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Yearly Horoscope Libra 2022

The year 2022 is a year of personal growth and major changes for Libra.
Especially in the first half of 2022, transits of the Great Benefactor Jupiter in Pisces will have a beneficial effect on the career! In general, 2022 is focused on career opportunities and what is the best path for you.
The year 2022 will bring especially good career prospects, recognition and unprecedented opportunities to progress.
The first half of 2022 is not a favorable period for love. In the second half of 2022 there will be room for love. Private and business relationships will be restored.
The year ends with Jupiter’s return to Pisces from late October 2022 to December 20, 2022, bringing in a quiet and nostalgic period for Libra to look back on a fruitful year.

Love and Relationships
Venus is Libra’s planet. The year 2022 starts with retrograde Venus in Capricorn until January 28, 2022, so 2022 starts with a focus on home, your relationship with your partner and everything you share together behind closed doors. The Solar Eclipse in Taurus of April 30, 2022 affects until November 2022 relational dynamics such as intimacy and sexuality. Making changes or that long-delayed breakup?
Relationships can have led to disappointments and it’s up to you to decide whether you want to continue or stop a relationship. It’s about what you want and not what the other person would like.
This Solar Eclipse will last for a long time, because at the end of 2022 with the Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus of November 8, 2022 you will make the final decision. The Solar Eclipse can also bring someone back into your life. It takes a longer period of time to determine for yourself how the relationship is going to develop. In any case, this Solar Eclipse in the 8th House of Transformation brings a period of rest, a time-out to reflect to reconsider a new or old love
April 2022 brings a nice transit for Libra! Ruling planet Venus forms a winged conjunction with Great Benefactor Jupiter in Pisces (House of Work) from April 29 to May 2, 2022
and that could be the start of a romance in the workplace. From May 11, 2022, Jupiter will travel through Aries and stay there until the end of October 2022. From December 21, 2022 to May 16, Jupiter will remain in Aries (House of Relationships). Mars, the ruler of Aries (House of Relationships) will also travel through Aries from May 25th until July 5th 2022. On May 30, 2022, there will be an exact conjunction of Mars and Jupiter in Aries! This sexy combination promises exciting and unforgettable moments.
Still, you have to be careful when starting a relationship, because no matter how exciting a new relationship can be, the influence of masculine Mars can also make you fall in love with the “wrong” type. Not everything is what it looks like. Stay grounded and don’t let yourself go crazy. In the committed relationship, this sensual influence can take the focus away from problems in the relationship, but now is the right time for solving relationship problems.
Mars will remain in Aries until July 5, 2022, and even though it no longer makes a conjunction with Jupiter in Aries, this strong explosive combination can give rise to relationship problems such as jealousy and provocations both at work and in your private life.
So the summer of 2022 could be a hot summer for Libra. Libra is therefore more likely to be distracted by superficial relationships and fleeting affairs at work or over the Internet.
Boredom may be the cause.
In the fall of 2022, the situation changes when in October 2022 the Sun and Venus travel together through Libra and form a beautiful sensual conjunction on October 21, 2022.
This conjunction is the prelude to Libra’s answer to the events of April 30, 2022 (Solar Eclipse in Taurus).
The final square between Saturn and Uranus in the first half of October 2022 challenges you to be honest and prepare for a hectic period.
In the fall of 2022, a time may have come for Libra to end a relationship or reconcile.
Retrograde Jupiter will return to Pisces from October 29 to December 20, 2022, and this return feels familiar and allows you to come to terms with yourself.
From December 21, 2022 to May 16, 2023, Jupiter travels through Aries (House of Relationships).
With this transit towards the end of the year, Libra knows what to do.
Why wait any longer?

The year 2022 is all about ambition, renewal, efficiency, creativity and innovation!
Especially in the first half of 2022, there are transits that have a positive effect on careers, gaining recognition and building a solid foundation.
The year 2022 is the year to set bold goals, tap into sources of new knowledge and strive for further development.
Libra is now reaping the benefits of all the investments made in recent years.
It’s harvest time, however, the Eclipses on the Taurus/Scorpio axis are not so favorable in 2022.
There will be major shifts in Libra’s career in the spring of 2022. Business partnerships can be put to the test in early spring.
The Solar Eclipse in Taurus of April 30, 2022 will bring many changes in the coming six months.
It is best not to make any major transactions or sign contracts related to loans or grants at this time.
The arrival of a business partner, teacher or mentor supports Libra to discover hidden potential within themselves and encourage food to start their own business, apply for another job or find another source of additional income. Developments suddenly get off the ground.
For the entrepreneur, Libra notices that the staff is more eager to work on projects.
Venus Conjunct Saturn in Aquarius on March 28, 2022 is a favorable transit to work on creative projects, in arts and crafts, to be engaged in sculpture or on a creative engineering project.
The period between May and September 2022 marks an upward phase in Libra’s career with the opportunity to travel or pursue a business-oriented education.
Especially the month of June 2022 looks promising with red Warrior Mars in Aries.
Libra will then receive cooperation, advice and the support of influential people in your field.
In the autumn of 2022, there will be more calm in the career and the relationship with management and colleagues will improve.
By the end of 2022, Libra will receive a tempting offer of a leadership position or the chance to move up to a more promising position. Keep grounded and don’t make hasty decisions.
October 2022 is also a great month to negotiate and plan events with Mercury from October 11 to 23, 2022 in Libra.
However, the Partial Solar Eclipse in Scorpio of October 25, 2022 could put a strain on your career. Even your ruling planet Venus in Scorpio from October 24 to November 16, 2022 can do little to change that. In the career there are uncertainties or there is a difficult project that is postponed, but in the end it will all work out.

The year 2022 will be dominated by new, creative, innovative ways to earn money.
Libra could tap into unusual resources in 2022!
Learning new skills and new ventures will be profitable in 2022.
Good advisers and good advice are important. In general, Libra should use the capital earned sparingly. Career, finance, collaboration and relationships will go hand in hand in 2022, so keep that in mind.
Due to the influence of the Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus of November 19, 2021, there may be developments in the first half of 2022 involving the income of your spouse or business partner, new source of income, taxes, debts and investments. A period to come clean by paying off debts, to restore peace and balance in a relationship financially or otherwise.
As you know, the South Node in Taurus is a source of financial problems, so it is important to keep a close eye on the May and November 2022 Eclipses and cut down on unnecessary expenditures.
The North Node will remain in Taurus until mid-July 2023, so until then the financial situation will remain intertwined with the past and to put things right. Due to the influence of the South Node, there are large expenses that cause your bank balance to fluctuate and that is why you have to be frugal throughout the year. In the first half of 2022 there may be less money, so build up a financial buffer until the second half of 2022.
Until March 6, 2022, your planet Venus travels through Capricorn (House of Family and Home).
Venus is retrograde to January 28, 2022, which is a favorable time to make money from the home, working from home or with real estate trading.
During the period from January to May 2022, the Great Benefactor Jupiter travels through Pisces and forms a trine with the South Node in Scorpio. This connection is profitable, but income doesn’t come cheap. Especially in the first quarter of 2022, it is important to work hard and save as much as possible. Mars square Uranus on March 23, 2022 can shake things up, especially if there are issues with children or a collaborative creative project. Especially then do not take out a loan, because Uranus can cause unexpected developments.
Beginning May 11, 2022, the Great Benefactor will travel through Aries, which is a great transit for relationships and collaboration, but less so when it comes to money.
Libra then has to look for new sources of income or work hard to maintain income.
High costs are expected in the summer of 2022 due to children and the purchase or repair of home appliances.
From the end of the summer of 2022, the financial situation will improve. More money comes in then and money can even be saved.
The triple conjunction between Mars, Uranus and the North Node at the beginning of August 2022 may be intertwined with paying off the partner’s old debts, both business and private.
The Solar Eclipse in Scorpio of October 25, 2022 (House of Finance) is the cosmic gateway to an improvement in your financial situation, the arrival of financial opportunities, extra income due to a financial windfall, more work, assignments or a lucrative hobby in the coming six months.
Profit can be made by applying cost-saving techniques. More income leads to financial stability and a feeling of security.
In the next six months, Libra can also win a prize in the lottery or there is an inheritance, reward, gift or bonus.
The retrogradation of Mars into Gemini from October 30 to January 11, 2023 is a period in which Libra shows initiative to generate more money or make a payment arrangement to pay off outstanding debts.
During the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus of November 8, 2022, your planet Venus will travel together with Mercury through Mercury (House of Finance) and then you as an entrepreneur may have to deal with old outstanding invoices, especially if you work in the art world.
At the end of 2022 there is a small financial bright spot.
In general, 2022 is not really a profitable year and you should focus on debt obligations and solvency of your company before you decide to apply for a loan.

Family and Home
In 2022 it will be about being together and cooperation, also in the family. Retreating to a lonely island is therefore not an option. It’s about mutual respect and not putting your desires above the interests of others, especially this year.
However, Saturn in Aquarius could be challenging in 2022. Libra can pressure a loved one to settle down, make a commitment or the partner can put pressure on Libra to make clear choices. With Saturn in the 5th House, parent/child dynamic and family expansion can also be an issue.
The ruler of Libra is Venus and Venus travels through Capricorn (House of Family and Home) until March 6, 2022. Venus retrograde to January 28, 2022 is a pleasant period for home and family and for being together and reuniting with family. A period to create a peaceful and stable atmosphere at home. January 2022 almost feels like a holiday now that you are focused on the warm coziness and safety of your home.
A desire for romance, watching romantic movies together, shopping together, a new makeover for your home or maybe even moving into a new home. This period is also suitable for a party at home.
The Sun conjunct Venus in Capricorn on January 9, 2022 is an auspicious day for an atmospheric makeover of your home, something you’ve been planning to do for a long time.
It’s about feeling safe and comfortable in your own home, but ask for good advice regarding housing! Jupiter in Pisces will soothe all domestic concerns until mid-May 2022, turning your home into a safe and comfortable retreat, especially for home business or work from home.
In February 2022 there will be more peace in the house with a better daily routine.
Valentine’s Day 2022 can be extra surprising with the conjunction Venus conjunction Mars in Capricorn on February 16, 2022!
Mars conjunct Pluto in Capricorn on March 2, 2022 and Venus conjunct Pluto in Capricorn on March 3, 2022 in the House of Family and Home may lead to emotional outbursts and aggressive behavior, challenging each other, control and power issues.
Venus conjunct Mars in Aquarius on March 6, 2022 can improve the atmosphere. A nice transit to buy a house together, get married or take a break together for a romantic holiday.
Mars square Uranus on March 23, 2022 could turn things around, especially if there are problems with children.
Mars conjunct Saturn in Aquarius on April 5, 2022 is an appropriate day to apply for a childcare leadership position.
The summer of 2022 may turn out differently than planned. Libra has to deal with caring for a child or elderly relative or you have to spend more time with children and elderly relatives.
The house also requires attention, such as renovation or purchase or repairs of home appliances, garden or inventory.
In the autumn of 2022, peace will return to the home and the family. A favorable period is coming for Libra even if a relationship can be ended. In the winter of 2022, attempts will be made to salvage a relationship or a reconciliation may take place by the end of 2022.

In terms of health, 2022 looks good for Libra.
With the great Benefactor Jupiter in Pisces (House of Health) there is earlier recovery from illness and you get the right doctors or the right therapy!
Libra will gain a greater interest in alternative medicine in 2022 due to increased intuition. The year 2022 is a healing and spiritual time; not only for yourself, but for your own patients or people you treat from feeling and strength.
In the first months of 2022, Libra has an increased risk of injury, poisoning and burns.
Be especially alert to your diet and daily exercises in the first quarter of 2022.
Stop alcohol and smoking! In case of complaints, go to the doctor immediately.
April 2022 brings a nice transit for Libra! Ruling planet Venus conjuncts Great Benefactor Jupiter in Pisces (House of Work) from April 29 to May 2, 2022
With this beneficial transit in the House of Health you feel better and can bring good news about your health.
Over the course of the Summer of 2022, the care of a sick family member could have a major impact on Libra. Because of this experience, Libra thinks more about their own health and can be the reason to turn things around.
Between September 10 and October 1, 2022, Mercury is retrograde in Libra, descending back to Virgo. For Libras, this is a period of emotional imbalance and denial. To cope with these three weeks of being more sensitive than usual, Libra must try to keep emotions in check.
Try to be at peace with what is and with everything you cannot change. During this retrograde period, Libra can come into contact with the right doctor, therapist or practitioner.
During the fall months of 2022, Libra needs to pay attention to the spine and nose, throat and ear disorders. A favorable period to gradually start a diet, exercise and give up bad habits.
Be especially careful with getting tattoos or permanent make-up. October 2022 is a very beautiful month when the Sun travels together with your ruling planet Venus in Libra. In the second half of October 2022 there is even a beautiful beneficial conjunction between the Sun and Venus and that brings extra vitality and recovery for Libra.
Jupiter retrograde from October 30 to November 22, 2022 in Pisces (House of Health) is supported by the Sun, Mercury and Venus in Scorpio during that period. With this support, Libra can count on spiritual support or the right medical care. Jupiter will remain retrograde in Pisces until November 22, 2022. Jupiter in remains in Pieces until December 21, 2022.
December 2022 is a great month for a retreat, a vacation, wellness, a planned surgery or form of therapy.

The year 2022 is the year of all forms of cooperation and of social and interpersonal relationships for Libra, professional relationships, love relationships, friendships and family relationships.
Don’t be afraid of changes in 2022, show your worth and listen to your own intuition more often.
The great Benefactor Jupiter brings Libra confidence, energy and vitality!
If you don’t stand on the sidelines and go for it, there won’t be that many obstacles in 2022.
To maintain a stable financial position it is important to be frugal in 2022. Learn how to cut costs. Don’t take on debt or loans, and if you must, seek help from family or trusted individuals.
In the spring and summer of 2022, the focus will be on commitments and family relationships and finances.
The autumn months of 2022 are the most favorable for Libra with beautiful developments in love and career.
The end of the year 2022 holds some surprises for Libra!

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