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Astrological monthly forecast July 2024

The first half of the Year of the Dragon is now behind us….
It is holiday season!

The holiday season has arrived for the cosmos too, because three planets are already in retrograde…Saturn in Pisces, Pluto in Aquarius and Neptune in Pisces from July 2, 2024.

However, no rest for retrograde Pluto in Aquarius, because it will have to deal with three intense oppositions in July 2024: on July 3, 2024 with Mercury, on July 12, 2024 with Venus and on July 23, 2024 with the Sun.

In the first week of July 2024, exact from July 2 to 7, 2024, the Sun in Cancer is in conjunction with Sirius. The conjunction of the Sun with our spiritual Sun brings a flow of high frequency energy. The Sirius Gateway falls during the New Moon in Cancer on July 5, 2024 and that strong energy feels like a moment of new hope.

On July 2, 2024, the soft blue planet Neptune, the planet of the collective unconscious, goes retrograde at 29º55 in Pisces. Neptune in Pisces is subtle enchantment, but it is also illusion, wishful thinking and unrealistic expectations. Idealism gives way to realism with Neptune retrograde. With Neptune retrograde on the last degree of Pisces, there is a growing awareness of why certain structures and illusions must disappear to make room for a completely new world.
Read more about Neptune retrograde in Pisces and the impact on all zodiac signs under NEWS on this website.

From July 3, 2024 to July 25, 2024, our swift planetary messenger Mercury travels through Leo. Mercury in Leo is enthusiastic, inspires and stimulates creativity and self-expression, but is also theatrical and tends to embellish things.
Mercury in Leo immediately seeks confrontation with retrograde Pluto in Aquarius, so with this combative energy it can be a day of confrontation, obsession, upheaval and power struggles.

The Sun in Cancer squares the North Node in Aries on July 3, 2024, a collective karmic turning point.
A choice must be made on a social issue that is intertwined with the Eclipses of March and April 2024. This is a universal opportunity to move in a new direction. Our collective energy field must be cleared and healed so that we can move forward together in the new world.

The New Moon at 14º23 in Cancer on July 5, 2024 reminds us that it is never too late to start over. This New Moon is opposite retrograde asteroid Ceres in Capricorn, so there may be problems with food supplies.
Read more about this New Moon and all zodiac signs under NEWS on this website.

From July 12 to 15, 2024, Venus in Leo will oppose retrograde Pluto in Aquarius.
Venus opposite retrograde Pluto coincides with the NATO Summit in Washington from July 9 to 11, 2024. This meeting is all about security, because in addition to sanctions and trade conflicts, there is great concern about the potential military threat from China and Russia and new military technological developments.
Mars is then conjunct Uranus in Taurus and square Venus in Leo and retrograde Pluto in Aquarius. The motivation to make changes can be strong with this volatile T-Square.
However, Mercury in Leo quincunx retrograde Saturn in Pisces makes it difficult to realize an intended goal.

On July 16, 2024, red Warrior Mars forms an exact conjunction with Uranus (at 26°36 in Taurus) and that is a planetary recipe for wildfires, seismological activity, threats, war, terror and incidents, for example in the South China Sea.
Take into account dynamic and unpredictable events that impact economics, technology, agriculture, environment and sustainability, food supply, social groups, networks and our connection to Mother Earth.
Mars is the planet of action and drive, but also of conflict. Uranus is the planet of change and innovation. In the fixed sign of Taurus, Mars and Uranus want to break away from traditional norms while simultaneously pushing for progressive change.

On July 17, 2024, Eris (Pluto’s evil sister) and the wounded healer Chiron form a conjunction in Aries. This is for the first time.
Eris and Chiron will also form a conjunction in May 2025, October 2025 and March 2026.
This confrontational collaboration raises social taboos and sore points. There is a struggle for justice and truth, both personally and globally. Because of Chiron in Aries, it still feels like we have to prove ourselves, fight for our right and for who or what we are. With the conjunction of Chiron and Eris in Aries, an awareness process slowly starts.

On July 21, 2024 there will be the second Full Moon in Capricorn (the previous one was on June 22, 2024).
This Full Moon resonates with this previous Full Moon in Capricorn.
This Full Moon in Capricorn brings clarity to what was still unclear during the previous Full Moon.
Read more about this earthly Full Moon and its influence on all zodiac signs under NEWS on this website.

From July 21, 2024, red Warrior Mars will travel through the communicative Air sign Gemini, marking a dynamic atmosphere with this Full Moon. The period until September 4, 2024 is marked by a wave of physical and mental energy with Mars in Gemini. So much is happening at once. Constructively harnessing this volatile energy could lead to technological advances, innovative ideas and breakthroughs in solving major problems on a global scale.

From July 21, 2024, dwarf planet Eris (Pluto’s sister) will be retrograde in Aries.
War begins when interests clash.
The world has endured so many wars and we all bear the social consequences, physical, psycho social and socioeconomic. War experiences can last for generations. Nobody escapes it. War has only losers except for the arm industry. The only battle humanity should wage is against the primitive, destructive forces of immaturity, selfishness and greed within itself.

The period from mid-July to mid-November 2024 offers unique opportunities due to the pleasant connection of Uranus in Taurus, retrograde Pluto in Aquarius and retrograde Neptune in Pisces from mid-July 2024 to mid-November 2024. Breakthroughs can take place in the field of technology , AI, space travel, creativity and art. Due to the sextile of Uranus in Taurus with retrograde Neptune in Pisces, the process of spiritual awakening accelerates and traditional religions fade further into the background.

As a society, we are going through a long process of reforming our values ​​and goals, all in the midst of an unstable world of war and geopolitical conflicts, nuclear threats, polarization, cybercrime, fake news, climate change and extreme weather events.

From July 23, 2024, the Sun will travel through Leo and that can be a stimulating and inspiring impulse in this explosively charged month. The Sun then opposes retrograde Pluto in Aquarius.
A Sun/Pluto opposition happens once a year and offers us the opportunity to shed light on our dark side. This opposition of the Sun and Pluto can make or break. We will have to deal with tense situations. A famous person passes away.

The Summer Olympics in Paris from July 26 to August 11, 2024 can lead to unprecedented achievements with the dynamic power of the Sun in Leo and Mars in Gemini!

The increasing field of tension between Jupiter in Gemini and retrograde Saturn in Pisces may be the cause of the financial markets coming under pressure from the third week of July 2024.

The Wounded Healer Chiron goes retrograde in Aries from July 26, 2024 to December 2024. Chiron retrograde is a cathartic period in which collective pain is brought to light to be healed.
More about Chiron retrograde in Aries and the influence for all zodiac signs under NEWS on this website.

Despite all the global challenges, July 2024 is a fascinating, inventive and creative month of growth opportunities for us personally and the world as a whole.

I wish everyone a safe and exciting July.

Marlies Goovers

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