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Most planets are on the western sector of the Capricorn horoscope which means the planets are ‘furthest’ away from you. The eastern sector means “Me”. The western sector means: “Anyone else”. The message of the Cosmos is clear: it is not about you, but about the other.
Collaboration, adapting and social skills are important for Capricorn to achieve success.

Love and Relationships
Due to the presence of the North Node, Mars and Uranus in Taurus in the 5th House of Love, there may be conflicts in your marriage, love relationship or family due to a trust issue in early August 2022. Until August 11, 2022, career planet Venus travels through your House of Relationships and Connections. During networking or group activities, you will come into contact with people who will help you with your professional development or achieve set goals.
The first half of August 2022 is a favorable period to get married or find the love of your life. August 2022 is a pleasant period for your social life with a chance of expanding the social circle. Through the square of Mars in Taurus in the 5th House and Venus in the 8th House, Capricorn wants to discover and needs love, also wants to surrender to the dark, the mysterious. Due to the influence of retrograde Jupiter in Aries, a new love can arise in August 2022 during a family gathering or party at home where the intervention of a family member plays an important role.
However, due to the influence of retrograde Uranus in Taurus from August 24, 2022 to January 21, 2023, a budding relationship may end prematurely.

Family and Home
The month of August 2022 is all about the triple conjunction between the North Node, Mars and Uranus in Taurus (House of Love and Creativity) and that is why Capricorn wants to have fun.
Capricorn seeks excitement and entertainment, wants to go on vacation and focus on family and children. With Venus in Leo from August 12, 2022, the desire for sex and intimacy is enhanced.
Capricorn may face challenges related to rivalry this month. It is advisable not to assume yourself and to listen to each other. With Saturn retrograde in Aquarius and Jupiter retrograde in Aries, Capricorn needs to be more careful about information and how to use it to your advantage. Not all information comes from a reliable source and this can disrupt the relationship.
Until December 3, 2022, Neptune is still retrograde in Pisces. Neptune asks for a time-out. A period to read or write a book, a course or to develop an artistic hobby. The (re)discovery of your inner child is also part of this energy. So take your time, Capricorn.

The first half of August 2022 shows a stable picture.
In the first three weeks of August 2022, the Sun will travel through Leo (the 8th House) and this will yield favorable results.
From August 21, 2022, Red Warrior Mars will travel through the sixth House of Work and Daily Routine. Capricorn working in import and export can achieve positive results and this can make their financial position more stable. The financial position can be further strengthened by receiving funds from an unknown source, money from abroad, financial support from family or finding new sources to earn money. The next six months will be a period of productivity and hard work.
Capricorn can take important steps forward during that time, such as taking the initiative to change jobs. Colleagues, children or pets may require extra attention from you during this period.
Overload, overwork, a heavy workload or a work environment where you are not happy can lead to stress and anxiety, which is detrimental to health.
On September 25, 2022, the New Moon will fall in your House of Career and that is the planetary recipe for new success in your career! The planning you are now making will take off!

The New Moon in Leo of July 28, 2022 fell into your House of Shared Finances.
This New Moon indicates a fertile month of August 2022! It may indicate a favorable court decision, distribution or payout, bonuses and commissions. An inheritance is possible or you can have a will drawn up yourself so that everything is properly arranged. A favorable period to focus on a budget plan, savings plan or budget, conduct business negotiations or sign profitable contracts for a long-term project related to sustainability and innovation.
The Full Moon in Aquarius of August 12, 2022 in your House of Finance shows more income from your career, such as a salary increase, another job or more turnover in your company. The Full Moon also shows that the time has come to take important financial measures, there are fluctuations in income and expenditure. Due to the retrograde effect of Jupiter and Saturn, matters related to siblings, communications, domestic affairs, third-party money or shared wealth, loans, and mental health will slow down.

Due to the influence of Red Warrior Mars in your House of Health, you will be increasingly busy from August 21, 2022. Consciously or unconsciously you set the bar too high for yourself. You are more likely to experience stress, headaches, an infection, rash or fever during this period.
A situation at work or with your colleagues can cost a lot of energy.
Go outside as much as possible to relax yourself. Retrograde Pluto in Capricorn also shows that you should not ask too much of yourself. Regularity is the key. Sensible food on time, to bed on time, out of bed on time.
A massage, meditation or yoga brings you in touch with your physical self. Your physical self gives you access to your inner emotional truth.
Listen to your body.

The New Moon in Virgo of August 27, 2022 in your 9th House shows a journey or people come to visit from abroad. This New Moon falls just after the start of the six-month transit of Mars through your 6th House and retrograde Saturn trine Mars makes it clear which themes will come to the fore for you.
Trust is the foundation of any relationship. Love is a verb.
Stay patient and try to understand your partner instead of losing your temper.
Spending more time together and showing more attention without restricting the partner’s freedom.

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