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(October 23 – November 21)

July 2024 is largely all about love, spirituality and sensuality! With your irresistible magical charm you know how to strike a romantic chord in the amorous month of July 2024, but you can also achieve your goals very smartly from a business perspective. July 2024 is a month of transformative changes, professional opportunities and bold decisions. The focus in July 2024 is on finances, love, relationships, career, travel and study.

Love and Relationships
The New Moon in Cancer on July 5, 2024 is a wonderful moment to travel with your loved one! Embrace your spiritual side and open your heart to follow your professional dreams and see your world from a new perspective. Due to retrograde Saturn and Neptune in Pisces (5th House of Love and Self-Expression), you revive passion and let go of everything that and with whom you have not found satisfaction. Taurus represents your 7th House of Relationships. Red warrior Mars will travel through Taurus until July 20, 2024, which is favorable for allowing new people into your life, making compromises and mediating. However, in your relationship there can be mutual distrust. The first half of July 2024 is favorable for an exciting date! Mars then travels through Gemini from July 21 to September 4, 2024, and you’ll want to focus on forming strong emotional and physical bonds that are mutually beneficial in both business and personal life.

Family and Home
There may be unexpected visitors at the beginning of July 2024! July 2024 is a favorable month for a family holiday or a joint trip with friends or family. Aquarius represents your 4th House of private life, family and home. Pluto is your astrological ruler. Pluto retrograde in Aquarius challenges you to examine and address emotional issues of power, control and toxicity in your personal life. On June 22, 2024, the Full Moon fell in Capricorn in the 3rd House and on July 21, 2024 there will be another Full Moon in the 3rd House of Communication, Connection, Education, short trips, brothers and sisters, acquaintances and neighbors. This Moon in Capricorn brings clarity and an urge to talk out things that are bothering you. A secret is revealed, there may be unexpected important information about a move, legal issue, siblings, neighbors or immediate living environment. In any case, there will be clarity.

Career changes are planned in July 2024. Leo represents the 10th House of Career. Due to the influence of Mercury in Leo from July 3 to July 25, 2024, you will come into contact with influential people who will help you further on your path. Scorpio who works with creativity and art is the most successful in July 2024. Career growth may be hampered by the influence of Mars in Taurus until July 20, 2024. Scorpio may have to deal with opposing colleagues. Scorpio is straightforward, but that can also work against you. Try to find the golden mean.
The conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus has opened the door for transformation, but the transit of Jupiter in Gemini creates space for a new daily schedule, allowing more structure and time for yourself.

The transit of Jupiter in Gemini in the 8th House of Shared Power makes Scorpio more aware of the deeper dynamics of relationships, such as forming meaningful relationships for the future. Jupiter in Gemini brings greater returns on investments and an increase in shared resources.
Be careful with too much, because Jupiter is limitless. Overspending will cost you dearly. You can only lose what you think you have. The mystical, otherworldly forces, esotericism and spirituality can influence your income. From a financial point of view, a pleasant surprise awaits in mid-July 2024 through a new source of income or a tempting offer or lucrative project. Use your intuition on June 21, 2024. July 2024 is favorable for lotteries and making investments.

The influence of Mars in Taurus until July 20, 2024 gives an urge to achieve. You don’t give yourself any rest or relaxation. By overworking yourself, there is a greater chance of sports injuries and accidents at home or in the workplace. Listen to what your body, mind and soul needs. Rely on your flawless intuition in everything. Setting healthy boundaries is the road to self-esteem, inner strength and well-being. July 2024 is a great month to start a diet. Due to the influence of Mars in Gemini from July 21, 2024, you are more susceptible to contracting an infection. Take time for yourself to recharge yourself energetically. A creative hobby, a day of wellness, a nice meal, a day at an amusement park. Life is more than just work. You often see happiness in the smallest things.

Uranus in Taurus wants to break through the stagnant, limiting energy in relationships to make room for more liberating forms of partnership!
Mars in Gemini from July 21, 2024 is a favorable period to focus purely on forming mutually beneficial emotional and physical bonds, so this transit of Mars can benefit you personally and professionally.
Make sure that you are surrounded by people who will provide you with security and with whom you feel safe and secure financially, emotionally and spiritually.

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