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Big news! From May 17, 2023 the great Benefactor Jupiter travels through your sign of Taurus and stays there until May 25, 2024! That only happens once every 12 years, so everything feels like a milestone or a turning point in terms of personal growth, relationships and career. Your hard work is now rewarded or you get a second chance to get your life back on track.
A great time is coming for travel, spirituality, money, happiness and abundance, so a nice springboard for the next 12 years.
Mercury retrograde in Taurus slows down the process to review past situations, plans, relationships and projects, but with the New Moon in Taurus on May 19, 2023, your new personal and universal solar cycle begins and nothing stands in your way anymore.

Love and Relationships
Asteroid Ceres in Virgo is still in the House of Love until June 21, 2023 and during this period you are busy reviewing love relationships. Is the love mutual? Does love contribute to your life in a positive way or are there blockages?
Ceres teaches you that love should be nurtured, but also nurturing and supportive. Saturn in Pisces points out to Taurus that relationships should be stable, valuable, and meaningful and that makes you more selective and committed to your partner and relationships in your life.
The Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio of May 5, 2023 falls into your 7th House of Relationships and this can lead to problems in existing relationships and partnerships in May 2023 and in the next six months. This Lunar Eclipse is a true turning point and makes you more aware of relationships (private and business) that makes you inclined to end an unsatisfactory relationship or take a new step such as making a promise or signing a long-term contract.
From May 8, 2023 with Venus in Cancer, great opportunities for love will come and with Mercury retrograde in Taurus, feelings of tenderness and understanding are expressed. There is also more involvement and trust in the permanent relationship. May 2023 is a good month for a pregnancy.
For the single Taurus, there is more chance of a promising date in May 2023, but you have to be patient before the relationship blossoms.

Family and Home
May 2023 can be a restless month for your private life, there may be conflicts in the home and family, especially with older relatives. Asteroid Ceres is retrograde in Virgo (5th House of Children) until June 21, and during that period with Mercury retrograde in Taurus (until May 14, 2023), children can be extra rebellious. Anger is often a cry for attention. Taking a break with the family can be very refreshing. The best period for a short pleasure trip is until May 20, 2023.
Due to the influence of red planet Mars in Cancer until May 20, 2023, it is difficult to hide your emotions. Both you or family members tell it like it is and that can lead to arguments. Avoid wasting energy and impulsive behavior.
Family members can be at odds and that has a negative effect on children who are studying. It is up to you to restore peace and eliminate external factors.
From May 21, 2023, Mars travels through Leo (House of Family and Home). Until July 10, 2023, Taurus will then be busy with odd jobs, renovating, moving, a makeover or other things related to family, home and garden.

Pluto in Aquarius in the 10th House of Career requires you to focus on goals you are passionate about. You need to feel a strong connection to what you do, that what you do is meaningful and important. Over the past 14 years, with Pluto in Capricorn, you’ve developed expertise or gathered knowledge that will help you move forward to gain the respect and status you deserve.
Incidentally, May 2023 is a favorable month for business travel activities, both domestic and overseas travel, especially until May 20, 2023. The first three weeks of May 2023 are also favorable for commercial purposes and to bring forward ideas, especially with regard to media, write -, speaking or learning projects.
After the second week of May 2023, there will be more and more professional progress through support from your colleagues and social contacts from older people. From May 17, 2023, Jupiter travels through Taurus, bringing long-awaited professional opportunities for Taurus, thanks to people you’ve worked with or are familiar with for a long time. Accept a proposal with both hands.
After May 21, 2023 is the best time to network or apply for another job.
With Pluto in Aquarius (10th House), it feels like you started with a clean slate.
There is a good relationship with colleagues, clients or management and you know how to make sensible decisions. Pluto in Aquarius will further transform your career.
Trust what the universe has in store for you.

Venus is astrologically linked to Taurus. Venus travels through Gemini until May 7, 2023. During this transit, there may be favorable developments for your financial status, such as a reward, a bonus for completed projects, dividends from investments or more income.
Taurus born from May 4 to May 14 can count on surprising financial developments in May 2023 with the Sun conjunct Uranus in Taurus.
However, it is advisable to use money sparingly and to postpone making large purchases.
After the first week of May 2023, there may be less financial growth and that may be related to problems with business partners, customers and colleagues.
Try to maintain and maintain harmonious relationships as much as possible.
In May 2023, little profit can be expected from speculative projects. May 2023 is therefore not favorable for the expansion of a current venture or starting a new venture based on financial expectations.

Mars in Cancer can give extra mental energy until May 20, 2023. During that period your head is spinning at full speed, you are collecting information and making plans. However, it may also be that your head is spinning and then this can be the cause of stress.
The great Benefactor Jupiter will remain in Aries (12th House) until May 16, making the first half of May 2023 a perfect period for a healing holiday or soul journey, also for a spiritual course, retreat or some form of therapy to address subconscious issues or dedicate yourself to humanitarian causes and vulnerable groups.
In May 2023, ailments may arise and that may be due to stress.
The Solar Eclipse in Aries of April 20, 2023 fell in the 12th House of Letting Go and Cosmic Consciousness is also of great influence in May 2023. Taking time for yourself, seclusion or retreat gives you spiritual insights. May 2023 is also favorable for some form of therapy or a spiritual journey, which can also be in the spirit. There can be a cathartic change in the way you feel about yourself and others to restore precious mental and physical balance.

The influence of the total Solar Eclipse in Aries on April 20, 2023 can lead to complications and a rift in May 2023 when there are career, parental and government power struggles.
The North Node in Taurus until July 17, 2023 has a major influence on material and financial matters. During Mercury retrograde in Taurus until May 14, 2023, things may be overwhelming for you. This is not a good time to start something new, but it is for second chances, reconnecting with people from your past, and making amends. Learn from past mistakes.
Do not make any promises, commitments or plans until May 13, 2023.
Feel free to ask for help. Don’t be shy and don’t judge. Sometimes you are your own worst enemy, because of the limitations you place on yourself.

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