Monday, March 23rd, 2020
Monday, March 23rd, 2020
Today and tomorrow. Mars is at 24º Capricorn exactly conjunct Pluto which is a powerful primordial energy of ambition, strength, passion, drive, organization and motivation, however also of selfishness and ruthlessness. With this energy, we want so badly to prove ourselves and nobody should stand in the way. Pent-up and unconscious anger can explode, so self-control will be quite a challenge. Intentions are deep and profound, so make good use of this special power to do the right thing. Saturn is shifting to Aquarius today. Saturn’s brief visit in Aquarius is connecting you with who you need to be with or reconnecting you with people you may have lost touch with. The Moon in Pisces conjunct Neptune in Pisces and smiles at Venus, Jupiter and Mars in Capricorn. This flowing energy inspires confidence, let yourself be carried with the stream of eyes open to the future. The harmonious connection of Neptune with Venus is unconditional love, a beautiful and searching energy to improve and broaden relationships.