best time to determine who fit in your life and the person you are. Friends should enrich your life and not drain your energy!

SAGITTARIUS ♐️ (November 22 – December 20)
This New Moon in Virgo falls for Sagittarius in the 10th House of Career and Destiny.
A great time to step into the spotlight, for a new project, a business-oriented study or to apply for that dream job. The Partial Lunar Eclipse on September 18, 2024 emphasizes the need for a good balance between professional ambitions and responsibilities at home. Be careful what you say and how you say it when Mercury squares your planet Jupiter on September 21, 2024.
Stand tall and keep the faith, even when you face headwinds and delays.

CAPRICORN ♑️ (December 21 – January 18)
This New Moon in Virgo falls for Capricorn in the 9th House of Higher Consciousness, Study, Travel, International Connections Expansion and Philosophy of Life.
The New Moon in Virgo invites you on a spiritual quest. Pluto has been back in Capricorn for the very last time since September 3, 2024 to let go of old patterns. Capricorn is stimulated to explore new paths by traveling or studying.
The partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on September 18, 2024 brings news or insights that will change your perspective. Embrace your spiritual side and open your heart.

AQUARIUS ♒️ January 19 – February 17)
This New Moon in Virgo falls for Aquarius in the 8th House of Soul Processes, Shared Finances and Intimacy. The purifying energy of the New Moon asks you to take stock both financially and emotionally. What’s really important to you?
With Uranus retrograde in Taurus from September 1, 2024, choices have to be made about what you really want. The partial lunar eclipse in Pisces on September 18, 2024 then urges Aquarius to reassess financial matters and intimate relationships even if it means saying goodbye to something or someone.

PISCES ♓️ (February 18 – March 19)
This New Moon in Virgo falls in the 7th House of Relationships for Pisces.
From this moment on, a new relationship dynamic will emerge, whether it’s with your lover, business partner, opponent or new love! The partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on September 18, 2024 is the follow-up to this New Moon and urges you to align your emotional needs with your relationships. The opposition of Neptune retrograde in Pisces with Mercury on September 25, 2024 calls for a conscious choice.

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