The Full Moon in Gemini of November 27, 2023 fell in the House of Personality and heralded a new cycle in your life in which the focus shifted to who you are and where you want to go in this life. In the last month of 2023, it shows how far you have come.
Pluto in Capricorn has led to enormous transformations in intimacy, trust and emotional connection over the past 14 years. Retrograde Mercury in Capricorn brings up all these themes in December 2023. December 2023 is the ideal month to get to the core and clean up the matter once and for all.
However, December 2023 will be slow, because your planet Mercury is retrograde in earthly Capricorn, Gemini. You have to deal with rules and laws.
The focus is on career, relationships and finances, so it is advisable to only focus on projects that are profitable over a long period of time.
Love and Relationships
Venus in Libra until December 4, 2023 is favorable for love relationships, so the first week of December 2023 is going well. Your planet Mercury will pass through Capricorn from December 2, 2023 and turns retrograde from December 14, 2023, which can cause relationship problems and cooperation is generally not that easy.
This New Moon in Sagittarius on December 12, 2023 falls in the 7th House of Relationships.
From this moment and in the coming months, a new relationship dynamic will emerge, whether it concerns your lover, business partner, opponent or new love!
For Gemini, this is a New Moon of making choices, as if you are at a crossroads.
Venus in Scorpio shows that superficial relationships are passé. “Do I want to continue with this relationship, does the current relationship emotionally match my deepest wishes?”
The collaboration of red Warrior Mars and asteroid Ceres in Sagittarius in the House of Relationships makes it easier to come together in a love relationship or in other forms of cooperation.
Family and Home
Please note that there may be complications in December 2023 related to developments in Gemini’s career. Mars will travel through Sagittarius until January 4, 2024, so in December 2023 there may be tensions at home due to your career or financial issues.
December 2023 is not a favorable month to travel due to Mercury retrograde, but it is a favorable month to make holiday plans.
December 2023 is a slow month or you will have to deal with regulations that prevent plans for your home or with your family from going ahead.
Fortunately, Gemini may rely on the support and advice of elderly relatives.
The influence of retrograde of Mars in Gemini at the beginning of 2023 and Saturn in Pisces has had a slowing effect on Gemini’s career throughout 2023.
Saturn in Pisces will be direct again from November 4, 2023 and that will give you more clarity about the professional path you should follow.
This month the right path can finally reveal itself.
Gemini who have already found their path look back on 2023 and can reap its sweet fruits.
Gemini can count on the support of colleagues and management.
December 2023 is a favorable month for initiating new projects and for study. Business travel does not deliver the desired results.
At the end of December 2023 there is a chance of a new job that suits you better or a transfer within the company where you work with better employment conditions or improvements in daily conditions, the working environment and collegial interaction.
December 2023 generally shows a favorable financial month with good returns from previously made real estate investments. Speculative activities also show good results.
There is more profit in your company and you can also count on an annual bonus or extra payment. It is important that you are not tempted to spend money immediately, but invest it properly. Trust your inner voice.
The Full Moon in Cancer of December 27, 2023 falls in your House of Finances, showing completion in the financial field or that something needs to be completed or improved financially.
This influence can be the reason for a temporary financial crisis, which will ultimately turn out well. A less pleasant event shifts Gemini’s material focus.
Less money teaches you to appreciate the tangible blessings around you. It brings you back to basics, to yourself, to what you really need.
At the end of December 2023 there may be high expenses related to an unexpected move or agreement, so keep that in mind.
The energy of the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus of October 28, 2023 is also of great influence this month. Gemini gains great spiritual insight and continues to free itself from limiting beliefs, old emotional pain or destructive habits.
Retrograde Uranus in Taurus in the 12th House is a process of subtle purification, letting go of unconscious impulses and behavioral patterns, processing and inner growth.
You learn who you are or who you were again by letting go of old behavioral patterns, attachment to limitations and pain and emotional baggage.
Pluto in Capricorn will also remain in your House of the Soul in December 2023 and confronts you with issues that you try to hide deep within yourself, such as fear of trust and intimacy. Life is meant to grow and not to limit yourself. You have to free yourself from your cocoon to be born as a beautiful butterfly.
December 2023 requires a structured daily schedule, a sensible diet, regular exercise and relaxation. Beware of stress, Gemini.
With the Sun and Mars in Sagittarius you should be wary of offers and impulse purchases from online stores, because the risk of deception is greater.
All your efforts have helped you achieve an unprecedented feat in 2023, even though it may feel like you’re not moving forward.
Make sure you always have the correct information before you make a decision.
Make sure you plan well. Pay attention to details and don’t compare yourself to others.
It takes trial and error, but this path will also ultimately be invaluable. Hang in there Gemini.
The year 2024 promises to be your year with Jupiter in Gemini (from the end of May 2024).