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October 2023 is a month where you think not much is happening.
You don’t feel like much is happening, but in the first half of October 2023 the Sun, Mercury and Mars work together and that can lead to a positive turn.
In the second half of October 2023 there may be an interesting meeting and positive developments in your career, thanks to which dreams can become reality.
This month it is important to pay attention to details. The littlest things make the difference.
In October 2023 the focus will be on your private life, work, creativity, well-being and health, friendships and social network.

Love and Relationships
The Full Moon in Aries of September 29, 2023 fell in the fifth House of Love, Emotions and Self-Expression and that can strengthen or end a love connection or creative project in the first half of October 2023. With Venus in Leo until October 9, 2023 single Sagittarius can fall in love abroad, in a spiritual environment, school or cultural center.
The Solar Eclipse in Libra of October 14, 2023 falls in the eleventh House of Friendships, Future and Social Processes. With this Solar Eclipse you can expect the unexpected in love! Venus in Virgo from October 10, 2023 asks for sincerity and more time for your loved one and friends. With the power of the Lunar Node in Aries, you will be stimulated by your partner to go on an adventure! Retrograde Chiron in Aries in the 5th House of Love and Self-Expression shows you why you have unintentionally and unknowingly denied yourself joy, creativity and love due to obligations or having to care for others.

Family and Home
There will be conflict in the family and relatives throughout the month of October 2023 and this can be caused by outside interference.
Saturn retrograde in Pisces in your fourth House may leave you with a desire to disconnect from family and the country where you live. Family ties are broken or relatives fall away when they are not nurturing or Sagittarius leaves an unsafe situation or place that does not provide a solid foundation. Retrograde Saturn in Pisces actually corrects what has been denied, avoided or advanced by Neptune in Pisces since 2012.
Family problems from the past (even from previous lives) and unresolved emotional traumas are now discussed. Sometimes this manifests as a literal reorganization of your home.
Reorganization in your own inner house, your soul, is even more important, the true meaning of this transit.

Jupiter and Uranus retrograde in Taurus (House of Work) show that you can take it easy after a hectic, but productive time. By taking it slower, you become more aware of yourself. More time for yourself also means more of those great ideas that you can use again when Jupiter goes direct again from the end of December 2023!
The influence of Mercury in Libra from October 6 to October 22, 2023 will allow you to negotiate better. October 2023 is a favorable month for study and research.
The Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus of October 28, 2023 falls in the 6th House of Daily Routine and Health and can prompt major changes at work, such as a reorganization, leaving your current job and a new job, a new daily routine or lifestyle. The focus is on your physical and spiritual health, so less pushing yourself to the limit and no stress at work and in your daily life.
There is no point in changing jobs in October 2023. It is advisable to identify problems and try to solve them.

October 2023 shows a stable financial month. Existing investments and speculative activities will yield handsome profits. Social contacts and harmonious relationships with colleagues and business partners contribute to financial stability in October 2023.
October 2023 is therefore a favorable month for expanding the company and making new investments.
Retrograde Pluto in Capricorn (House of Finance) shows a final phase in terms of finances and securities.
Everything remains stable financially, but that doesn’t mean you can sit back and relax, thinking everything will work out fine. Now it’s about accuracy and details.
Keep your accounts in order and don’t spend money on things you can’t afford or don’t need.

Asteroid Ceres in Scorpio will transit through Scorpio (the House of Cosmic Consciousness and Letting Go) in October 2023. Ceres helps you tackle unconscious emotional pain, let go and take better care of yourself and set boundaries. Mars also travels through Scorpio from October 13 to November 24, 2023 and this influence makes the process easier to deal with.
Your ruling planet Jupiter is retrograde and this cosmic influence means you need to take it easy. Retrograde Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus is a great time to break unhealthy habits to increase your sense of well-being. The Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus of October 28, 2023 falls in the 6th House of Daily Routine and Health and may give rise to a new daily routine or lifestyle. The focus is on your physical and spiritual health. A diet, healthy food, exercise, less stress at work and in your daily life.
So, this Partial Lunar Eclipse indicates changes in your daily routine in the next six months to stay healthy.

The influence of Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus (6th House of Work) strengthens all decisions made at work or in your daily life. Whatever you decide, changes are permanent. Don’t listen to gossip or so-called well-intentioned advice.
Uranus retrograde in Taurus faces you to face reality, so taking care of your body is of the utmost importance. This retrograde is about taking responsibility for yourself and that theme remains topical.

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