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The New Moon in Leo, August 4th 2024

When it’s New Moon, the Sun and the Moon merge and the Moon cannot be seen from Earth.

The New Moon is a moment of birth, a moment of awakening.
A new beginning.

The New Moon of August 4, 2024 at 12º34 in fiery Leo is a cosmic invitation to creativity, love, fun and connection with your heart’s desire.

The courageous Fire and passionate power of Leo opens the door to your inner fire, the inner child and creative power.

The dynamic and creative fire power of the New Moon of August 4, 2024 in Leo is strengthened with the power of Mars and the great benefactor Jupiter in Gemini.

The day after this New Moon, on August 5, 2024, Mercury goes retrograde in Virgo and from August 16, 2024, Mercury retrograde is back in Leo.

Mercury retrograde slows you down, takes you back to the past and makes you aware of issues in which love, joy, connection with your inner child was denied, not felt or impossible.

With Chiron retrograde in Aries, a lot of unprocessed inner pain comes to the surface from being unwanted, sexual abuse or self-denial.
Even though it is painful, it is better to acknowledge these problems instead of pushing them away or denying them. Only then will the path to inner healing will open.

With this retrograde Mercury and Chiron in Aries, just before the Lion’s Gate of August 8, 2024,
the energy of this New Moon in Leo can give you a second chance to reconnect with your heart.
A hobby or creative project that has given you joy and comfort in the past can now be the path to forgiveness, healing and recovery.

Influence of this New Moon in Leo for all zodiac signs (read: from ascendant)

ARIES ♈️ (March 20 – April 19)
This New Moon in Leo falls for Aries in the House of Love, Passion, Creativity and Self-Expression. This inspiring and dynamic New Moon forms a trine with Aries and opens your heart to a new romance! Falling in love, doing fun activities with children, expanding your family or making contact with your own inner child is all possible.
A new start to follow your heart and open it to sincere, playful and sparkling passions, talents, hobbies, exciting encounters, love, everything your heart desires.

TAURUS ♉️ (April 20 – May 20)
The New Moon in Leo in the House of Family, Home, Origin and Security, squares Taurus and with that awakens an urge to find your true self. The house where you live shows the degree of stability within yourself. A house is not always a “home” and there can be tensions because personal space and freedom are increasingly restricted.
Where and with whom do you feel safe and secure? What is needed to feel safe and secure?

GEMINI ♊️ (May 21 – June 20)
The New Moon in Leo in the House of Communication forms a sextile with Gemini and that makes you enthusiastic and inspired to discover and experience. Reconnect with your heart and let your heart speak. Choose your words carefully, because what you say and how you say something is essential. Do take into account Mercury retrograde in Leo from August 16 to 25, 2024. Gemini can then lose focus or there is a delay on travel or trips or plans have to be revised or adjusted.

CANCER ♋ (June 21 – July 21)
With the New Moon in the House of Finance, Fiscal Affairs, money, valuation and personal property. You can be proud of what you have achieved in both material and immaterial areas.
Cancer receives information with this New Moon that is necessary to make well-considered financial choices. Be aware of Mercury retrograde in Leo, because there may be delays, confusion or frustrations in the financial area.

LEO ♌️ (July 22 – August 21)
Your personal and universal solar cycles are in their growing phase.
The colorful New Moon is conjunct Leo and sets the tone for the next twelve months, your new personal year, a special new beginning! Time to plant seeds of love in your heart.
Where does that feeling of uncertainty come from? Reconnect with your heart and strengthen your inner strength. Make a new start with a new look or a creative project!
Embrace your intentions and hold on to them.

VIRGO ♍️ (August 22 – September 21)
The New Moon in Leo in the House of Cosmic Consciousness encourages Virgo to search for herself. Embrace transformation and purification. Surrender to yourself to take care of your inner well-being. Rest and relaxation are needed to recharge and bring mind and body back into balance. Unprocessed emotional pain can surface through Mercury Retrograde in Virgo to be healed.

LIBRA ♎️ (September 22 – October 22)
This New Moon in Leo in the 11th House of Social Processes forms a sextile with Libra and that can be a real eye opener in terms of your social circle.
This will make you focus only on contacts that really matter.
Making new friends or creating something beautiful together with like-minded people, both online and in physical form, fills your heart with joy. How healing can that be?

SCORPIO ♏️ (October 23 – November 21)
The New Moon in Leo in your House of Career is square on Scorpio and stimulates Scorpio to focus on a new challenge, a study, an incredible career move or to implement other social changes. Stay strong and keep trusting, even if you are faced with headwinds and delays.

SAGITTARIUS ♐️ (November 22 – December 20)
The New Moon in the Fire sign Leo forms a trine with Sagittarius.
This New Moon is a second chance to make a journey or to start a study.
An educational event opens your heart and is the beginning of a healing journey. Sagittarius can receive an offer that will make you take a different path.
Follow the golden path of truth to your true philosophy, faith or the field of study that suits you.

CAPRICORN ♑️ (December 21 – January 18)
With the New Moon in Leo in the House of Shared Resources, attractive financial options can arise. The eighth House is about everything that you bring together with others, such as a joint income, tax matters, insurance, inheritances and pensions.
The New Moon, together with retrograde Mercury, encourages you to take stock of your financial obligations. In the House of the Soul, it is also about intimacy, trust, connection and recording promises. Make sure you are surrounded by people who offer you security and who make you feel financially, emotionally and spiritually safe and secure.

AQUARIUS ♒️ January 19 – February 17)
The New Moon in Leo in the House of Relationships is opposite Aquarius and this dynamic is the perfect time to take a new step in the committed relationship or to start a new relationship.
Mercury retrograde in Virgo from August 5 to 15, 2024 gives you the opportunity to address deep-rooted issues about intimacy and trust and bring back the passion in your relationship.

PISCES ♓️ (February 18 – March 19)
The New Moon in Leo in the House of Health and Work calls for a fresh start, balance, a healthy lifestyle or a job with better working conditions.
Mercury goes retrograde in Leo so that is a good time to review your workplace or daily life and make adjustments. New opportunities may arise that emotionally fit your lifestyle better.
Time for a new Leo impulse!

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